The first review fo Nice Hair bud. views/flash
The first review fo Nice Hair bud. views/flash
At 1/23/09 04:51 PM, aninjaman wrote: The first review fo Nice Hair bud. views/flash
Not abusive, just useless.
TheGuppy lash
Cat Swing
$00pah NiN10Doh!
Cpt.Falcon Hyes
The greatest disposition?
PotatoScrub s/flash
Fun Personality Quiz Keyword: Blam
Mad Virus Keyword: Stolen iews/flash/2
The review for "The Treeva Experience" has a link to some website at the bottom and says "Visit this site."
Implies this should have been blammed or removed from the site.
Flag as Malicious
It says you need to get flash player 10 but the download link to it is e6484992ec e207937dbdbabe7
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.
Formerly known as Headshot777
The Newgrounds BBS is like a woman. All the teenagers who get into it make a terrible mess within two minutes. -Jercurpac
At 1/23/09 08:20 PM, Headshot777 wrote: "Doesn't deserve front page at all"
I agree with you that it is abusive, but a lot of those "Why is this on the front page" reviews haven't gotten deleted, so be careful with those.
That being said:
reviews/flash (Butt Fight: Raw) sh (Butt Fight: Raw) ash (Butt Fight: Raw)
If these aren't deleted I'm not flagging any "Why is this on the front page" reviews ever again. Maybe the reviews have to say "This doesn't deserve the front page".....
Can anyone clear this up?
Unpublished Submission
Lots of reviews saying "how did this pass judgment?" "how wasn't this blammed?" "doesn't deserve to be a flash movie" and so on. : A Woman's Deceit : links to site abusive or not?
flash few here /476864/2 Dinotom200 flooding /472163 Raistlyn, AzwraithPL ews/flash super mario ng gallery, Mario: Suicide Plumberman 6332 oboyoboy, woolten ews/flash newgrounds rumble 2 h few here ws/flash Zelda (ZLSGV) Scene Creat s/flash/1 Res. Evil: Jill's Break, awesome grounds sh honey i shunk cyberen
flash SAS: Zombie Assault review
Unpublished Submission
Original: re/NewMarioFlashHardLevel.htm
At 1/23/09 09:08 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: a lot of links to (potentially) abusive reviews
Wow. Thanks for the heads up. Some I may or may not mark, as I tend to be conservative with the "abuse" flag, but big props for all the time and effort!
At 1/23/09 11:57 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Stolen
Damn, I was just about to say that. :P
Looks like he used the version off the guy's site but stolen nonetheless.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 1/24/09 12:54 AM, FurryFox wrote: butt fight.
Don't know what the fuck happened there but here's the real one. iews/
Most probably stolen from, the submitter doesn't seem to have any connection to that site, plus it's an old game.
At 1/24/09 04:22 AM, vdviking wrote: Kim Possible Hentai
Most probably stolen from, the submitter doesn't seem to have any connection to that site, plus it's an old game.
He's submitted another one. The original site is at the opening.
At 1/24/09 04:47 AM, FurryFox wrote: He's submitted another one. The original site is at the opening.
Unfortunately, the site it lists in the flash doesn't exist anymore. It's might of been stolen from the original site and place on another and the "author" stole it from there.
I really don't like whistling stuff without 100% evidence that I can provide for Wade.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 1/24/09 04:47 AM, FurryFox wrote: He's submitted another one. The original site is at the opening.
Doesn't his profile pic break Code of Conduct as well? I mean...come on!
Bob the blobs life story
Resubmitted with only a preloader added. I haven't seen specific rules on resubmits but I'm assuming that you can edit the original flash to add a preloader. Am I correct?
Muikat's review. 211 this is a test. Pick the one in this submission that is abusive.
NiN10Doh 64 "go cut yourself you faggot"
Blockhead: Episode 12 "you btch as discrase to the whole world you dik suking cat blow jobing as whole go suck a dik"
I have the impression that this is stolen. The original site should be this one: 21cn. The problem is: it's in Chinese/Japanese/Korean/whatever.
Why: play the game until the end. You'll see an e-mail from that site. Plus, he has another game that was posted here before, but didn't get flagged.
What are your thoughts?
At 1/24/09 02:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
What are your thoughts?
The user has been around for a decent amount of time and no major flagging issues have appeared in the past so I would not flag it.