Nice one, especially for that retarded Nana thing. MAKE MORE OF THESE! It's good to see a Jeopardy game go bad.
Nice one, especially for that retarded Nana thing. MAKE MORE OF THESE! It's good to see a Jeopardy game go bad.
great movie...but i dont really understand what the g-ma is doing when you let her live
That was freaking awesome! You sure don't see much high-brow humor here on Newgrounds, so this was definitely a breath of fresh air. Hilarious!
"You have no chance to survive make your time"
all your base are belong to us! LMAO! omfg this flash was the best! it's going in my favorites list. woot!
Dude unbelievebly funny
Dude unbelievebly funny and ignore alice the dog they r a retard 4 not realising there IS a button that takes u killing or saving her anyways u rock dude that was fukin funny