That was brilliant I was most impressed by the music working with the cartoon it was more part of the cartoon not just there to fill a blank. Also the scene changes were awesome.
That was brilliant I was most impressed by the music working with the cartoon it was more part of the cartoon not just there to fill a blank. Also the scene changes were awesome.
it was soooo good i thought it was soo funny make more stuff like this good one
Shows that girls can be pests
Yeah, there weren't much detail on the characters, but a great detail on the background. The sky is what I'm mainly talking about. The music isn't really my type, but it certainly matched with the movie well.
The movie definately reminds me of how much of a pest some girls are or were in the schools I've been in. Mostly when I was in primary school. Hate to be reminded of my bad time there, but you did some good work in this.
I really liked the little movie you made. ^^ It's very cute.
So Cute!!!
Aww... This is one of the most endearing little pieces on the web... ^^