This was cool,but I'd really like to know how you did the snow.Is that action script,did you move them around frame by frame,or is it something else?
This was cool,but I'd really like to know how you did the snow.Is that action script,did you move them around frame by frame,or is it something else?
The eyes are almost hipnotic...
Thats a really good serious short. It reminded me of a disney movie when he was in his room and there was the shooting star. Its really magical. I say dont make another because its fine the way it is. Sequels often ruin good movies.
so sad (a drop of blood falls from eye) until demonic spirit sucked it back in.-_- so sad.
It was aight. I didnt really get the whole thing with them just standing there but oh well. Also when the movie replays the snow never goes away just so u kno.
the music went perfect its very touching music but i noticed it was from FinalFantasy7 great make another episode about it but with more hard work and better graphics almost made me cry