iscrulz funs. then the rest of the catchup afterwards.
At 7/20/09 03:40 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Well thats what you get for being almost dormiante, I am sorry you felt that way. Next time someone is coming move the hell out of the way. Or not and GO crazy and not let them.
dormiante.... what the hell language was that? French? #;-}>
I did move out of the way, motherfucker!
or TPP=Total Profile Points I used it before audio reviews were counted. 33K is 55% to 60K thats nah its no milestone I just out it because I was close to it.
Ah, so counting other crazy shit that the pentalist doesn't count (yet...), eh?
so you're only paying attention to 33,000 the same way you'd pay attention to 34,000, 35,000, etc. etc. is what you're saying, basically?
I'm not gaining any blams at all, and I'm retiring in a few thousand more saves... so it really doesn't matter what I do, as long as I retire, I'm gonna get knocked around.
It doesn't but the wait would be to hard try getting there quickly so you can then sit back and watch the users pass you.
True, true. I should probably hurry the fuck up and try to FINISH THIS.
Yes indeed the best debater for Stephen is Stephen.
You might say he's the master debater, in fact.
The best master debater there is, in fact.
No you and everyone else will have to suck it. It will be orgasmic.
I'd rather suck it than smell it, I guess.
Okay then suck it down then right after me and then everyone else.
Sounds fine by me.
Too slow? I'll be there long before 2010 most likely, especially due to Clock Day, so... if I'm gonna get to my resting place before you get to yours, how can you call me too slow? #;-}>
Well I still don't think you willl make it I assume 800 to 1,000 saves on clock day so you have 3,000 more to go in 5 months+ around 600 per month. I don't think so. I won't be able to 600 a month and if I get 900 on clockday I would need 340 per month. Well I can't tell I might get 100 or 700 a month I am not consistent.
I guess what I should have said is that I COULD make it by 2010 if I wanted to (also, I was expecting CD09 to be more like CD08 than it was, so there was nowhere many as saves to get as last year, even if I had saved 24/7 during it as opposed to just most of the time as I ended up doing).
Also, there was a TF2 update on 8/13, so I was still playing lots of TF2 on 8/15 and missed out on some during that, too.
But I still got plenty. Anyway, I will be retiring, HOPEFULLY, before I get married and before Clock Day 2010 at the very least, both of which occur in the summer of 2010. If I don't make it by the START of 2010, no biggie.
At 7/20/09 03:45 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Anyway, as long as you don't get in MY way on the way up to 36,000, that's fine. Get up and past it before I come through, I don't need to be tripping over your bloated beached whale corpse in my path to retired bliss, knowwhatI'msayin'?
I will try. I know what your saying I am not going to stop if I got to stay in competition with Cooper. One day I will return and start getting more than 50 a day in saves.
Good. I just don't like getting passed by someone, passing them, and then them passing me again. Too much flipping back and forth. STAY BEHIND ME OR IN FRONT OF ME AND BE DONE WITH IT, MOFO.
It's like drivers on the road. Pick a speed or drive to the green lights, not to the red ones... so many damned idiots passing everyone just to get to a red light by going 50 in a 35 zone. Makes me laugh a hearty, hearty laugh.
plox = lame way of saying please (yes, even lamer than "plz"), used for effect in this case to accent the anime smiley that followed it.
pl0x thats longer to type than plz so why use it looking at an istant messanger/twitter/txtr one keystoke makes a huge difference to them.
There are other such sillinesses that aren't the shortest way to type something, so... whatever.
I don't care about how long it takes to type something, anyway, so I'm not exactly the expert on such things. Damned texter culture.
I try to limit myself to just "teh" and "pr0n". "Moar" and "tiems" nah moar is to overrated. I might go all out if I am being a wiggerish, not around here or 1337 speak. Tiems never used or probably never will use.
They done fucked them up real good, Yeah baby that will learn them good tiem.
Hell yeah. And way to use tiem right after you said you never would. #;-}>
Well the Boys have to compete against the Cardinals and Cubs.
Cuck the Fubs.
Go Cards (for this year).
LESS LOB, MORE RISP => RUNS. As baseball fans, we can all only wish.
Well if theres RISP then there will be LOB it seems like. We fans can only wish, *wishes LOB < RISP* Although LOB will always be the highest.
Not necessarily.
You get your runners into scoring position with 0, 1, or 2 outs. You score as much as you can with any sorts of hits, walks, errors, hit-batsmen, balks, WHATEVER it takes. Then with 2 outs, you clean off all the RISP with a nice home run.
Then one of your scrubs strikes out to end the inning with bases loaded. No biggie, right?
If you can do that often enough, at least 2-3 major scoring innings per game, always clear the bases when you're about to get out of an inning, you will have way more RISP and runs and way less LOB than an inferior team.
But it's tricky to do that consistently, and requires a team that is good at both smallball AND longball playstyles.
I will just buy the games I think my PC will handle it, if not tiem fer a naow campootah. Maybe Bethesda and Valve are competitors so its not on Steam.
Then why are Fallout 3, TES3:Morrowind and TES4:Oblivion all on Steam, then?
Eh lmao guess I used tiem there and didn't notice it. Well Competitions can collaborate together to get the best out of a scenario.
Damn straight. Competition AND collaboration together is a beautiful thing. That's the essence of bi/multipartisanship, in fact.
Anyway, that girl's pretty hot (for a wet mermaid clown, that is).
Less the facial expression, I see.
Well, that was part of the clownishness.
What game are you still on SP then.
Fallout 3 is the only SP game I haven't finished but still want to, thanks to me finishing Bioshock a month or two ago. HL2 and its eps I finished a year ago or more, but I replay them from time to time on hard now (I did them on medium the first time).
Well, there are other SP games I DO need to finish at some point (like Overlord, Warcraft III, Halo, Supreme Commander, etc...) but I don't feel much rush to do so like I did with HL2/Bioshock/Fallout 3. Those are the trinity of great SP games in the past few years, to me.
I'll settle for #42 at 36,000.
I will help you move down a rank I am going to reach the Top 20th some day, or was it in just Saves. meh I am not checking.
Not sure he's gonna attack Coopster with the same zeal as you, man. Few could muster those levels of intensity.
They don't have the tenacity to keep up with the trash talking and multi-quotes.
Kids these days... they just don't have the passion for taking Coop down that you and I had back in the day, you know? What are you gonna do, though. Nuthin', that's what. (sigh)
I just found the unreleased screenshot of Sefferath in FF 14. Fap to this boys.
I'd sooner fap to the wet mermaid clown.
No, you faggot, FF fanboys would cream your self to that shitty tribute art to sephroth. No denying it.
Then I guess I'm not a FF fanboy, I just like FF (and met my fiancee because of FF, I might add).