I honestly think this is pointless now, due to M-Bot screwing us all over in one way or another.
I honestly think this is pointless now, due to M-Bot screwing us all over in one way or another.
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
Sorry for double posting but I have found the greatest ammount of abuse in a long time.
Here you go.
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp3?user_id=1477659&page=2&sort=rating
A small number of abusive reviews in ever so majestic all caps.
At 2/18/07 05:26 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Sorry for double posting but I have found the greatest ammount of abuse in a long time.
Here you go.
Isn't that, errr, kind of obvious?
new abusive reviews in there every day :()
At 2/18/07 02:22 AM, phantomhax0r wrote: I honestly think this is pointless now, due to M-Bot screwing us all over in one way or another.
The m-bot is not a real person, it's just a program to notify the users of a deleted review. MODS are the ones who delete the reviews if they are abusive and/or breaks the rules.
At 2/18/07 11:35 AM, Zen-Zinxe wrote: Anyway I have a question, is it possible (if you wanted to) to erase your own reviews?
No, it isn't. If they're abusive or something you could get users to flag them.
At 2/18/07 11:35 AM, Zen-Zinxe wrote: LOL I must remember not to post under that guy again.
Anyway I have a question, is it possible (if you wanted to) to erase your own reviews? Because I probably have a few I would like to get rid of.
Answer to that is no. Can't delete your own reviews. Though, if the reviews are abusive, you can post a link to your reviews and we can flag them, or you can pm a review mod such as zendra. Though honestly, just leave link and we'll get rid of the bad ones and just ignore all the rest of them.
At 2/18/07 11:39 AM, Tek-Heart wrote: I think it's about time someone looked into this guy's reviews.
Your right, I think I flagged all of his.
At 2/18/07 05:51 AM, Metrackle wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp3?user_id=1477659&page=2&sort=rating
A small number of abusive reviews in ever so majestic all caps.
It doesn't matter if it's a positive review in all caps, it might be unhelpful but it won't be deleted for being abusive as they aren't against the review guidlines, flagging these will just lose you whistle points unless the review is actually abusive.
Spam flash do get some abusive reviews.
Chainletter reviews found...
Pages 1-4 have the chainletter reviews...
Why do people do that?
Oh god...I love this wireless connection...
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=63489&page=2
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=11742
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=214396&page=4
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=329530
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=date_mr&id=204304&page=2
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=5543
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?sort=rating&id=38732&page=4
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=177009
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=38663
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=250485
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=307540&page=2&sort=date_mr
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=364777&page=1
quite a few here.
At 2/18/07 05:26 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Sorry for double posting but I have found the greatest ammount of abuse in a long time.
Here you go.
Blank post.
At 2/18/07 02:22 AM, phantomhax0r wrote: I honestly think this is pointless now, due to M-Bot screwing us all over in one way or another.
M-bot is only the messager. It is the Review mods who delete the reviews and they way they get to delete them is by the users who flag the reviews. Everyone blame M-Bot since it gives the PM of your reviews getting deleted when in reality people just don't want to know when they lose reviews.
At 2/19/07 01:48 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 2/18/07 02:22 AM, phantomhax0r wrote:
M-bot is only the messager. It is the Review mods who delete the reviews and they way they get to delete them is by the users who flag the reviews. Everyone blame M-Bot since it gives the PM of your reviews getting deleted when in reality people just don't want to know when they lose reviews.
Already answered that, but thx for the input nontheless.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?pagea=7&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=142569 <---- Jacko always gets abusive reviews
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=364853&page=1&sort=rating
The long review at the bottom of this flash is abusive, just being flagged yes to keep it.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=364787&page=3&sort=rating
Newest flash, bad reviews. Such as, " thats the gayest shit i´ve ever played"
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777
http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp3?user_id=1091788&page=1&sort=date_mr
"3 words you are retarded"
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp3?id=277842&page=1&sort=date_mr - 2 abusive ones
Also, the gayest showdown has a few of them.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=289517
That's it from me.
At 2/19/07 04:50 PM, ObsessedOne wrote: wierd
this could be the wierdest flash ever and when things are wierd abuse is afoot.
There was like one review that commented on why it was on the front page (now deleted) and that was it.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.p hp?id=364958
A few abusive reviews doing nothing but insulting the author with no constructive criticism.