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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

How nice

Often flash like these are made to be stunnin but then the graphics are always low and the storyline is always bad i experience that with the entire ''awesome" collection i think that movies like these are awesome and not some gta4 crap

One word: Impressive

Impressive work. Very reallistic ( the ghost aim system of the turret rulez!!), cool and graphically excellent. You got my 5 / 5

fairly awesome

this was coooooooool nice cgi and good action. i mean that. keep it up, man

Where are you?

All of your flash is great, but do you still make stuff? your last entry was 3 years ago. I just wished you'd make more.


Very good! i like the idea and the animation, but the bit where the guy drives into the cruiser is SO copied from Independence Day