I pointed them out again.
I pointed them out again.
hey guys, this isn't the levelup lounge. if you get a higher whistle, those kinds of posts belong in the levelup/regulars lounge, not in this thread.
also, if you are going to link reviews, please make sure you read what you are linking to to be sure it's current.
It only looks like you're scraping the bottom of the barrel if you keep posting links to really old reviews. You won't lost any points for flagging them, but if you want to actually help us review mod, try to link to the most recent abusive reviews. There are new ones every day if you actually look for them, but trolling through TOTW submissions from 2003 isn't going to help anyone become a better reviewer.
That being said, if somebody does link to really old reviews, there's no need for 4 or 5 people to yell at them about how they linked old ass reviews. It's great that you have the ability to read and all, but it's just chit-chat and +1 posts, which I will probably delete anyway.
This thread has somehow evolved into being primarily a place for abusive reviews to be linked. There are plenty of other places to have conversations with each other and I even made a thread about review help if you had your review deleted. Coming into here to complain about your abusive reviews being linked here will only get your posts deleted and possibly get you a happy little BBS ban along with that review ban you're so upset about. If you're confused about a review being deleted, you can ask nicely about it in here.
and I think I said something a week or two ago about consolidating your finds into one or two posts (kaytee does a great job of this it seems, dumping a ton all at once) instead of making a bunch of posts in a short amount of time. notepad is great for this because you can copy/paste the html from the "post reply" area if you want to include usernames and be all fancy like that.
I've gotten one or two PMs of "why is my post missing" and I can only assume if I haven't deleted it, another mod has and it could be for either +1 chit chat or double posting. so keeping these things in mid may help with avoiding having your contributions to this thread being deleted.
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)
flash - NG run over tacobell dog
Insulting to author.
http://ryanboy8.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - My Pal Quest
Doesn't really say anything, spammy.
http://shakenbake69.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash
Check both pages. Just writes "lol" or "wtf" for both the review title and body. Short spam.
For my next trick, I will need a condom and a volunteer.
Autospawned 7 pop up windows. Malicious.
Madness Interactive H&K. There might've been more there, but I didn't bother looking.
Just a few.
http://spaderz.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/1
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)
Pm me about anything, you cumdumpster.
Yes, I know I'm going to hell.
The one by MeHorny at the very top
There is a "spam review" on Dreams. The review is by Timminator.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /476188
seanbroccoli, tehmulletman, shadwman4
At 12/29/08 10:26 AM, darknessdweller wrote:At 12/29/08 10:20 AM, ectoplasmer3 wrote:"The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded."At 12/29/08 09:19 AM, Emby wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /476188and page 2
seanbroccoli, tehmulletman, shadwman4
I think the link he's trying to give is http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /476188/2
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/47 6220 - scottiereaper, BigMrPineapple
http://jente666666.newgrounds.com/review s/flash the first one about the game bozzle (says its stolen and promotes another website)
At 12/29/08 10:44 AM, darknessdweller wrote: WELL??
Is the review I posted abusive or not?
Patience, my boy.
Yes, I would flag it as abusie because it says "but it REALLY doesnt deserve front page", which is against the rules. So, by all means, flag away.
Enjoy, guys;
http://insomniak77.newgrounds.com/review s/flash - The Power Of D - 1994
http://smooveb.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/8 - : Change:
http://originalfatty.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/3 - Daft Vader - H.B.F.S.
http://quade-1.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses - Your Captain Speaking
http://duen.newgrounds.com/reviews/flash /responses/1 - Mario minigame
http://acegravefiller.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash - Spaced Out
At 12/29/08 11:06 AM, ectoplasmer3 wrote: and page 2,3,4,5 Some...
I think you should be-careful with flagging too many of those reviews..the ones I found to be clearly abusive from his reviews are:
http://review.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/4 Mario,Mario and Mario (in the middle of the page)
http://review.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/5 NewbieScape (last review on this page)
http://mountaindew2009.newgrounds.com/re views/flash
His review for Gears of Awesome. Gives it a 10 but says "Overrated shit sandwich"
You know the type of review.
http://timminator.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/1
Obviously which one (dreams)
audio - doomed angel
http://acejr.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h
All his reviews are useless.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/47 5343 bloodyguns44 and dragon999965
http://bloodyguns44.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash Trek shooter
http://acejr.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h
There are a few here.
This one also has a lot of abusive reviews.