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Reviews for "Fun in the Woods"

GREAT GRAPHICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love your style, but I didn't get the joke...was he saying he was going to f*** the guy? Wait....nevermind. It was funny. Good job.


Not great but not crap either.

a must see

this is the funniest piece ive seen today! it has the ending of a well timed joke. just wish it was longer...

TmsT responds:

It's not the length that counts, it's what you fuck with it.

It was good

I dunno im a Texan and i had a lil trouble hearing what he said some times, somethin about fuckin an american tourist and then a goat and then he lost his ear or something. Subtitles would be cool for us losers who cant understand foreign accents

it was ok

I giggled a bit at the end, whats with the chicken, and the sock, and the flying hand at the end, and your other ceiling one with the "only superhuman" one too?

TmsT responds:

Just a bit of hidden footage. ^_~