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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

It was OK...

This movie was good, but it was a bit dragged on. I felt that I didn't want to watch the WHOLE thing again to see the alternate ending. This was a good effort, and you can definately see that in the graphic quality and sound, which was great. Overall, it was good, but not what I would call front page material.

'Please don't kill Nana...'

Fucking AWSOME! I loved it, and it was just a fun game, and with the two different choices you are forced to watch most of it again anyway. Make a seque, or another contestant game, A SERIES! xD! That'd be cool as hell, keep it up.

Hahahaha! well done.

that was funny, great graphics n crap, well done.

Good Stuff I really enjoyed it.

Loved the Dune reference too.

Just gotta say

ouch :P

Lol poor Mr Hawking.