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Reviews for "%"


am i the only one thit notest that the clock was telling your time on your computer the whole time watching this movie!!!

I lolled XD haha.

Truffle, you didn't put as much effort into yours as the others, but listening to a good old PCJ wail was fun fun :D
I laffed at Albino's submission, it was great that you had pcj flying around in the background of the picture, that was just great haha.
Albino - It was a bit weird that you didn't have any sound in yours, but I liked the graphics and the the random violence wasn't bad.
Mildly entertaining :D

I'll review each sub-flash one by one.

MastaBreadfruit -- Despite the brutal randomness of the flash, I found it kinda funny. Could have been better though, had you added sound. The drawings were great and from what little animation was present, you did a good job. One thing I didn't like, however, was the random ending. It just kind of, stopped. There wasn't really any conclusion. 4/10

Albino -- That Clown is very annoying. However, the flash itself wasn't too bad. Again, the randomness was a little strange, but the humour used made up for it. Although teh sound was pretty annoying, at least it was present. As well, your flash also seemed to end abruptly, with no true ending present. 5/10

MastaTruffle -- Not very good, I'm afraid. I wouldn't mind using this to scare the shit out of one of my friends, but as a flash, it doesn't really do much to stand alone. In the future, I would try to add a little more to the flash, instead of just a screaming clown. 2/10

Overall, though its a decent collection, it feels a little limited. Perhaps adding a true conclusion, and relative sound where necessary would help bring out the flash worls better. Good luck in the future!


Well, I started with “Masta Breadfruit” which I found quite comical for some odd reason, but it would have been much better had it had some sound. Then I moved on to albino. Also not bad, but I can’t stand that damn screaming. Which is why I hated the last one which was just…whatever. 2/5

TruffleClock responds:

blah blah kill yourself aight


I <3 Piclownjew rofl