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Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews

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Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 15:00:39


http://tennessee-6.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/10 - The Elevator, The Linda Show : Atkins

- Magic Is Real 3

http://americanimegrl.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash/4 - Famous Jack-o-Lanterns

- Funny Junk #1

- Invasion (Version 1.0)

http://deathprogram.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/responses/3 - Resident Evil NightmareP1

http://dodge-charger.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/responses - NG SIMULATOR v2.0

http://lithiumlex.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Zain's Variety hour, GG-Molotov Time Trials 06

http://poision-ivy.newgrounds.com/review s/flash - She freakin blocked me1.5, Worms: Kamikaze, House of Tricky Machein

http://poision-ivy.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2 - Retarded Toaster ep.3, Booyaka Twinz Ep.2

http://27802.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h - Vegeta's Problem

http://showmethemonkey.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/3 - Fuckin Cows Ain't No Good

http://mithrealmouse.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/2 - Skateboardin' [Short]

http://ghetto-tigger.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash - Sixty seconds to what?

http://mike113.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/2 - Silly horror flash

http://azerith.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/2 - Neurotically Whored, Can torture be funny?,,,

- Popa's Boobies

http://yooo.newgrounds.com/reviews/flash /4 - Hot Rod Racing

http://ismail-dude.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/1 - Paris Hilton DressUp v1.9

http://killer-love.newgrounds.com/review s/flash - exploding puppy!

http://lemon-clock.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/4 - Powerpuff Girls Die

http://super-saiy-jin-nitro.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/5 - Goku's Farting Problem

http://mental-terrorist.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/responses/2 - Hip Hop Idol

http://plantatreeordie.newgrounds.com/re views/flash - god hates us all

http://olbaid1.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses - Windows XPosure

http://muniz360.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/2 - Listen to Chris Tarrant

- Ship Wrecked (DEMO)

http://guitar-freak414.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/12 - Macarena - Incomplete, Last Peice of Cake 2

http://googlyminatour.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash - Judas

http://slayerz-guess.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash - Redback Blues

http://gate28.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/2 - DBZ Dress up Goku

http://dezert-ztorm.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/2 - Detachable Penis

http://oberst-bart.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/4 - Dave Does Metallica

http://hopelessly-evil.newgrounds.com/re views/flash - The Mating Game

http://awwe.newgrounds.com/reviews/flash /2 - StreetFighter ryu vs ryu

http://flashmaster5000.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/6 - Create Your Own Murder.

- Please Help...

http://guitar-freak414.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/14 - DailyToon01252005, Saint Seiya OVA 14

- Twist Top, freestyle bball rapbattle, Magic Is Real 2

http://knight9910.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/10 - Arnold Commercial BANNED

http://gorelax.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/2 - Loki vs. Nerd Part 1

http://liquiddeath.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2 - The monk and the samurai

http://spikash007.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/responses - A Clock Fight 3

http://dj-confusion.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/responses/3 - The Stick Adventure Game, Abby in Politics

- $%$ ("blam comments")

http://linuxclock.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - When Possums Attack

http://drakai.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/2 - Ice-Bot & Friends 3, piconjo's b&w massacre



BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 15:02:24


http://shukula.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/1 - C&C: Red Alert

http://jennyjones88.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Skeletor's bakery

http://chunkymonkey.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/9 - FF - Dickie's Adventure 1

- Mophing Blob, Flash Snake

http://kampy.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h/11 - ¥SFTRCC¥ Dad Collection

- Fart a lot, Crazy Indians - Short

http://mrmcsinister.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/24 - Weed - Harmless? P2

http://jay-zoll.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - Thicker then Water

- DailyToon12142004

http://cockercane.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/12 - Fight or Finish

- Star Trek TNG Quiz

http://hairyhampster.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/5 - Last Defense [beta]

- Series wearing shorts

http://reaper4957.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - RA210-Wilys Final Assault, The Hate Machine: ep13

http://j-toon89.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/3 - deleteBU05

http://ramfan8492.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Birds n' Bees

http://guitar-freak414.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/13 - I Hate Republicans., Dancing Boogerhead Loop

http://koobs.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h/6 - Roboxer 2

http://clockcrewsucks.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash/5 - Fun Maze - Cric.TK, OLD george man 1

- StrawberryClock dress up!

http://aardvark27.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/5 - The Exorcism of Theoden

http://gaso4002.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/8 - Well, Hot Dog(clay)

Enjoy, guys.



BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 15:05:43

http://deaconescu.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash

Few here.

Correction: Check all the pages, this guy is a dumbass.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 15:14:58

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 16:29:37

Sometimes you have to burn everything down, so you can have nothing at all.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 16:39:12

At 12/26/08 04:32 PM, Cup wrote: http://deaconescu.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/ - All his one liners and insults. Check all 5 pages get em quick!

