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Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 20:47:12

At 1/21/09 08:35 PM, Ironosaur wrote: http://metalzmcgee.newgrounds.com/review s/flash oh hey nic hair bud!!!!!! "this is blam material"

Sorry for double post, found some more:

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /441855 Cirina "you're surely gay"
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /441855/3 niun "go die." "u must be severly gay to do something like this."
http://darkjackel.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash He addresses other people in his reviews
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /441855/8 nemesis646 "This doesn't even deserve turd of the week, only blamming."
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /441855/10 KingAdamTheGreat "How it ever passed judgement i will never know"

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 20:55:09

At 1/21/09 08:46 PM, DumbassDude wrote: Blow the Whistle on this...
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/47 9728
Read his description, not believable at the slightest.

Here is the original
http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/Adrenali ne-Challenge.html

Just found that. Beat me to posting it.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 20:56:37

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:00:59

First one, he posts a link

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:08:03

Formerly known as Headshot777

The Newgrounds BBS is like a woman. All the teenagers who get into it make a terrible mess within two minutes. -Jercurpac

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:23:20

At 1/21/09 09:08 PM, Headshot777 wrote: Three here.

Those aren't abusive, thats spam, totally different.

Keep that in mind or Wade is gonna start threatening this thread a little more :(

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:29:47

At 1/21/09 09:23 PM, DumbassDude wrote:
At 1/21/09 09:08 PM, Headshot777 wrote: Three here.
Those aren't abusive, thats spam, totally different.

Keep that in mind or Wade is gonna start threatening this thread a little more :(

Yeah, I agree. It's stuff like this that got me that this garbage whistle in the first place. I should have been a lot more careful.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:32:38

At 1/21/09 09:29 PM, se7enty wrote:
At 1/21/09 09:23 PM, DumbassDude wrote:
At 1/21/09 09:08 PM, Headshot777 wrote: Three here.
Those aren't abusive, thats spam, totally different.

Keep that in mind or Wade is gonna start threatening this thread a little more :(
Yeah, I agree. It's stuff like this that got me that this garbage whistle in the first place. I should have been a lot more careful.

This is why mindlessly flagging those kinds of reviews is bad.
Maybe there should be a rule saying you have to post what's abusive about the review, and maybe a quote from it?

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 21:58:56

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:00:13

At 1/21/09 09:58 PM, Medeyer wrote: http://joardan23.newgrounds.com/reviews/
There's a few here.

None of that is abusive.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:06:53

http://whitefuzzywuzzy.newgrounds.com/re views/flash
oh hey nic hair bud!!!!!!
"plz blam?"

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:11:18

http://sonicmarioguy100.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/1 and page 2 lots insulting author.
http://f3arl3ss23.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash $00pah NiN10Doh! calls the author a son of a bitch
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /51131/1 few here
http://65dawg.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/1 few spammy ones here also page 2 for metal gear awesome 4
check all pages Alias 3 says its stolen, Metal Gear Awesome 4 insults author, Madness Hunt and totally random day insult author. Metal Gear Awesome Three lat page insults author
http://hinook.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh grand theft awesome xxxx

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:28:01

At 1/21/09 10:11 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Stuff

Delicious finds there.
That sonicmarioguy is either a troll, or an astatine mine.

Natural Astatine is the rarest substance on Earth, in case you didn't know.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:34:49

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 22:46:52

At 1/21/09 10:34 PM, Kwing wrote: http://fantoni.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash
Jackoff noob.

Why Anime Sucks and Magus' Problem are the only two worth flagging. A good find though.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-21 23:54:36

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 05:49:29

heres a rape scene where all it says is the leslie fulp lovers vote 5 :|


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 05:51:23

and another oneman dont these guys give up lol


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 05:53:07


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 06:41:10


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 06:55:28


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 06:57:35

Wow, steady up on the multiple posts mate, I understand your trying to help and get us and yourself some whistle points, but give a little space between your findings.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 07:16:53

http://wolfofsorrow.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash

His top review. (Drew Pickles Porn)

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 07:23:10

http://mawk.newgrounds.com/reviews/flash Newgrounds Rumble 2 insults author
http://lordtac1.newgrounds.com/reviews/a udio/2 ParagonX9- Chaoz Redemption
http://lordtac1.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash [LFL] Hentai Sim 6.1 Beta not sure about this one, Sonic and Mario Pong X11ask how it passed.
http://vinnie1567.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/2 (WW) a new beginning insults author
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /454925/5/score about page 2 lots insulting the author
http://raccoonz33.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/1 check all pages some lurking on pages
: Hentai Action Fun Yay, HOT LESBIAN ORGY SEX
Meet 'N' fuck colleauge, Porn
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /456797/6/score also check other pages
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /395184/1 ravianassassin, silentbob471
http://ravianassassin.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash/6 retarded viking 1
http://silentbob471.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash few here
http://drpac.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h butt fight raw

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 08:17:57

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 09:04:50

At 1/22/09 06:57 AM, DumbassDude wrote: Wow, steady up on the multiple posts mate, I understand your trying to help and get us and yourself some whistle points, but give a little space between your findings.

ok ill try to post them all in 1 post


Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 09:07:20

Great work phantom.

The Official Grime/Dubstep/DnB Crew: Here

Latest Audio Submission: Tetris Dub Ft Super Mario

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 09:41:41

Like always, use your head and only mark the ones that really stick out to you. If you have to think even for a little bit if it's abusive or not then it's probably not abusive. There may be some I missed, but just look around and use your own judgment.

http://redapple.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/1

Drifts vs FLFFLL - Admits to not watching the submission before he reviewed a 0.

http://p-nut.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h

Freezepop's JEM! - Tells the author he hopes he dies.

http://p-nut.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h/2

Luigi's LAST STRAW! - Go die in a fire faggot.
clock day animals - You fail. You flat out fail.
(Both with no actual review of the flash with their comment)


Freezepop's JEM! - you look like a gay fagot

http://mnbv765.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash

Luigi's LAST STRAW! - u suck u freaking suck!!!!!!
(With no actual review of the flash with the comment)

http://thespicanator.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash

BTS - Trailer - Get this shit off of Newgrounds and put it on youtube.
(With no actual review of the flash with the comment)

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 12:41:13

Thanks Corky!

The Official Grime/Dubstep/DnB Crew: Here

Latest Audio Submission: Tetris Dub Ft Super Mario

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2009-01-22 13:34:37

http://jr73380.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash
Naziwhaler Is A Faggot
[LFL] Hot Rape Scene
[LFL] Furry Hentai


[LFL] Furry Hentai

http://rcsc1215.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash
[LFL] Furry Hentai

http://demonmasteransem.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash
[LFL] Hot Rape Scene
[LFL] Furry Hentai
[TT] Fuck Hentai Flashes
[FF] Ellio's Pizza Sucks

[LFL] Furry Hentai