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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-13 22:12:06

Thanks for the two updates, Coopster.

At 7/27/09 01:38 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #23
Quite a month for the stats and we're almost in the same timescale. Hopefully, we can keep on this system of having the updates at the correct time :P

Almost in the same timescale as... the blam updates?

35,000 Saves - pwroftheseagoat

Man, I can't wait to hit that one. I'll be so damned close to my final resting place.

The list:
001) 94,556 || + 1,234 || Toocool100
002) 81,314 || + 0,992 || AfroUnderscoreStud

You guys make me come. Hard.

Can't wait for Toocool's 100,000 party.

023) 35,600 || + 0,063 || Seamonky
024) 35,599 || + 0,082 || Phantom
025) 35,136 || + 0,151 || pwroftheseagoat
026) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock
027) 33,914 || + 0,449 || Patcoola 1
028) 33,908 || + 0,090 || BlueHippo -1
029) 33,599 || + 0,911 || iscrulz
030) 32,893 || + 0,417 || Sentio 1
031) 32,672 || + 0,061 || ouandyoi -1
032) 32,617 || + 0,197 || gfoxcook

Hm. Still so much clutter in between me and my goal. And only ONE truly inactive person, ol' LockClock.

Anywho, the path is short, at least... relatively speaking. And that was BEFORE Clock Day. It's even shorter now. Heee. ^_^

At 9/5/09 03:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #24
Is it really that long? Well, within about a week of it, this is the Second anniversary of Saves Updates for me. Hard to think how far I've managed to come personally in those 2 years - About 24,000 Saves, which works out nicely :P

Awesomeness. I didn't read the whole page you linked to, but I took a glance. Ah, back when the redesign was still fresh and new. WHAT HALYCON DAYS OF YORE.

95,000 Saves - Toocool100

Fuck yeah!

The list:
001) 96,800 || + 2,244 || Toocool100

Do it, Doc, do it!

002) 82,539 || + 1,225 || AfroUnderscoreStud

Pwned. o_o

003) 70,182 || + 3,137 || harryjarry 1


A challenger approaches?

023) 35,674 || + 0,074 || Seamonky
024) 35,652 || + 0,053 || Phantom
025) 35,298 || + 0,162 || pwroftheseagoat
026) 35,150 || + 1,551 || iscrulz 3
027) 34,778 || + 0,864 || Patcoola
028) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock -2
029) 33,922 || + 0,014 || BlueHippo -1
030) 33,416 || + 1,359 || Auz 5
031) 33,400 || + 0,783 || gfoxcook 1

And I thought I under-utilised Clock Day 09.

Looks like with the exceptions of iscrulz and Auz, I did pretty well, along with Patcoola there. Everyone else got smoked in my "region of interest."

If it could be Clock Day EVERY month, that would mean I'd retire at 36,000 saves when I hit ranking #.... 26.

But since every month DOESN'T have a Clock Day, that means I'll likely never see a ranking as high as #26 again. Maybe I'll get up to around #28-30 before I retire, though. But it really depends on how many more of these foolios decide they JUST CAN'T WAIT TO PASS TEH GFOX. Unruly bastiches:

032) 33,226 || + 0,333 || Sentio -2
033) 33,071 || + 0,651 || Idiot-Finder
034) 32,746 || + 0,074 || ouandyoi -3
035) 32,194 || + 0,000 || schneelocke -1
036) 31,668 || + 2,759 || Gagsy 7
037) 31,542 || + 0,000 || Rabindarath -1
038) 31,324 || + 0,425 || Little-Rena -1
039) 30,372 || + 0,160 || simon -1
040) 30,008 || + 0,000 || Denvish -1
041) 30,000 || + 0,000 || shunshuu -1
042) 29,806 || + 0,002 || RenegadeGirl -1
043) 29,430 || + 2,755 || byteslinger 9


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-13 22:28:30

iscrulz funs. then the rest of the catchup afterwards.

At 7/20/09 03:40 AM, iscrulz wrote: Well thats what you get for being almost dormiante, I am sorry you felt that way. Next time someone is coming move the hell out of the way. Or not and GO crazy and not let them.

dormiante.... what the hell language was that? French? #;-}>

I did move out of the way, motherfucker!

or TPP=Total Profile Points I used it before audio reviews were counted. 33K is 55% to 60K thats nah its no milestone I just out it because I was close to it.

Ah, so counting other crazy shit that the pentalist doesn't count (yet...), eh?

so you're only paying attention to 33,000 the same way you'd pay attention to 34,000, 35,000, etc. etc. is what you're saying, basically?

I'm not gaining any blams at all, and I'm retiring in a few thousand more saves... so it really doesn't matter what I do, as long as I retire, I'm gonna get knocked around.
It doesn't but the wait would be to hard try getting there quickly so you can then sit back and watch the users pass you.

True, true. I should probably hurry the fuck up and try to FINISH THIS.

Yes indeed the best debater for Stephen is Stephen.
You might say he's the master debater, in fact.
The best master debater there is, in fact.


No you and everyone else will have to suck it. It will be orgasmic.
I'd rather suck it than smell it, I guess.
Okay then suck it down then right after me and then everyone else.

Sounds fine by me.

Too slow? I'll be there long before 2010 most likely, especially due to Clock Day, so... if I'm gonna get to my resting place before you get to yours, how can you call me too slow? #;-}>
Well I still don't think you willl make it I assume 800 to 1,000 saves on clock day so you have 3,000 more to go in 5 months+ around 600 per month. I don't think so. I won't be able to 600 a month and if I get 900 on clockday I would need 340 per month. Well I can't tell I might get 100 or 700 a month I am not consistent.

