At 4/3/07 11:20 PM, rockymike wrote:At 3/31/07 06:39 PM, kidray76 wrote:If a video actually is stolen but it is out of judgement, there is nothing you can do to report it stolen?At 3/31/07 04:39 PM, Noodleboy111 wrote:At 3/31/07 02:48 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:At 3/31/07 11:53 AM, TheRadicalOne wrote:
Yes, there is something you can do. If you have proof of it being stolen, pm Wade with the details and have a proper title in the pm.
I'm a regular in this topic and, like an idiot, I wrote a review saying it was stolen (and posted the address to the flash it was stolen from). As we all know, it was deleted (btw, Kidray, thanks for not banning us...that would have killed me) I'll never make the mistake again, but is there nothing you can do to report it stolen once it's out of judgement?
LOL. No problem, if user(s) hearts in the right place. I'll just delete review(s), and if someone left links of proof in the reviews, I'll do my own investigation if it warrants it. I'll only issue a ban under that case if they say something deragotory or insult the author.
btw, a review isn't the end of the world. hp3?pagea=15&pageb=-1&sort=rating&user_id=101 5780
Here's a user for everyone to have fun with.