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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Heroes in a half-shell.....

I can remember playing just about every one of those video games and only being able to beat like 3/4 of them. lol. I need to find those Zelda games again, they were definetely the best. I thought this was a fine peice of work when it debuted last night, and I instantly knew it was going to be front page material. Good work, there, Scooter.


some were terrible, others were great and madde up for it. All in all it was superb, a lot of work went into it i can see and i'm reeeeeeeally glad there's the scene select ^^



Hell ya! i didnt think anyone even played it anymore!

That was pretty good.

It reminded me of what you'd get if you crossed [adultswim]'s crack induced Robot Chicken with a variety of great NES and SNES games. The result? Utter chaos and awesomeness.

Great job. Hopefully we'll see more flash submissions like this from you in the future.

Great flash movie!

Great flash movie! Short loading, super style... GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!