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DwarfinatorClock's quest

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My last clockday movie was in 2003, but now I've made one again.

Happy fun times.

Special thanks to Blackmagic for voice acting.

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Epic Quest

-Seeing as this is one of your older movies it's not the best of quality. The drawing has some issues and quite honestly I thought it was pretty funny the way it looked all thrown together like you did the coloring in five minutes. The quality can be allowed to lapse a bit if other parts make up for it.

-The actual story for instance. I was really impressed at the length of the quest and how dedicated Dwarfinator Clock was to finding the X. The narrator did kind of push him in the right direction at the beginning and he played a major role in making me laugh as he threw several curveballs and just added to the insane randomness of the story. Overall I think you did a great job putting something together for Clock Day way back when.

-Review Request Club

Confusing... but funny!

Epic story is epic. Well, maybe it's not really epic, but it is a lot more than I expected from a clock day submission.

The story is a bit hard to follow at times because of all the random events but exactly those random events are making the flash so funny.

I like it how even the narrator doesn't exactly knows whats going on and is as confused as the viewer. What is it that lives there on the island? Horses? Robots? Horbots? No, Robots with little black guys inside. Very nice.

Well, the graphics are very sloppy throughout the flash, but well, it's a submission for clock day, so I think the graphcis are okay the way they are now.

{ Review Request Club }

Surreal ramble

Well, what can I say here - this is the most surreal story time that I've ever experienced. The drawing style even made up for the lapses in plot and the way that the story teller doesn't entirely know what's going on. Particularly the par with the pirates and the fact that the narrator actually makes a cameo there. Such things led to me laughing along in a bemused sort of way.

Have you considered just doing vocal work? Some people could really use your range of voices in their flash works. I know that you used Speakonia for the clock voices, but the narrator was another good voice that you've shown us.

In spite of the drawing style of this, you've made a pretty damned good piece here that is certainly worthy of mention on any day other than Clock Day, so why not submit something outside of the day itself?

[Review Request Club]

DWARFINATORclock responds:

The narrator in this movie was actually voicedby my buddy Blackmagic. I used to submit movies outside of Clock Day but in the last few years I have generally been too busy to make flash movies on days outside special occasions, that's why I have been submitting less flashes.

Thank you for taking the time to review my movie.

lol wut?

Yeah one of those haha this was true greatness minus the bad animation,the story was up there on cloud 9 and the voice acting was good but the dialogue was just hilarous along with the crazy antics,great stuff Dwarf. ^_^


"the boat has a knife but no arms so the knife fell into the water" origional and funny xD SCORE 10 FOR U!

Credits & Info

4.42 / 5.00

Aug 15, 2006
9:05 AM EDT