you rock amazingly hard at flash. i really admire this, and your other work as well. keep up the great work man! I belive this is awardworthy .. too bad the voters didn't give it a higher score.
you rock amazingly hard at flash. i really admire this, and your other work as well. keep up the great work man! I belive this is awardworthy .. too bad the voters didn't give it a higher score.
but when I think of old school anime, I think of Lupin the 3rd. Why not throw a little Lupin in there?
VERY NICE! (^_^)
Good Job! Very well done, even though some might not think so, this was an exceptional piece, because the characters are done in Flash Style, which is the 1st I have seen.
Omedettou! (congrats)
One of the best Collages ever
Seriously, after viewing this, I had to give it all 10s, because it was that good. It is one of the best tributes to the old school I have ever witnessed, and Astro Boy--the one who started it all (having brought anime to the mainstream after being created by Osamu Tezuka), at the end of it, was a nice touch.
great job
that was awesome especially if you drew all of those yourself. they werent exactly the orgional cartoons' quality artwork, but it was close. you did a great job.