At 2/13/07 10:35 AM, kidray76 wrote:
LOL. Yeah, your a few dozen short of your usual package.
Lol, actually there are about 89 more than my previous personal best. 200 is probably the most I will be able to conjure up so take a good look at this page. Its probably not going to even happen again, by me or anyone! Hopefully, I would like to keep the record lol!
At 2/13/07 11:43 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
are you kidding that is plenty of links man. I doubt everyone will go through them all though.
Yeah I know. It was meant as a joke but I dont think many people got it. I also doubt everyone will go through them all. Its mainly for looks. I am so glad I made a big 200 link one. It sort of ensures nobody makes a bigger post than me anytime soon. Although I am up for some competition I would like to hold a record of some kind.
Also, I was planning to add some text underneath my post but it contained too many lines, and I couldnt post again because I had used up my post limit for the hour.
Here are a few links I couldnt fit into my innitial post. hp?sort=rating&id=210440&page=49 hp?sort=rating&id=141067&page=37 hp?sort=rating&id=12334&page=83
They dont contain HEAPS of abuse but Meh!
I couldnt say this before so here it is now, Enjoy!