All the dating sims have the same damn review with the link - by the same user. These idiots should be banned as soon as possible.
All the dating sims have the same damn review with the link - by the same user. These idiots should be banned as soon as possible.
At 7/13/04 05:32 PM, BonusStageCompleted wrote: ha every last one of there reviews are now gone XD ROFLOL
Well with the new systems, all reviews by banned users disappear to the public. So you will have to be extra quick to flag reviews as abusive now, espically since we just added new review mods.
At 7/13/04 05:32 PM, BonusStageCompleted wrote: ha every last one of there reviews are now gone XD ROFLOL
Yeah, but you can still mark the 'display all reviews by this user' thing. I think the mark is still valid then....Not sure though.
Damn Wade and his review-removing shennanigans.
At 7/14/04 01:23 AM, Captain_Bob wrote: Well with the new systems, all reviews by banned users disappear to the public. So you will have to be extra quick to flag reviews as abusive now, espically since we just added new review mods.
Oh great. As if Gold wasn't hard enough to achieve.
By the way, who are the new review mods?
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 7/14/04 04:53 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
By the way, who are the new review mods?
Why hello there...
At 7/14/04 05:00 PM, jonthomson wrote: Why hello there...
Bah! What is it, now every BBS Mod is a Review Mod? Lousy users and the connections.
What does it take to be a review mod anyway? Aside from, most likely, the "Never Ask" rule.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 7/14/04 05:00 PM, jonthomson wrote:
Why hello there...
Jon tell me WayneColt got the job as one of the Review mods....That guy deserved it more than anyone else on NG.
At 7/14/04 05:04 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: What does it take to be a review mod anyway? Aside from, most likely, the "Never Ask" rule.
You probably have to have the same qualities as a forum moderator, except change 'posts' and 'poster' to 'reviews' and 'reviewer'.
1. Be a model poster.
1. Be a model reviewer.
Or something like that.
By the way, being a review mod seems like a lot of work....what with the thousands of movies on NG with each having over 20 reviews at the very least. Oh well, that's why the 'abusive' link is there, innit?
ok, a quick 5-6 abusive reviews:
Also check out the adam fulton tributes, plenty of abuse there :)
Almost every page is pure abuse: 20 pages
At 7/14/04 04:49 PM, -Mazza- wrote:At 7/13/04 05:32 PM, BonusStageCompleted wrote: ha every last one of there reviews are now gone XD ROFLOLYeah, but you can still mark the 'display all reviews by this user' thing. I think the mark is still valid then....Not sure though.
No, I just checked that using my alt. Doesn't display a thing. Shame, as there's this one reviewer with 20 link spam reviews that you're not going to get whistle points for. You'll just have to be quick :-)
At 7/18/04 06:56 PM, jonthomson wrote: No, I just checked that using my alt. Doesn't display a thing. Shame, as there's this one reviewer with 20 link spam reviews that you're not going to get whistle points for. You'll just have to be quick :-)
Weird how I could see it back then....Maybe a problem with my cache or something.
Anyways, after a long absense:
By the way, reviews that just say 'omg this is cool' and nothing else, they're abusive, right?
At 7/19/04 04:52 AM, cuber3 wrote: Weird how I could see it back then....Maybe a problem with my cache or something.
Anyways, after a long absense:
By the way, reviews that just say 'omg this is cool' and nothing else, they're abusive, right?
Whoops, sorry, this was my friends account. There's something wrong with his PC so I have to deposit for him.
Sorry for another one, but here's another one, his review on a new UJ submission is as abusive as you'll get.....shame we can't mark those.
At 7/19/04 02:02 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Sorry for another one, but here's another one, his review on a new UJ submission is as abusive as you'll get.....shame we can't mark those.
Don't be sorry. Trust me, i'm glad your back to finding them all. You are good at what you do.
Oh, how I wish we could mark UJ movies. Fun times shall be had.