I guess what I should have said is that I COULD make it by 2010 if I wanted to (also, I was expecting CD09 to be more like CD08 than it was, so there was nowhere many as saves to get as last year, even if I had saved 24/7 during it as opposed to just most of the time as I ended up doing).

Also, there was a TF2 update on 8/13, so I was still playing lots of TF2 on 8/15 and missed out on some during that, too.

But I still got plenty. Anyway, I will be retiring, HOPEFULLY, before I get married and before Clock Day 2010 at the very least, both of which occur in the summer of 2010. If I don't make it by the START of 2010, no biggie.

At 7/20/09 03:45 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Anyway, as long as you don't get in MY way on the way up to 36,000, that's fine. Get up and past it before I come through, I don't need to be tripping over your bloated beached whale corpse in my path to retired bliss, knowwhatI'msayin'?
I will try. I know what your saying I am not going to stop if I got to stay in competition with Cooper. One day I will return and start getting more than 50 a day in saves.

Good. I just don't like getting passed by someone, passing them, and then them passing me again. Too much flipping back and forth. STAY BEHIND ME OR IN FRONT OF ME AND BE DONE WITH IT, MOFO.

It's like drivers on the road. Pick a speed or drive to the green lights, not to the red ones... so many damned idiots passing everyone just to get to a red light by going 50 in a 35 zone. Makes me laugh a hearty, hearty laugh.

plox = lame way of saying please (yes, even lamer than "plz"), used for effect in this case to accent the anime smiley that followed it.
pl0x thats longer to type than plz so why use it looking at an istant messanger/twitter/txtr one keystoke makes a huge difference to them.

There are other such sillinesses that aren't the shortest way to type something, so... whatever.

I don't care about how long it takes to type something, anyway, so I'm not exactly the expert on such things. Damned texter culture.

I try to limit myself to just "teh" and "pr0n". "Moar" and "tiems" nah moar is to overrated. I might go all out if I am being a wiggerish, not around here or 1337 speak. Tiems never used or probably never will use.


They done fucked them up real good, Yeah baby that will learn them good tiem.

Hell yeah. And way to use tiem right after you said you never would. #;-}>

Well the Boys have to compete against the Cardinals and Cubs.

Cuck the Fubs.

Go Cards (for this year).

LESS LOB, MORE RISP => RUNS. As baseball fans, we can all only wish.
Well if theres RISP then there will be LOB it seems like. We fans can only wish, *wishes LOB < RISP* Although LOB will always be the highest.

Not necessarily.

You get your runners into scoring position with 0, 1, or 2 outs. You score as much as you can with any sorts of hits, walks, errors, hit-batsmen, balks, WHATEVER it takes. Then with 2 outs, you clean off all the RISP with a nice home run.

Then one of your scrubs strikes out to end the inning with bases loaded. No biggie, right?

If you can do that often enough, at least 2-3 major scoring innings per game, always clear the bases when you're about to get out of an inning, you will have way more RISP and runs and way less LOB than an inferior team.

But it's tricky to do that consistently, and requires a team that is good at both smallball AND longball playstyles.

I will just buy the games I think my PC will handle it, if not tiem fer a naow campootah. Maybe Bethesda and Valve are competitors so its not on Steam.
Then why are Fallout 3, TES3:Morrowind and TES4:Oblivion all on Steam, then?
Eh lmao guess I used tiem there and didn't notice it. Well Competitions can collaborate together to get the best out of a scenario.

Damn straight. Competition AND collaboration together is a beautiful thing. That's the essence of bi/multipartisanship, in fact.

Anyway, that girl's pretty hot (for a wet mermaid clown, that is).
Less the facial expression, I see.

Well, that was part of the clownishness.

What game are you still on SP then.

Fallout 3 is the only SP game I haven't finished but still want to, thanks to me finishing Bioshock a month or two ago. HL2 and its eps I finished a year ago or more, but I replay them from time to time on hard now (I did them on medium the first time).

Well, there are other SP games I DO need to finish at some point (like Overlord, Warcraft III, Halo, Supreme Commander, etc...) but I don't feel much rush to do so like I did with HL2/Bioshock/Fallout 3. Those are the trinity of great SP games in the past few years, to me.

I'll settle for #42 at 36,000.
I will help you move down a rank I am going to reach the Top 20th some day, or was it in just Saves. meh I am not checking.


Not sure he's gonna attack Coopster with the same zeal as you, man. Few could muster those levels of intensity.
They don't have the tenacity to keep up with the trash talking and multi-quotes.

Kids these days... they just don't have the passion for taking Coop down that you and I had back in the day, you know? What are you gonna do, though. Nuthin', that's what. (sigh)

I just found the unreleased screenshot of Sefferath in FF 14. Fap to this boys.
I'd sooner fap to the wet mermaid clown.
No, you faggot, FF fanboys would cream your self to that shitty tribute art to sephroth. No denying it.

Then I guess I'm not a FF fanboy, I just like FF (and met my fiancee because of FF, I might add).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-13 22:34:21

At 7/26/09 06:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/28/09 08:01 AM, iscrulz wrote: I just found the unreleased screenshot of Sefferath in FF 14. Fap to this boys.
Why would I? I HATE FFXIV already without even seeing a screenshot of it.

Why, is that the next MMO FF like 11 was, or something?

Anyway, just look foward to 13 and 15, then.

