-The Ninjkabat: Cartoonist, Animator, VA, Japanese speaker, and Ninja all rolled into one.
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The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.
somax's review states that the review should've been whistled. General rule: STFU and take it up with Wade 'cause you might be wrong.
Translator, time traveller, aerospace engineer, and voodoo priest extraordinaire.
Stolen, he tried to submit it before, but it got flagged and deleted
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /476393/22/score
22 to counting
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
http://bigmak2009.newgrounds.com/reviews /
The one that repeats the flash title over and over (text flooding)
http://1soxfan.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash Are the first two reviews abusive?
At least ONE here...
http://platypuspwn.newgrounds.com/review s/flash
B in Arabic
http://trpdng.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/1
Some all the way back to page 3.
http://undaseaxplora.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/1 lots here
http://bayowolfee.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash few here
http://austin.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh RockCraver
http://forevergrimm.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/1 Pokemon Hentai Gallery XX
http://dragon999965.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash some here
http://kostdc.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh some here
Author admits in the comments that he did not create the flash. Specifically, the comment is: "well I didnt make this but I hope you enjoy"
The movie never went past the loading screen for me so hard to judge.
At 1/6/09 08:54 AM, No36 wrote: Found a few:
http://king-leonid.newgrounds.com/review s/flash
Also, his audio review for Switch Vs Evil-Dog -> Round 1.
Translator, time traveller, aerospace engineer, and voodoo priest extraordinaire.
http://demonyuu.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash
Mixed nuts but I'm sure you can find them.
So far there's two.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
Ya, both reviews by this guyare pretty abusive.
Keyframe+Gap+Keyframe= classic animated hit
Duck Pie is the going to be the next internet meme! Spread the word!
Review by tiamat234
http://regalchivas.newgrounds.com/review s/flash
Summer Dreams, Hentai Teen Titans Hentai
also: http://regalchivas.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2
Pico & the Mental Menace
http://solidsnakesharingan.newgrounds.co m/reviews/flash/2
Talks to much about how much he wants have sex with the characters in the game.
http://sexorcist10.newgrounds.com/review s/flash
Hardcore Dressup
http://sexorcist10.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/6
Clock Suckers Episode 1
He calls them Cock Suckas.
http://pen0rseckz.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash Time4Cat, Battle Gear,
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /472163 lesser and : Pittypitt92
http://bankaioftruth.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash Newgrounds Rumble 2
http://royolx.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh few here
http://thepocalypse.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/4 mario vs sonic 111
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /452877 few here
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /403345 few here
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /474897 maybe two here
http://jxaxcxkxhxaxmxmxexrx.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash few here
http://homedogtwo.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash : Hentai Vagina Milf_cereal
This guy's latest reviews include ASCII art and a whole lot of reviews where all he says is "bad".
Translator, time traveller, aerospace engineer, and voodoo priest extraordinaire.
Check back frequently :D
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /474311/343/score
The forecast is whistle points with a chance of showers.
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)
http://karlozz.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash : The PS3 Song!, Tentacle Terror 2
http://rex-mantis.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash Carveris
http://1iquid5nake.newgrounds.com/review s/flash : $00pah NiN10Doh!
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /476119/21/score to around page 13 loads of reviews asking why it got front page.
http://jezpr.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h/1 few here
http://icykill.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/1 and page 2
http://princesspamcake.newgrounds.com/re views/flash few here
http://lary-udienhizer.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/1 few here
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /102660/1 to page 3
http://aleut2.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/4 and page 2 may be more on other pages
http://aucardthe3rd.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash
http://4llb3r7.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash
On both of these links the ones that just say, "This belongs on youtube, not newgrounds". I asked Malachy about these reviews before and he said yes they are abusive.
http://killing-joke.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash
Again, the youtube comment here and there is another review that he gives a 0 for basically because he can't get the movie to load. How dumb people can be...
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.