P.S. Since I know you're a whistle guy, did you see my petition in my sig? Just thought i'd check. :)
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 7/20/04 12:11 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Don't be sorry. Trust me, i'm glad your back to finding them all. You are good at what you do.
I meant 'sorry for double posting', typo :P
Oh, how I wish we could mark UJ movies. Fun times shall be had.
Oh yes. Lots of reviews like 'OMG THIS SUCKS FREE BLAM POINT LOLOL' etc.
P.S. Since I know you're a whistle guy, did you see my petition in my sig? Just thought i'd check. :)
Yeah, I know. I'm number twelve for signing that. I replied to your topic too, I think.
At 7/20/04 03:23 AM, -Mazza- wrote: I meant 'sorry for double posting', typo :P
lol Close enough. :)
Oh yes. Lots of reviews like 'OMG THIS SUCKS FREE BLAM POINT LOLOL' etc.
Maybe I should make "Whistlable UJ Reviews" petition too? lol
Yeah, I know. I'm number twelve for signing that. I replied to your topic too, I think.
Bad memory. Plus there are about 121 signs, so I couldn't remember.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 7/13/04 05:32 PM, BonusStageCompleted wrote:At 7/12/04 03:03 PM, kristof88 wrote: every last one of there reviews are now gone XD ROFLOL
That's because I banned two of 'em (774080 and 840049) later that day (the 12th) along with 16 other idiots. probably 15 link spammers that day and 3 abusive reviewers.
It's always nice to come into this thread and see already-visited coloured links (which means I've either banned those people or I've been to their reviews and marked them abusive already... yay whistle points!).
At 7/14/04 06:01 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Jon tell me WayneColt got the job as one of the Review mods....That guy deserved it more than anyone else on NG.
He didn't. Wade asked in the BBS mod forum if anyone could help out, and several of the new (from May) BBS mods said sure, we'll be review mods... and boom, there ya go.
Wade doesn't seem to be asking any further non-BBS-mods (like ramagi and Stormwarden and MacBeth (now exreviewmod)) to be review mods. But I and others have recommended Xwayne for the job if he ever decides to.
He doesn't really "deserve it more than anyone else on NG," though. Writing reviews is just writing reviews. You and I and others just think he might be a good review mod based on how many reviews he's made and thus how much time he's spent in the review area of NG, and that he might thus notice lots of abusive reviewers and be able to mod quite nicely. But I do tons of review modding when I haven't reviewed a movie in almost a month, so trust me... the two things aren't always linked.
Also, he's done like 20 reviews in the past few months, so he's not exactly steaming along like he used to be. I don't think he's on NG very much anymore (mostly on Retrogade). Still, I think he should be a review mod as well. Doesn't mean Wade agrees, though. Possibly he just hasn't noticed all the recommendations from other review mods, but... eh. who knows.
At 7/19/04 02:02 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Sorry for another one, but here's another one, his review on a new UJ submission is as abusive as you'll get.....shame we can't mark those.
Can't mark UJ submission reviews? Sure you can.
If you vote on a UJ movie for a blam or save point.. and you see an abusive review on the thanks for voting screen... you can open that person's profile (if they have one)... go to their reviews... and bam, there's the review they just made. Mark it abusive if it is and you get this:
"Thanks for attempting to read this review / writing your own review, but the submission these reviews belong to is still "Under Judgement", which means that you will have to wait until it's passed judgement before you're able to access them. "
Despite that message, you did indeed just mark it abusive. It's just that the page it was trying to go to (the listing of that movie's reviews, NOT that user's reviews... which you were just looking at after all, so just right click and go "back") isn't accessible until the movie is protected. And won't ever be if it's blammed or whistled. And in those cases it won't matter that you marked it abusive, anyway. But eh.... just correcting your "too bad you can't do it" remark, as it was incorrect.