At 7/16/09 10:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Except you won't have a trump card to use on me anymore! Mwaha!
So? As long as you constantly post here up until real life completely takes you away forever, there's no worries.

Well, that's a big "if," as you well know.

You sure keep forgetting to, methinks, since it's been 3+ weeks....
A bit of both. Yes, I have forgotten all this time but no, I just haven't been motivated to talk about it. I'll be sure to properly introduce That Guy With the Glasses' videos to you at some point.


icean was a robot? Pfft. What an un-legendary robot he was. If he was to be the new fixit, he sure failed at it. ~#83 and less than 20k before he broke down? He needs a lesson from the ROBOT MASTER we once all strove to conquer... FTFW.
I must have seen the picture before, but it is awesome nonetheless.

It is indeed.

Speaking of fixit and other NG robots like icean, apparently... who else was a robot?

I think someone needs to make a comprehensive list of b/p robots. Wasn't there one called yingyang or something like that? And there were at least 2 or 3 others beyond all of those.

At 7/27/09 02:46 PM, Auz wrote: Seems like it has been a fairly average month for me. Still I gained a rank and there are some pretty big names above me that I'm about to pass :) schneelocke shouldn't be much of a problem. I could pass her next week or so. I-F and gfoxcook will probably take a while longer, but with their current paces they shouldn't be big problems either.

Big names, eh?

</ego stroke reception>

Hope you enjoyed. #;-}>

At 7/29/09 10:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/27/09 01:38 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #23
I knew I should have waited a day before posting the replies, but gfox is doing his catch-ups this week and thought he might have posted sooner. Had to reply then just incase. ;) Anyway, thanks for the update Coop.

What difference does it make, anyway? If you caught up before the list was posted, as you seem to be implying, then you spent less time here once the list was posted, and you could just concentrate on the list update itself, rather than on catch-ups. :::shrugs:::

Me, I always have to do list AND catchup talk at once because I come by so rarely, but one of the great things I DO indeed remember about being more regular... was that often you could just do one or the other if you dropped by often enough, and then it meant less time invested at the moment, even if it was the same (or more) time invested in the end.

It's all about whether it's the time spend in a day or the time spent overall that bothers you more/you care about more.

At 9/6/09 06:45 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/5/09 03:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #24
030) 33,416 || + 1,359 || Auz 5
031) 33,400 || + 0,783 || gfoxcook 1
032) 33,226 || + 0,333 || Sentio -2
033) 33,071 || + 0,651 || Idiot-Finder
034) 32,746 || + 0,074 || ouandyoi -3
035) 32,194 || + 0,000 || schneelocke
This was a good update for me. Five ranks up is pretty amazing and with that I jumped right into the top 30 saviours. At the cost of gfoxcook, but he's probably glad that he gained a rank again instead of going down. Next update I don't expect to do so well due to summer holiday being over and all.

You know me too well. I guess I have both Sentio and ouandyoi (is that a robot?) to thank for your passage of me not hurting much at all.

I'd rather get a +1 or +/- 0 on every damned update of a statlist month after month after month... and never get a nice BIG jump....

... than get say... a +5 one month, a few +2s, and then... BOOM, a -5 the next month.

Slow and steady not only wins the race: it's also much less stressful and unfun. #;-}>

At 9/6/09 11:25 AM, Fro wrote: Still stopping at 33,333 anyway.

God bless you folks with retirement numbers below mine. I need as many of you as I can get. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-14 00:35:39

Thanks for the update Coop. I'm glad I have finally made it onto the list.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-15 04:21:36

At 9/13/09 10:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks for the two updates, Coopster.

My pleasure

At 7/27/09 01:38 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #23
Quite a month for the stats and we're almost in the same timescale. Hopefully, we can keep on this system of having the updates at the correct time :P
Almost in the same timescale as... the blam updates?

4 weekly updates (or monthly, if the mood takes me :P)

At 9/13/09 10:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You know me too well. I guess I have both Sentio and ouandyoi (is that a robot?) to thank for your passage of me not hurting much at all.

I'm not aware of ouandyoi being a robot, but if the account is, they're doing a better job than the three broken ones (fixit, yaya12 and icean)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-09-15 15:36:40

At 9/5/09 03:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #24

Thanks for the update Coop

SevasTra joins the list, displacing LittleWashu.

It's no big deal.


Congrats as usual.

The list:
016) 37,776 || + 0,022 || Bahamut

Well, just one more save to catch and that's it. :)

At 9/13/09 10:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Then I guess I'm not a FF fanboy, I just like FF (and met my fiancee because of FF, I might add).

iscrulz no longer has any right to hate FF.

At 9/13/09 10:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/26/09 06:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Why would I? I HATE FFXIV already without even seeing a screenshot of it.
Why, is that the next MMO FF like 11 was, or something?

Yep, it's another MMO. Why can't they name them FF Online so they don't take up valuable titles in the main series? Now I'll have to say I own all FF games besides XI and XIV.

I must have seen the picture before, but it is awesome nonetheless.
It is indeed.

Speaking of fixit and other NG robots like icean, apparently... who else was a robot?

I think someone needs to make a comprehensive list of b/p robots. Wasn't there one called yingyang or something like that? And there were at least 2 or 3 others beyond all of those.

It was yaya12. I'm afraid they're all the B/P robots I can remember. Also, best not to call them NG robots at all since only P-Bot, A-Bot and such should be called NG robots.

