First I would like to say that there are a lot that I missed just by accident when I was organizing my list. Second I would like to say that there are quite a bit of borderline reviews that I didn't put up on my list. I just put up some obvious ones. Also, there may be abusive reviews that I missed by accident. Good luck and use your head.
HOT LESBIAN ORGY SEX - Doesn't even review the submission. Just comments on another reviewer in a negative way. sh
Hot Hentai Girls xxx - And I quote, "this is bull shit go get raped by a cat then get a 6 feet horse dick up your ass" lash
ICP IS GAY! - And I quote, "this shit is gay your such a homophobic little shit"
BALD PUSSY Pussy pussy - And I quote, "your not funny this is retarded and your a fag" s/flash/2
Hot HENTAI Fuckers!! - Calls the author a dick and a faggot. /flash
There she is!! SUCKZ!! - Doesn't review the submission and just personally attacks the author. Also calls him an emo during the review and an ass wipe.
There she is!! uber-lame - Doesn't review the submission and personally attacks the author. Also calls him an ass.
There she is!! uber-lame - Tells the author he has no life.
There she is!! is lame - Tells the author he has no life.
Misty's Hentai Quiz 2 - Calls the author a shit head prick face. And calls him a little fuck.
Mario FUNNY shorts - Very negative review using many swear words and calls the author a disgrace of hell.
Hentai Lesbian Pussy Lick - Says screw you to the author.
Hot Pokemon HENTAI!!! - Says suck ass fucker to the author.
Sexy Emo Hentai Porn - Says Fuck you to the author and calls him a disgrace.
Hentai Hot XXX - Spams with question marks.
Pokemon Spank - Spams the entire review space.
Pokemon in a nutshell! - Spams the review space with question marks.
Pokemon: The movie! - Tells the author he is gayed up.
Flash Halo v1 - Spams the review space with explanation points. lash
Sexy Emo Hentai Porn - Calls the author dumb and doesn't review the submission.
Pimp My Banana - Says the author is immature, tells him to shut the fuck up, says he's in preschool, etc.. ws/flash
Piccolo Powering Up - Comments on the authors age, calls him a semi-retarded pedophile, and calls him a noobish egoistic disrespectful idiot.
Spongebob Hentai - Calls the author an attention whore, an annoying ignorant, comments on his age, and calls him retarded. ws/flash/2
Bowl Of Soup 2 - Writes a large review, but the entire thing is just flaming the author and not reviewing the submission at all. ws/flash/3
Xionic Madness - Is arguing with another reviewer with his review calling him names and never reviews the submission.