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Reviews for "There she is!!!"

Really humourous and imaginative!

As a fellow animator I really have respect for this short, it looks like everything was done by hand because it is really smooth, which is something you don't see very often with Flash animations. the song is catchy, it's a got a great universal premise that isn't the typical action/retardo-humor like everything else on this site.

keep it up!

so good

I can't get over the detail in this video. amazing job u deserve recognition for this vid.


This flash movie has the most catch music I have ever encountered. The story to sweet (cute) and has a very good and distinguishable look to it. I loved this so much that I've repeatedly watched it.
I close in saying "HUZAH!"

Still so adorable, the guy learns he will never win x3

I cant stop loled.
Very nice desired 5 Starts