At 7/29/09 10:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: I knew I should have waited a day before posting the replies, but gfox is doing his catch-ups this week and thought he might have posted sooner. Had to reply then just incase. ;) Anyway, thanks for the update Coop.
What difference does it make, anyway? If you caught up before the list was posted, as you seem to be implying, then you spent less time here once the list was posted, and you could just concentrate on the list update itself, rather than on catch-ups. :::shrugs:::

I just want to have some posts from myself for you to reply to beforehand, that's all.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 07:30:43

List Update #25
Okay, so this update is running two weeks late - I did pull the stats last weekend and take them to Blackpool with me, but at the end of the day, we were all just knackered, so when we went to our rooms, I just fell asleep on the bed, the laptop not even switched on - that's the curse of no WiFi at the hotel where we stayed... The week before, I just got caught up in stuff, so I'm trying to get a Blammers update done as well today, which is a first for me. Hooray :)

Okay, so we've got a new entry - pokemonpoeguygcn joins the list at number 111. After his lack of manners were noted, he boots HaroFreak out of contention.

EagleRock rejoins the top 100, displacing Oneup and there's no activity between the top 10 / top 50 posts this time around.

70,000 Saves - Ultor; Punisher (4th & 5th)
40,000 Saves - Ehwaz003 (15th)
35,000 Saves - Patcoola (27th)
30,000 Saves - byteslinger (42nd)
20,000 Saves - someone-else; ornery; tdpl (86th - 88th)

The List:
No.) Saves | Gain | User
001) 97,828 || + 1,028 || Toocool100
002) 82,916 || + 0,377 || AfroUnderscoreStud
003) 72,368 || + 2,186 || harryjarry
004) 70,276 || + 1,095 || Ultor 1
005) 70,123 || + 0,851 || Punisher -1
006) 63,571 || + 1,543 || DrJam 1
007) 63,522 || + 0,714 || Wylo -1
008) 54,534 || + 0,145 || Rule
009) 52,760 || + 0,180 || Molotov
010) 50,855 || + 0,777 || courtday
011) 44,696 || + 0,580 || RemRulzz
012) 41,569 || + 1,342 || Coop83 2
013) 41,394 || + 1,097 || milinko959
014) 40,626 || + 0,040 || ReconRebel -2
015) 40,069 || + 0,608 || Ehwaz003
016) 37,777 || + 0,001 || Bahamut
017) 37,619 || + 0,000 || Dakka942
018) 37,132 || + 0,040 || AshtonNextGen
019) 36,977 || + 0,000 || Crolpa
020) 36,583 || + 0,153 || TheDepthsofHell
021) 36,154 || + 0,015 || azteca89
022) 36,017 || + 0,000 || ramagi
023) 35,936 || + 0,284 || Phantom 1
024) 35,726 || + 0,052 || Seamonky -1
025) 35,647 || + 0,349 || pwroftheseagoat
026) 35,292 || + 0,142 || iscrulz
027) 35,176 || + 0,398 || Patcoola
028) 34,391 || + 0,975 || Auz 2
029) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock -1
030) 34,026 || + 0,104 || BlueHippo -1
031) 33,596 || + 0,196 || gfoxcook
032) 33,455 || + 1,787 || Gagsy 4
033) 33,321 || + 0,095 || Sentio -1
034) 33,261 || + 0,190 || Idiot-Finder -1
035) 33,027 || + 0,281 || ouandyoi -1
036) 32,250 || + 0,056 || schneelocke -1
037) 31,542 || + 0,000 || Rabindarath
038) 31,501 || + 0,177 || Little-Rena
039) 30,897 || + 1,467 || byteslinger 4
040) 30,460 || + 0,088 || simon -1
041) 30,008 || + 0,000 || Denvish -1
042) 30,000 || + 0,000 || shunshuu -1
043) 29,810 || + 0,004 || RenegadeGirl -1
044) 29,322 || + 0,000 || Dream-of-Duke
045) 29,266 || + 0,813 || Nightforce666 4
046) 29,020 || + 0,083 || Newgrundling -1
047) 29,017 || + 0,306 || AllReligiousDrunk -1
048) 28,764 || + 0,095 || PenguinLink -1
049) 28,688 || + 0,047 || BonusStage -1
050) 28,209 || + 0,000 || bila

