sorry they dont work how do you put some reviewa into notepad thanks hp3?sort=date_mr&user_id=484382&page=2
(linked to page 2 because that's where the real abuse begins)
I do this because I actually find it fun to make sentence links like this heck it may even catch on (but I hope it doesn't)
Well you will definately get remembered for them so do them all you want.
I wish people remembered me :-(
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Unbelievable amount of abusive reviews on the last few pages. hp?pagea=353&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=209643 promoting guitar hero world tour, save up to 20% when you pre-order here
Submit these and all other like them as stolen. They are all the same. hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1282292&page=2
Just a couple here, but they are pretty abusive. Flag away! :D
At 12/8/06 05:18 PM, David wrote:
Submit these and all other like them as stolen. They are all the same.
This thread was made to post abuse reviews not abusive flash otherwise the thread would say "Rage's gift tp you Abusive flash and reviews" instead of just abuse reviews.
At 12/8/06 05:40 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 12/8/06 05:18 PM, David wrote: thread was made to post abuse reviews not abusive flash otherwise the thread would say "Rage's gift tp you Abusive flash and reviews" instead of just abuse reviews.
Submit these and all other like them as stolen. They are all the same.
I am quite aware of that but there are not any abusive flash topics, and one cannot be started. Therefore, this is the only logical place to put it.
At 12/8/06 05:59 PM, David wrote: I am quite aware of that but there are not any abusive flash topics, and one cannot be started. Therefore, this is the only logical place to put it.
They post links to stolen Flashes in the
Blam Club, you could post them there.
Pokemon can get whistle points too.
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 12/8/06 07:52 PM, Sterockicy wrote: If This Doesnt Get You A Shinier Whistle Then You Arnt Trying Hard Enough. So Please Keep Clicking These Abusive Links Until You Do. Got It?
you spelled aren't wrong. you forgot the "e" and the ' when you were making the links. good try though. and thanks for the points
Please slow down big sis I will... Do it if the worst happens I will have your child!
Smooches ^_^
I love his page. I'm definitely gonna get Deity after i'm through with everything.
Please slow down big sis I will... Do it if the worst happens I will have your child!
Why did you have to out do me like that. Man you could have waited at least a day before posting that big one. It would have made me look better. Next time I post Im gonna make sure its bigger than yours!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 12/8/06 09:55 PM, Sterockicy wrote:Please slow down big sis I will... Do it if the worst happens I will have your child!Why did you have to out do me like that. Man you could have waited at least a day before posting that big one. It would have made me look better. Next time I post Im gonna make sure its bigger than yours!
I wasn't trying to out do you. Normally I would post mine in the morning but I had something to do so i went to sleep early so I couldn't. as for out doing me good luck with both out doing me with links as well as flags since I go through all my links before I post them (>^_^<)
thank you all so much her i have finaly got my gold whistle.
much sooner than i would have thought.
thank you all so much her i have finaly got my gold whistle.
much sooner than i would have thought.
Congratulations man! I hope my links helped you somewhat!
Go for Diety!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 12/9/06 06:14 AM, Sterockicy wrote:thank you all so much her i have finaly got my gold whistle.Congratulations man! I hope my links helped you somewhat!
much sooner than i would have thought.
Go for Diety!
thanks i appreciate it im not really sure whos links i used but i did drop in a bit but not as often as before.
ive mostly be randomly checking out people who post abusively on the bbs and checked there reviews and lo and behold i got some points.
At 12/8/06 07:52 PM, Sterockicy wrote: If This Doesnt Get You A Shinier Whistle Then You Arnt Trying Hard Enough. So Please Keep Clicking These Abusive Links Until You Do. Got It?
thank you sir for i have just got my silver whistle becuse of u god blese you