All of them are promoting an unrelated link. s/flash
Soopah Nintendo "eat a fuccen cock" /449122/87/score
Scroll back through the last few pages, lots of abuse to be had.
Just a few.
2, The ultimate showdown(blam and insult) and rent a ninja(Front page complaining)
And more sexyemilie links. Any review with the link, currently all. /345219/9/score
insulting reviews
At 1/3/09 03:09 AM, Thracian wrote:
All of them are promoting an unrelated link.
Broken link
Fixed :)
(After another 5 minutes of searching)
only one for now
current top 3, promoting
same as before
no real need to give the reasons anymore, is there? views/flash s/flash /reviews/flash
Thats it, I´m done looking. Just search in any popular 18+ flash/game for more.
I apoligize for any potentional repost.
man, those guys are advertising the same fucking site. and i've seen more guys doing that. WTF?
At 1/3/09 08:09 AM, DalleDallesson wrote: *sigh*
All promoting reviews
Thank you. Just spent the last 20 minutes cleaing this shit up. h lash ews/flash
Check out the Raid Gaza reviews in all 3 of these links. They are all abusive, and some are racist/hateful. Also, in the third link, look for the 0 review just below the Raid Gaza one, it's also abusive. ews/
His raid gaza review...
$00pah NiN10Doh!
[TT] Turner Madness
The Ultimate Orgy
TANKMEN 2 -Agrees with another reviewer. (I didn't flag it because I'm not sure if agreeing is prohibited, addressing to another user is, though.) Also flag Cpt Falcon Checkup
Every single review
I hope I didn't repost anything.
Lazytown Block Puzzle
Frontal Assault ReconTeam -I hope you die in hell
StrawberryClock Interview
Religion Sucks
There she is!! is lame -"But yeah, I do not see how this did not get blammed."
There she is!! uber-lame and There she is!! is lame
I 'm sorry, I wanted to post them all in one post but I accidentally posted without checking my other open tabs.
wassup buddies, i've got a question... here are two (maybe more) flashs with animated icons. i know we can't flag this stuff and so on but i just wanted to ask what we could do in this case..
More advertising.
Currently only starfire hentai parody ws/flash
It seems that all of them are gone now, hopefully.
Some more advertising:
Meet'N'Fuck:Street Racing
Meet'N'Fuck:Street Racing
Meet'N'Fuck:Street Racing
Meet'N'Fuck: Vacation
Sorry if some of them have already been posted.
At 1/3/09 10:39 AM, OctoFlash wrote: wassup buddies, i've got a question... here are two (maybe more) flashs with animated icons. i know we can't flag this stuff and so on but i just wanted to ask what we could do in this case..
I thought you couldn't use animated .gif's.
Thats kind of odd.....
review spamming the word penis.
scratch that last one he had more.
double post sorry.
The flash Frost'D on frontpage, top review has a link in it. Links in reviews are breaking the rules right? lash/1 - Frog Guy, Penguine :3
This game is stolen, i saw it here a few months back and can't remember who submitted it.
- wtflolnoob, and possibly the dood below