At 4/24/07 05:15 PM, fuzz wrote:
some concept, im going to improve it + i have already sketched out whats going to be in the "scene"
yes the colours suck
Looks very nice and clean. I think you should drop the stripes look though, it looks alright and is quite a nifty little style, but having it to much it wears thin. I quite like how you have it there to show the shading, but it's not gunna work with animation or movement. Would look fuzzy wouldn't it. (No pun intended).
I was just about to bump this thread btw, so fanku for finding it first :D
And while thinking about this thread - it's pretty cool how slow it goes now I think. It drifts about for days at the bottom, then someone with something important to say will bump it and we will all revel in it until there is no more to be said, and it sinks down again, waiting for someone with something else important to say.