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 07:31:45

051) 27,979 || + 0,000 || pepeatumi
052) 26,955 || + 0,000 || Omgee
053) 26,883 || + 0,096 || DonDoli
054) 26,713 || + 0,098 || Voidist 1
055) 26,644 || + 0,000 || X-Naut -1
056) 26,571 || + 0,000 || Major-punk
057) 26,416 || + 0,628 || Mrputter 1
058) 26,012 || + 0,701 || Overtired 3
059) 25,923 || + 0,367 || Gooch 1
060) 25,851 || + 0,000 || Sispri -3
061) 25,612 || + 0,006 || Andersson -2
062) 25,297 || + 0,253 || Mendou 1
063) 25,075 || + 0,004 || XwaynecoltX -1
064) 24,642 || + 0,000 || M-A-R-C-U-S
065) 24,588 || + 0,000 || Qwoxyl
066) 24,456 || + 0,531 || Haggard 1
067) 24,274 || + 0,000 || JerkClock -1
068) 23,901 || + 0,208 || Shanus
069) 23,846 || + 1,334 || Frank-The-Hedgehog 5
070) 23,399 || + 0,848 || zimzap 3
071) 23,211 || + 0,355 || Now-n-Again -2
072) 22,785 || + 0,000 || MPA -2
073) 22,749 || + 0,029 || Minion777 -2
074) 22,695 || + 0,049 || leeboy105 -2
075) 22,465 || + 0,174 || Emlfuryoflion
076) 21,904 || + 0,269 || Sonucais
077) 21,628 || + 0,722 || Metal-Therapy 2
078) 21,328 || + 0,000 || Joshiwa -1
079) 21,226 || + 0,065 || TheSoulMan -1
080) 21,098 || + 0,429 || Fro
081) 20,819 || + 0,329 || idiot-buster 1
082) 20,572 || + 0,060 || bifgis -1
083) 20,552 || + 0,894 || someone-else 4
084) 20,444 || + 0,000 || AtomicTerrorist -1
085) 20,347 || + 0,001 || LatinoRalf -1
086) 20,322 || + 0,269 || aldlv -1
087) 20,092 || + 0,128 || ornery -1
088) 20,087 || + 1,072 || tdpl 3
089) 19,614 || + 0,000 || icean -1
090) 19,554 || + 0,000 || cadreamer -1
091) 19,377 || + 0,000 || Stormwarden -1
092) 18,917 || + 0,081 || Sakurazukamori 1
093) 18,897 || + 0,004 || Tex2002ans -1
094) 18,414 || + 0,001 || Pieriku
095) 18,333 || + 0,701 || Cyberdevil 2
096) 18,232 || + 0,135 || Dew -1
097) 18,083 || + 0,472 || skatin-andy 1
098) 17,882 || + 0,015 || NEVR -2
099) 17,784 || + 1,452 || EagleRock 8
100) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -1

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 07:32:49

101) 17,184 || + 0,015 || Oneup -1
102) 17,137 || + 0,000 || Perceptor -1
103) 16,950 || + 0,000 || Roth-Productions -1
104) 16,771 || + 0,000 || Ventar -1
105) 16,673 || + 0,236 || Kaytee
106) 16,654 || + 0,004 || Hemlok -2
107) 16,468 || + 0,094 || Kolohe -1
108) 16,311 || + 0,113 || thomtomw
109) 16,183 || + 0,003 || Cereal
110) 16,101 || + 0,000 || fixit
111) 16,074 || + ?,??? || pokemonpoeguygcn NEW!
112) 15,868 || + 0,068 || Glamdrung -1
113) 15,841 || + 1,001 || Hacsev 8
114) 15,785 || + 0,000 || LittleMissVixen -2
115) 15,780 || + 0,000 || MadCow -2
116) 15,550 || + 0,002 || Claudia-C18 -2
117) 15,500 || + 0,275 || lilhunter03 1
118) 15,453 || + 0,066 || pieoncar -2
119) 15,425 || + 0,006 || Aksumka -4
120) 15,387 || + 0,097 || bmxgamer -3
121) 15,023 || + 0,000 || carmelhadinosaur -2
122) 15,000 || + 0,000 || life -2
123) 14,877 || + 0,112 || Timmy 1
124) 14,813 || + 0,001 || rageVI -2
125) 14,788 || + 0,001 || TremCladClock
126) 14,736 || + 0,032 || ThunderboltLegion -1
127) 14,666 || + 0,000 || Sterockicy -1
128) 14,502 || + 0,000 || RoweNuts -1
129) 14,405 || + 0,000 || ADT -1
130) 14,328 || + 0,000 || sunhawk818 -1
131) 14,314 || + 0,012 || hongkongexpress -1
132) 14,062 || + 0,000 || MetalDart -1
133) 14,060 || + 0,000 || Myst -1
134) 14,053 || + 0,000 || SlashFirestorm -1
135) 13,970 || + 0,223 || SevasTra 3
136) 13,954 || + 0,000 || Parasoul -2
137) 13,806 || + 0,027 || Kirk-Cocaine
138) 13,800 || + 0,000 || Heinrich -3
139) 13,789 || + 0,000 || ScottTowels -3
140) 13,606 || + 0,003 || Kisuke -1
141) 13,567 || + 0,000 || alexsmolik
142) 13,560 || + 0,000 || DuMa-RyoHahn -2
143) 13,467 || + 0,000 || ArtDanVal -1
144) 13,416 || + 0,000 || IM-KOOL-R-U -1
145) 13,253 || + 0,044 || Rarebreed -1
146) 13,005 || + 0,000 || yaya12 -1
147) 12,981 || + 0,006 || YoinK -1
148) 12,917 || + 0,071 || FIGMENTUM -1
149) 12,828 || + 0,065 || DarkArchon
150) 12,795 || + 0,001 || ianianian1111 -2

Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,186)
Most Ranks Gained: EagleRock; Hacsev (+8)
Most Ranks Lost: Aksumka (-4)
Total Saves: 3,900,699
Total Saves Gained (September / October): 52,193

Just a quick example of how Clock Day skews the stats - this update period was 6 weeks, while the Clock Day one was 4 weekly. August we had a total Saves Gain of 57,900 and that's still 5,707 more than we've managed to gain as a whole in 6 weeks. Of course, that's also skewed by PPGGCN joining the list and having an additional 3,448 over HaroFreak. Something for you guys to think about, there.

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,186 - harryjarry
+ 1,787 - Gagsy
+ 1,543 - DrJam
+ 1,467 - byteslinger
+ 1,452 - EagleRock

Predictably, I was 6th with 1,342. 110 Was a kick in the nuts, but not even staying at home for the Blackpool trip would have done me much good, I feel.

