Best. Movie. Evar!
This is so awesome. @_@ You should be knighted.
Best. Movie. Evar!
This is so awesome. @_@ You should be knighted.
I loved it!!!!
I love cute things like this it kinda warms my heart that it doesnt matter if your one race or another you can find love just about anywhere!!
Luv it
I love this flash all of yours are so great the animation goes very fluently and its almost like an actual movie to me cause of how smooth it is I can tell you took a lot of time on this one and I hope to see more from you in the future
<3 Ryoku_Chan
great style
i can't see why everybody like this is so much but you know your style with flash
My Favorite! so help me.
As stated before , my all time fav flash and fav series (?) But what's the song on the flash? what about part 2? and what language is it in?