Banned! Man, there has been lots of abusive reviews this week. I wonder whats the cause of this.... especially with all the Spam Links and stuff...

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 16:46:59

Author admits that the Flash is "not made by him".

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 17:40:29

http://sbtist.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh - anime tutorial 2
http://officerhairdo.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/7 - 34293RTY3949349Y459-8YEJH, YJP Shoot Out, Chocolate Person's Story
http://darrenx.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash - Tank - Alien Mayhem
http://slayer5000.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Virtual Bong
http://shadowshifter.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/5 - Kirby Kombat
http://grinwald.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/4 - KIKI
http://crazyace13.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Soul of the Katana
http://wornmonkey69.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/1 - Saddam Hussein Pacman, Retarded bear attack
- Madness In Reality 3
http://starz1.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/7 - Mario Vs. Sonic - L.E.
http://deathbladeofdoom.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash - The Adventure of Rabio 1
http://skylepie.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/5 - Duke Nukem Soundboard
- T.H. T.V.
- Pu§§¥ (Pussy)
http://taufr33k.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - The boner
http://caseyizzle.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - La Vagin
http://horrorcorerocker-666.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/5 - Yoshi rebels!
http://adonn78.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses/2 - Goodbye Superman
http://urban-affliction.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash - Pleasure Cruise Part 2
http://comorat.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/5 - KIKI
http://boyo62.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh - White men can jump
http://dj-andercore.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Old Fart 2, Tribute/History NG, The Ten Commandments
http://da-crazy-smiley.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/5 - BOSSman
http://sycoreza.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - fighter 2
http://alienredwolf.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Dinner time
http://vinvect.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/14 - Zelda (Music Video)
http://death-sheep.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses - Just Another Day



BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 18:36:38

Awesome lists as always, Kaytee.

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/37 1418 2012doomsday

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 19:16:18

Sometimes you have to burn everything down, so you can have nothing at all.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 19:32:53

Sometimes you have to burn everything down, so you can have nothing at all.

BBS Signature

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-26 23:28:21

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 00:10:35

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 00:19:10

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/47 5370 spaderz gave me a abusive review because i banned him from my chat for being a complete asshole.

"EXTERMINATE!" -Daleks, Doctor who

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 00:32:01

would glitxcher's review be considered abusive? linky.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 00:33:06

http://coreyweatherly.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash The first review is spammy. Unrelated lyrics to my cartoon and tells people to download a song on his page.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 00:38:04

There she is! final step

lol I was a bit confused myself but I asked a review mod and they gave me the okay. so its abusive.

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 02:18:15

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /475430 Roflmacopter MysticAngelofDead LaDMalek
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /475382 Roflmacopter Krauser606

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 03:03:12

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 06:14:52

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 09:53:16

http://lunchymkman.newgrounds.com/review s/flash - World Domination
- The Gost Project
http://psychoface.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Internal Fires 6
http://nuclearkid.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/2 - Adventures of Butt v0.1, Yu-Gi-Oh 7, Sonic Budokai
http://yako83.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh - Pet Fishy, medieval rpg
http://glasstiger.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/3 - CrazyHotDogEnding???, Dont f**k with a tool fan, Reading Rainbow 4.5 Mix
http://lionheartx2.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2 - Clinton's 2nd Lie
http://necton.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh - Zero Race
http://trr.newgrounds.com/reviews/flash - Boob Blasters, The Beatle Babies, the mouse



BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 12:42:24

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /475949 CaptnH, littleMonsterGames, think there might be some more in there
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /475945 usnpaulyd

Just found these and had nothing to do... It's not much, but enjoy!