At 9/15/09 03:36 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/5/09 03:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: The list:
016) 37,776 || + 0,022 || Bahamut
Well, just one more save to catch and that's it. :)

There you go. Another great of Newgrounds retires from the B/P arena.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 08:23:42

At 10/17/09 07:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: Okay, so we've got a new entry - pokemonpoeguygcn joins the list at number 111. After his lack of manners were noted, he boots HaroFreak out of contention.

Thank you

At 10/17/09 07:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: 111) 16,074 || + ?,??? || pokemonpoeguygcn NEW!

Yes! I'm in

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 09:50:28

At 10/17/09 07:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: 077) 21,628 || + 0,722 || Metal-Therapy 2

722's not bad, I guess. Most if it came from a very concentrated period of like a couple weeks, though. -I really doubt the ol' pace will be anywhere near this next update, I suppose I'll push for 500...

080) 21,098 || + 0,429 || Fro

I have a feeling that you're going to pass me at some point in the next couple updates...

Thanks for the update, Coop.


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 10:16:05

At 10/17/09 07:31 AM, Coop83 wrote:

Thanks for the update Coop.

080) 21,098 || + 0,429 || Fro

I didn't have a charger for my laptop for about 2 weeks so my pace more then dropped by twice in those two weeks. Still a good pace considering that though. :)

At 10/17/09 09:50 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
080) 21,098 || + 0,429 || Fro
I have a feeling that you're going to pass me at some point in the next couple updates...

Yeah, looks like my pace is going to go up a little bit, but I currently have no motivation at all to try and pass you. If it happens then it just happens naturally.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 10:56:22

At 10/17/09 07:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: List Update #25

Thanks for the update!

064) 24,642 || + 0,000 || M-A-R-C-U-S
065) 24,588 || + 0,000 || Qwoxyl
066) 24,456 || + 0,531 || Haggard 1
067) 24,274 || + 0,000 || JerkClock -1

Passed JerkClock and Qwoxyl and M-A-R-C-U-S aren't too far away. Looks like I can gain 2 ranks in the next update. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-17 14:00:01

At 10/17/09 07:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: List Update #25
No.) Saves | Gain | User
013) 41,394 || + 1,097 || milinko959
028) 34,391 || + 0,975 || Auz 2
032) 33,455 || + 1,787 || Gagsy 4

Nice, another two ranks gained. It looks like I got the highest pace out of all the people from my spot up until the 13th. I guess it won't take long for me to hit top 20. I don't like how Gagsy is still gaining such an amazing amount of points though. Soon she's gonna pass me in both Saves and BP.

Thanks for another great update Coop!

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-18 11:49:20

At 10/17/09 07:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: List Update #25
Okay, so this update is running two weeks late - I did pull the stats last weekend and take them to Blackpool with me, but at the end of the day, we were all just knackered, so when we went to our rooms, I just fell asleep on the bed, the laptop not even switched on - that's the curse of no WiFi at the hotel where we stayed... The week before, I just got caught up in stuff, so I'm trying to get a Blammers update done as well today, which is a first for me. Hooray :)

Something tells me people never get upset whenever these updates are a slight bit late. After all, I just can't seem to get upset at someone willing to spend hours out of their day to update these huge-ass lists just for the sake of fellow B/Pers. So, I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. And thanks for the update!

EagleRock rejoins the top 100, displacing Oneup and there's no activity between the top 10 / top 50 posts this time around.


70,000 Saves - Ultor; Punisher (4th & 5th)
40,000 Saves - Ehwaz003 (15th)
35,000 Saves - Patcoola (27th)
30,000 Saves - byteslinger (42nd)
20,000 Saves - someone-else; ornery; tdpl (86th - 88th)

Those are some really nice stats there. Congrats to all of you!

099) 17,784 || + 1,452 || EagleRock 8
Most Ranks Gained: EagleRock; Hacsev (+8)

Sweet! Again, the beauty of being inactive and coming back to B/P again gives you some awesome rank stats for your first month back!

Total Saves: 3,900,699

Sheesh...that's a crazy stat...almost 4 million saves collectively...

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,186 - harryjarry
+ 1,787 - Gagsy
+ 1,543 - DrJam
+ 1,467 - byteslinger
+ 1,452 - EagleRock

I can see I just barely squeaked my way onto that list...might I also add that harryjarry is just plain nuts.

Predictably, I was 6th with 1,342. 110 Was a kick in the nuts, but not even staying at home for the Blackpool trip would have done me much good, I feel.

Not at the current state of the Portal. I get 80 B/P a day on a really good day if I'm home all day with absolutely nothing to do. Daily averages tend to get more like 50-60. If this was 2007, though, 110 would have been a drop in the bucket...

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-18 13:24:17

At 10/17/09 07:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: List Update #25

Thanks for the update Coop.

70,000 Saves - Ultor; Punisher (4th & 5th)
40,000 Saves - Ehwaz003 (15th)


37,777 Saves - Bahamut (16th) :P
The List:
No.) Saves | Gain | User
016) 37,777 || + 0,001 || Bahamut

That's all, folks!

At 10/17/09 07:32 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/15/09 03:36 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well, just one more save to catch and that's it. :)
There you go. Another great of Newgrounds retires from the B/P arena.

Indeed, the rest of you can have fun passing me in the near-future. For those who already have, well, no need to worry about me at all so enjoy your higher rank, especially you Coop. :P

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-10-19 08:21:18

At 10/17/09 02:00 PM, Auz wrote: I don't like how Gagsy is still gaining such an amazing amount of points though. Soon she's gonna pass me in both Saves and BP.

