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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


I loved the Dune refferance. Keep up the great work.

Nothing like a Good Laugh

I Found this little Movie too be funny,Not the type of Humor that Im use too,cause I usually laugh harder at mass casualties,but none the less this Film did manage too put a smile on my face. Well done Mr.Yungbluth I hope you make some more hilarities in your life time... And Siemsen,I find that your lack of a sence of humor is shameful and that you are a waste of breath,that shouldnt even have a opinion. I suggest you either stop taking life so seriously and have a laugh or two...OR!!! you can put a gun in your mouth and plaster the wall with your blood and tiny bits of your brain...if there is one in that thick head of yours.
Thank you for reading!!

stick with the theme!

you didnt stick with your theme and that got me mad, steven hawkins should have of won becuase he didnt get one wrong. so im not given you a nine or ten becuase you didnt stick with the theme of the gameshow!

insanely funny

that was rediculously funny.
good job!
maybe some more choices..that would have been nice.
i'm gonna go check out the comic book website thingy.
keep em comin!

Not very good

That was not funny..and hardly the least bit entertaining. The Supremor and the smartest man on Earth were not even the least bit fun to watch. The nana had no point, and the host was just annoying. I'm sorry to say it, but that movie was just plain awful.

-Peter Himself