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Reviews for "Average Day"


i mean it was okay i guess not really much sound not the best animation either

Sharkius-Cubed responds:

I did put in BG music.

whoa dude

i wana kick some of those ass holes asses that treated the poor animation guy so badly.

Sharkius-Cubed responds:

Whaoh due-please learn some grammar, cuz I can't understand you. Are you mad at me, for animating it? Or at other reviewers? I don't get it!!!

Ok, positive...I like frame by frame movies.

The negative...the art was horrible. HORRIBLE.
Watching this movie made me feel pathetic and depressed.
I felt like I was watching a bad charlie brown episode.
Charlie Brown makes me feel pathetic and depressed.
Not depressed in an intentional way like, aaaaw look at the poor guy. No, depressed as in, I don't want to be watching this right now.


Sharkius-Cubed responds:

Get on down to the pharmacy, man. You need some help.