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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


it was very very funny. i laughed my ass off until you wanted to kill nana. :-( i was very sad, but it was still funny.

Now THAT'S comedy!

Hey Yo!
Cool movie.
I like how you got the voice of CATS for Stephen Hawking.
And that floating ball I believe was off a horror movie of some sort.
Though I didn't understand what Nana said she was after deflecting the ball in the "Save Nana" ending.
But funny movie nonetheless.
Especially when the host hissed after the ball exploded.


i give so many things a 10

its quite good

not to bad could of put more choices for nana to die from though
try harder but i liked it some funny shit man

Good Movie

I'm sure there was violence but I couldn't bring myself to killing granny it just seemed so wrong.