Really nice
yea really nice movie.
I have a favour to ask though, i cant find donkey kong country rom any where for the snes. If youve got it could you send it me on swish_hazza@hotmail . com. Thanks
Really nice
yea really nice movie.
I have a favour to ask though, i cant find donkey kong country rom any where for the snes. If youve got it could you send it me on swish_hazza@hotmail . com. Thanks
Nice work
The majority of them were cool, but some of them really sucked (no offense), anyway I'll give u a 7.
like the wario ware of sprite flash
and like wario-ware its not all fun..Some of the stuff is hilarious (MK babality/Mario2) but too many skits rely on predictable physical humor. Keep it up though..there is definetly power in numbers.Retaining the ol-skoo BGMs for most games is also a big plus.
Ohh, how I love the randomness!!!
That was pretty funny! I liked your choice of games; brought back a lot of memories. Great job guys, w00t with the 8-bit/16-bit goodness!!!
Made me want to play old games
was pretty fun to watch... i like those... could have left all the crap jokes off tho...