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die fly

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billy and death are best friends. we can be best friends too. =D

UPDATE: sorry, but iactually didn't mean to submiy this fil. ill just submit the real one now. then ill cry.

the real one is here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=138714

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wtf? ok hold up what's with the punk dude screaming? and then your cutting 2 this old guy then it's the end done finished i don't get it! maybe the flash didn't quite work for half of it so your lucky i'm giving u this somewhat "good" score for what a peice of crap that was!


This is kinda weird, started out pretty good, It had some good graphics, the guys head screaming was too unscary/predictable. Looks unfinished.

If you were to get a dog, you'd probably name him "Captain No-Creativity". heh, kidding.

((( OK )))

Seems to need more work, i like the face and the tongue, also could use more sounds, its a good start at somthing, but just needs more...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Interesting style...



Weird. Started out good, with good graphics of a guy who steps up to a podium possibly to make a speech, and then you see a small head screaming, then it ends. Looks very unfinished. Too bad you had to send it in by mistake.

It looked good

Until nothing really happened.

Credits & Info

2.80 / 5.00

Dec 5, 2003
3:28 PM EST