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Reviews for "Kung Fu Fighting!!"

That was okay...

The music was repeatidly interrupted with slowmo scenes... It was weird and short. But I did like the song :P.


awesome movie,but i got 1 question...is that your only music video that doesnt have mario and them in it?well ill soon find out wont i?good job.~_~

was good

was good but 2 short ^_^ everbody likes kung fu fight ha u got extra timing ha ^_^

pretty good, but ......

first of all, it was way too short, also i didn't like how you kept stopping the music during some of the attacks, it would have been better if you had the whole song cause that is an awesome song, EVERYBODY loves that song!!!! Anyway, the animation was cool, you have a very unique style. Overall it was pretty good. You should make another.

(P.S. i love your music videos, exllent song choices and great sprite animation!!)

Good song but crappy animation

It was an ok but you could do better