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Reviews for "num1000 512kb cache mix"


Im scared....


this video makes me want to eat some rice, nice job wang tang

That was cool

That was sweet make more. make a series u got talent


MY GOD MAN! THIS IS THE NUTS!!!! THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A MOVIE U MADE! i am soooooo glad now that u have now got the credit for this immense peice of work. i was woundering what kind of movie this would be. I heard the start of the music and it was very catchy ^_^. Then when the beat kicked in and all the animation picked up in speed it made me feel really hyperactive. O.o i dunno y but it rocks so i like it ^_^. the animation jus stunned me. I was really REALLY impressed!!! i'd love to know what kinda things u used to create this movie. if ANYONE, and i mean anyone disses this fantastic movie i will come round personally and kick ur arse! anyway this is gonna b on my favs list and its getting a 5. nice work man.

nice work

excellent movie great animation