I agree, Gagsy definitely needs herself a new hobby :P

At 10/18/09 11:49 AM, EagleRock wrote: Something tells me people never get upset whenever these updates are a slight bit late. After all, I just can't seem to get upset at someone willing to spend hours out of their day to update these huge-ass lists just for the sake of fellow B/Pers. So, I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. And thanks for the update!

I've had one or two complaints, but you remember how much of an idiot Dream-of-Duke was (what can we expect from the heart of Red Sox Nation?) - we don't tend to pay them much lip service.

+ 1,452 - EagleRock
I can see I just barely squeaked my way onto that list...might I also add that harryjarry is just plain nuts.

Yeah, but it's onto the list, nonetheless.

Predictably, I was 6th with 1,342. 110 Was a kick in the nuts, but not even staying at home for the Blackpool trip would have done me much good, I feel.
Not at the current state of the Portal. I get 80 B/P a day on a really good day if I'm home all day with absolutely nothing to do. Daily averages tend to get more like 50-60. If this was 2007, though, 110 would have been a drop in the bucket...

110 Saves would usually take me 2-3 days of work. There were other reasons I wasn't B/Ping earier in the update, but if I'd have updated earlier, perhaps I'd have had you there ;)

You can prove anything with stats.

At 10/18/09 01:24 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 10/17/09 07:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: There you go. Another great of Newgrounds retires from the B/P arena.
Indeed, the rest of you can have fun passing me in the near-future.

Or the near-past in my case :P Blams is the far future, so nothing to worry about there. I think I'll be a top 50 Experienced user first, just to put it in perspective.

For those who already have, well, no need to worry about me at all so enjoy your higher rank, especially you Coop. :P

I already am.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 15:21:12

List update #26 - 28th September 2009
Here we go again. Some good numbers been put up this month, I see, but then again, there has been a number of small surprises, with 17 users gaining 1,000 or more Saves this month.

SCTE3 joins the list, knocking ianianian1111 out of contention. pokemonpoeguygcn passes Jake for 100th and there were no new entries to the top 50.

65,000 Saves - DrJam
45,000 Saves - RemRulzz
35,000 Saves - Auz
30,000 Saves - Nightforce666
15,000 Saves - Timmy

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,562 - harryjarry
+ 1,788 - courtday
+ 1,783 - pokemonpoeguygcn
+ 1,616 - EagleRock
+ 1,612 - byteslinger

The List:
001) 99,147 || + 1,319 || Toocool100
002) 83,159 || + 0,243 || AfroUnderscoreStud
003) 74,930 || + 2,562 || harryjarry
004) 71,577 || + 1,301 || Ultor
005) 70,937 || + 0,814 || Punisher
006) 65,145 || + 1,574 || DrJam
007) 64,189 || + 0,667 || Wylo
008) 54,667 || + 0,133 || Rule
009) 52,914 || + 0,154 || Molotov
010) 52,643 || + 1,788 || courtday
011) 45,389 || + 0,693 || RemRulzz
012) 43,107 || + 1,538 || Coop83
013) 42,853 || + 1,459 || milinko959
014) 40,753 || + 0,684 || Ehwaz003 1
015) 40,680 || + 0,054 || ReconRebel -1
016) 37,777 || + 0,000 || Bahamut
017) 37,619 || + 0,000 || Dakka942
018) 37,151 || + 0,019 || AshtonNextGen
019) 36,977 || + 0,000 || Crolpa
020) 36,593 || + 0,010 || TheDepthsofHell
021) 36,162 || + 0,008 || azteca89
022) 36,141 || + 0,205 || Phantom 1
023) 36,017 || + 0,000 || ramagi -1
024) 35,869 || + 0,222 || pwroftheseagoat 1
025) 35,825 || + 0,649 || Patcoola 2
026) 35,753 || + 0,027 || Seamonky -2
027) 35,499 || + 1,108 || Auz 1
028) 35,435 || + 0,143 || iscrulz -2
029) 34,704 || + 1,249 || Gagsy 3
030) 34,341 || + 0,000 || LockClock -1
031) 34,103 || + 0,077 || BlueHippo -1
032) 33,821 || + 0,500 || Sentio 1
033) 33,655 || + 0,059 || gfoxcook -2
034) 33,474 || + 0,213 || Idiot-Finder
035) 33,358 || + 0,331 || ouandyoi
036) 32,509 || + 1,612 || byteslinger 3
037) 32,395 || + 0,145 || schneelocke -1
038) 31,683 || + 0,182 || Little-Rena
039) 31,542 || + 0,000 || Rabindarath -2
040) 30,470 || + 0,010 || simon
041) 30,287 || + 1,021 || Nightforce666 4
042) 30,008 || + 0,000 || Denvish -1
043) 30,000 || + 0,000 || shunshuu -1
044) 29,814 || + 0,004 || RenegadeGirl -1
045) 29,322 || + 0,000 || Dream-of-Duke -1
046) 29,238 || + 0,221 || AllReligiousDrunk 1
047) 29,141 || + 0,121 || Newgrundling -1
048) 28,902 || + 0,138 || PenguinLink
049) 28,715 || + 0,027 || BonusStage
050) 28,210 || + 0,001 || bila

