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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Freaking unblievable!

Probly the best flash I've seen, least far as space combat goes. Amazing job!

Bad ass Flash

I expected it to be a game and kept waiting to jump in the action but then i realized it was a movie. Kick ass it was reminescent of good old Wing Commander 2 and that one PC game where you control fleets and wreck shop. Good shit man best animation and design ive seen in forever.


im a big fan of your games and this is relly great
i like the old skool look and the cool graphics
the sound whas relly great

a question what dit you use ms paint for??
and another one will we be seeing more from you this year??


Dude! This really deserves beeing at the frontpage. The graphics in this movie is'nt the best, but that doesn't matter! The excitement you get by watching this movie is immense!
I felt sorry for those poor guys that just flew a suicide mission. And you didn't make the movie in that way that the good guys is superior against the evilness, the constant new weapons they use to protect their base is awesome! This is something I wanna see more of!!


Dude this has to be the best flash i have seen quality wise. the intense fighting has kept me on the edge of my seat, and i would love to see more work come from you.