Now, the thing about being a review mod is that you don't ONLY have the potential of marking ONE guy's rewiew abusive if you see it on the thanks for voting page. we can go see all the recent reviews made, whether on UJ stuff or not, and thus mark ALL abusive reviews for something that's UJ (or whistled) abusive. But still, there is at least ONE review everyone who votes on a UJ flash will see, and as long as that person has a profile, you can indeed get to his review and mark it helpful, not helpful, OR abusive, despite the UJness.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Well then, gfox, thanks for clearing that up. That's sort of a glitch or something, is it?
Anyway, exactly who are the review mods? Is it like every BBS mod, except for two users?
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 7/20/04 03:47 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Well then, gfox, thanks for clearing that up. That's sort of a glitch or something, is it?
What's a glitch... being able to mark UJ reviews abusive?
I don't see how it is. They made it hard to do it, but they didn't make it impossible. If the admins wanted to make sure no one marked reviews of flashes that are under judgement abusive (though why they would want to I have no idea)... then they easily could. Just make those reviews invisible to all but review mods. Just like how reviews of banned people are now.
Anyway, exactly who are the review mods? Is it like every BBS mod, except for two users?
Pretty much. But you don't instantly get review modded when you're BBS modded. You have to ask Wade (I didn't get around to asking until about a month after I'd been BBS modded). So.. that said, there are probably still a few BBS mods who haven't bothered to ask to be review mods yet. And there may be others besides ramagi and Stormwarden and macbeth who are/were review mods without being BBS mods... but I can only go based on who's posted in the review mod lounge. There's no "modlist" or anything that we can see.
While I'm answering your questions, I just noticed this one from page 29 that Joe never saw you ask:
At 7/8/04 04:45 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:At 7/8/04 11:49 AM, TheJoe324 wrote: Only Wade (And tom/liljim but I don't believe they do it.) has the ability to delete reviews. So we don't really go through them to delete them (which distributes the points.) The most we can do is ban users which technically DOES speed it up to get some reviews deleted since Wade will look at banned reviewers first.Oh ok. Well, whatever. I wasn't quite sure.
So, does that mean that the whistle points only get passed out when Wade deletes the reviews? Or is it when the user gets banned like I always thought?
A user getting banned means they can't review anymore. Now it also means that their reviews are hidden from normal users.
That's all it means. No one gets any whistle credit for marking their reviews abusive (either before they were banned... or after they were banned back when you could still mark banned people's reviews).
ALL whistle credit comes from a review being deleted by Wade. It's all up to Wade, therefore, to decide which reviews die and thus give people their credit. Mods have nothing to do with it.
This may change in the future if and when mods get the ability to delete reviews, as has been talked about.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Alright then. Thanks gfox! I now know so much! :D *Looks for more abusive reviews*
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
Thanks for clearing that all up, gfox, though I've got one more question....
Does Wade still delete reviews? Because reviews of people that get banned are hidden now, so Wade doesn't get anything for deleting them, except maybe a couple kilobytes more server space, with is nothing, really, since NG has tons of server space.
Another small batch of reviews....
At 7/21/04 06:23 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Another small batch of reviews....
Thanks alot Mazza, your a truely good man. As DHT said its quit difficult to find small batches like these lying around now.
This guy's reviews are awful...
At 7/21/04 12:30 PM, delteated wrote:
This guy's reviews are awful...
Thanks! How did you find him?
I noticed that he was posting reviews on every new submission, so I looked him up...
go to lock_of_fates profile and look at his reviews, I marked 80 percent of them abusive
U can use one of his post to see his profile, one of his posts is here
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 7/21/04 01:11 PM, picopyro1 wrote: go to lock_of_fates profile and look at his reviews, I marked 80 percent of them abusive
U can use one of his post to see his profile, one of his posts is here
Yeh thats the guy I just flagged a few posts ago
At 7/21/04 01:11 PM, picopyro1 wrote: go to lock_of_fates profile and look at his reviews, I marked 80 percent of them abusive
U can use one of his post to see his profile, one of his posts is here
Sorry, Delteated beat you to it. =P
Lock_of_fate is an asshole, though. I see no useful information in copying what score you gave a submission.
He does that to make his reviews look large, I think.