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 15:18:31


http://dsfsdfsdf40df9dsf40s.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/responses/2 - Indians and Play-Doh
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /75479/3/score - Newgrundling, NickTravers
http://enragedsephiroth.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/responses/2 - Praise The Lard
http://kornfishcookie.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash/responses - Skate N Destroy: One
http://seerofshadows.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/responses - Short story:Coffee Break
http://dark-felony.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/8 - -Speed-, Create a Warrior
http://mrphooey.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - Merry Christmas, Kirby
http://dsfsdfsdf40df9dsf40s.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/responses - Ghosts Are Real: 3
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /75479/2/score - Spectracide
http://novacaine-525.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash - The Dead Walk!, Urban Decay -Part II-
http://unknownbody.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses - Cs N Gs 1
http://darkallianceprod.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/2 - Shooting Tutorial 2.0
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /25199/3/score - dj-productions
http://deadheadradio.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash - Walk Cycle Tutorial
http://fowlaz.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/2 - TV Good, Book Bad 2
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /74724/5/score - NickTravers
http://dark-felony.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/5 - Paintball Gun Rampage, TFOTN, jinnaboy 100artist test
http://mysticserpent.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/5 - T.S.O.B.: The First Shots
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /50366/6/score - Renegade-01
- loCKDAY LEWL#@$#%^^
http://ashfoxx.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses - Not Fun Stuff 22
http://fakenstien.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/3 - Chalice (KB Game), meteor (puzzle)
- Frogger:SpriteClock Style
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /50366/5/score - NixFlo, the-rock
http://netcompany3.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2 - The West (game)
http://rampagesun.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/responses/11 - Super Utensil 3000
http://dark-felony.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/2 - Demonic Goat: The Game, A CUP OF 404 -2-
http://ulickasshole.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/11 - The Toast Office, Memory
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /44519/7/score - Wet-Willy
http://newgroundsroks.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash/2 - the ugly
http://freedballin.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses - FreddyMercuryClock Ep.1
http://dsfsdfsdf40df9dsf40s.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/5 - Stupid Movie
http://dsfsdfsdf40df9dsf40s.newgrounds.c om/reviews/flash/6 - Andy's lose yourself
http://kebob.newgrounds.com/reviews/flas h/2 - Hoboes and Grapes, RGB - Fun in the Dead Day
http://six-pac.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses - Mario's PSP "Problem"
http://mosquitobait1993.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/4 - Raar the baby lion
http://r3v3147i0ns.newgrounds.com/review s/flash - afro sheep ep#1
http://mixxmaster.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/2 - 18 WORLD
http://hankthehero.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses/2 - L1F3 Shorts ep.4
http://rampagesun.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/responses/12 - I'm gonna pull my pud, Illwill gets a girlfriend


BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 15:20:21


http://darkman2003.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses/10 - World history of Chaos
http://aznpb.newgrounds.com/reviews/audi o/5 - DJ TJ - Legacy
http://newgroundsroks.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash - STEALTH 1.0
http://poopermanxxx.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash/2 - EVA4 sim date rpg V1.02, Crack Head Pete Game, snowboarding, ¥¥¥¥ Kill ki1o ¥¥¥¥
http://smellyboybob.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Fight Club Ep. 1
http://ir0nlionzion.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Did you ever wonder...
http://comorat.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/responses/2 - Dragonball Z UR Trailer
http://xxtrigunxx.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - zelda, behind the legend
http://neonical.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/responses/3 - Immortal Warrior 2 (Done)
http://zenbunny.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/7 - Pico's Fun: Episode 6!
http://ghetfuct.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/4 - Tribute to Sonic
http://xxtrigunxx.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/2 - Solitary Sam Ep.1
- Gumby..., Mr. Hardball - Wild West, Luigi's Island (Spoof), Wet Willy, Mario Has A Date v2.0
http://me-are-retard.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/2 - "24 Seconds" episode 4
http://retard-flash-critic.newgrounds.co m/reviews/flash - Final Fantasy: Sephiroth
http://dominioncaligula.newgrounds.com/r eviews/flash/responses - Blob jukebox version 0.2
- Piclownlium
http://trumpman84.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/responses - Knoxs "The Matrix" 2, Knoxs "The Matrix"
http://polaris666.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash/3 - christmas with Bulblock, A SwitchBlade Christmas
http://jammno.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/6 - Plum Land I
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews /88430/3/score - bOOmertheCHUNKY
http://porphyre.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash - Zoloft Returns
http://hankthehero.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/responses - Worms : From newb 2 Pro
http://dawg7471.newgrounds.com/reviews/f lash/2 - AMC Project Episode 2, George Foreman InFROmrcal
http://austinr1121.newgrounds.com/review s/flash/3 - Metal Gear Robber
http://jammno.newgrounds.com/reviews/fla sh/7 - dueling dudes
http://indieannajones.newgrounds.com/rev iews/flash - Daft Punk Digital Love
http://kmansup.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/2 - Nintendo P.o.w.e.r.
http://jim-walker.newgrounds.com/reviews /flash - Onigiri Dance, Yum, columbian apes!
- Biohazard 03
http://boomerthechunky.newgrounds.com/re views/flash/7 - EVA3
http://dash-ex.newgrounds.com/reviews/fl ash/8 - Piconjo's Party 2 (1/2)
http://necromancer86.newgrounds.com/revi ews/flash/5 - Scary Kitten
http://xbryboyremix.newgrounds.com/revie ws/flash - Napoleon Toadamite, Jedi Duels



BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 16:37:58

Well, I'm sure there's an almost constant supply of abuse to this movie, but the latest one at least is very abusive.

Keyframe+Gap+Keyframe= classic animated hit

Duck Pie is the going to be the next internet meme! Spread the word!

BBS Signature

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 17:19:16

Response to Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews 2008-12-27 17:29:56

Stolen from Machinima.com, says it's a Machinima.com original.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.