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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"


i got bored after the gigantor stuff i think it was the graphics they could use some help. mabe then it would be less boring!

cool flash

i thought it was a great idea but i thought the choice of anime shows were kinda shitty. none the less i still liked it. good job.


I enjoyed this flash. It didn't have the sharpest graphics and animation but it showed some talent none the less. I also like the subject matter. If you don't like oldschool anime chances are you may not like this flash, but I recomend you keep an open mind and check it out none the less.

wow thanx

you reminded me how much old school anime sux but non the less goood work


very well done, even if the animation wasn't the best i can still see you put alot of effort into making this tribute. Good job.