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 15:22:46

051) 27,979 || + 0,000 || pepeatumi
052) 27,054 || + 0,638 || Mrputter 5
053) 26,989 || + 0,106 || DonDoli
054) 26,956 || + 0,001 || Omgee -2
055) 26,835 || + 0,823 || Overtired 3
056) 26,815 || + 0,102 || Voidist -2
057) 26,644 || + 0,000 || X-Naut -2
058) 26,571 || + 0,000 || Major-punk -2
059) 26,078 || + 0,155 || Gooch
060) 25,851 || + 0,000 || Sispri
061) 25,714 || + 0,417 || Mendou 1
062) 25,615 || + 0,003 || Andersson -1
063) 25,228 || + 0,153 || XwaynecoltX
064) 24,900 || + 0,444 || Haggard 2
065) 24,642 || + 0,000 || M-A-R-C-U-S -1
066) 24,588 || + 0,000 || Qwoxyl -1
067) 24,473 || + 1,074 || zimzap 3
068) 24,274 || + 0,000 || JerkClock -1
069) 24,094 || + 0,193 || Shanus -1
070) 24,049 || + 0,203 || Frank-The-Hedgehog -1
071) 23,735 || + 0,524 || Now-n-Again
072) 23,003 || + 0,538 || Emlfuryoflion 3
073) 22,785 || + 0,000 || MPA -1
074) 22,776 || + 0,081 || leeboy105
075) 22,764 || + 0,015 || Minion777 -2
076) 22,375 || + 0,471 || Sonucais
077) 21,837 || + 0,209 || Metal-Therapy
078) 21,586 || + 1,034 || someone-else 5
079) 21,328 || + 0,000 || Joshiwa -1
080) 21,277 || + 0,051 || TheSoulMan -1
081) 21,271 || + 0,173 || Fro -1
082) 21,174 || + 1,087 || tdpl 6
083) 20,940 || + 0,121 || idiot-buster -2
084) 20,919 || + 0,597 || aldlv 2
085) 20,718 || + 0,146 || bifgis -3
086) 20,449 || + 0,005 || AtomicTerrorist -2
087) 20,349 || + 0,002 || LatinoRalf -2
088) 20,177 || + 0,085 || ornery -1
089) 19,614 || + 0,000 || icean
090) 19,570 || + 0,016 || cadreamer
091) 19,400 || + 1,616 || EagleRock 8
092) 19,377 || + 0,000 || Stormwarden -1
093) 19,199 || + 0,866 || Cyberdevil 2
094) 19,016 || + 0,099 || Sakurazukamori -2
095) 18,905 || + 0,008 || Tex2002ans -2
096) 18,416 || + 0,333 || skatin-andy 1
097) 18,414 || + 0,000 || Pieriku -3
098) 18,377 || + 0,145 || Dew -2
099) 17,899 || + 0,017 || NEVR -1
100) 17,857 || + 1,783 || pokemonpoeguygcn 11

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 15:24:24

101) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -1
102) 17,225 || + 1,384 || Hacsev 11
103) 17,193 || + 0,009 || Oneup -2
104) 17,137 || + 0,000 || Perceptor -2
105) 16,968 || + 0,295 || Kaytee
106) 16,951 || + 0,001 || Roth-Productions -3
107) 16,771 || + 0,000 || Ventar -3
108) 16,654 || + 0,000 || Hemlok -2
109) 16,558 || + 0,090 || Kolohe -2
110) 16,339 || + 0,028 || thomtomw -2
111) 16,183 || + 0,000 || Cereal -2
112) 16,101 || + 0,000 || fixit -2
113) 15,955 || + 0,087 || Glamdrung -1
114) 15,785 || + 0,000 || LittleMissVixen
115) 15,780 || + 0,000 || MadCow
116) 15,550 || + 0,000 || Claudia-C18
117) 15,533 || + 0,033 || lilhunter03
118) 15,516 || + 0,063 || pieoncar
119) 15,454 || + 0,067 || bmxgamer 1
120) 15,436 || + 0,011 || Aksumka -1
121) 15,117 || + 0,240 || Timmy 2
122) 15,023 || + 0,000 || carmelhadinosaur -1
123) 15,000 || + 0,000 || life -1
124) 14,815 || + 0,002 || rageVI
125) 14,791 || + 0,003 || TremCladClock
126) 14,742 || + 0,006 || ThunderboltLegion
127) 14,666 || + 0,000 || Sterockicy
128) 14,650 || + 0,336 || hongkongexpress 3
129) 14,502 || + 0,000 || RoweNuts -1
130) 14,420 || + 0,450 || SevasTra 5
131) 14,405 || + 0,000 || ADT -2
132) 14,328 || + 0,000 || sunhawk818 -2
133) 14,063 || + 0,001 || MetalDart -1
134) 14,061 || + 0,001 || Myst -1
135) 14,053 || + 0,000 || SlashFirestorm -1
136) 13,954 || + 0,000 || Parasoul
137) 13,835 || + 0,029 || Kirk-Cocaine
138) 13,800 || + 0,000 || Heinrich
139) 13,789 || + 0,000 || ScottTowels
140) 13,616 || + 0,010 || Kisuke
141) 13,567 || + 0,000 || alexsmolik
142) 13,560 || + 0,000 || DuMa-RyoHahn
143) 13,467 || + 0,000 || ArtDanVal
144) 13,416 || + 0,000 || IM-KOOL-R-U
145) 13,311 || + 0,058 || Rarebreed
146) 13,005 || + 0,000 || yaya12
147) 12,991 || + 0,074 || FIGMENTUM 1
148) 12,984 || + 0,003 || YoinK -1
149) 12,922 || + 0,094 || DarkArchon
150) 12,883 || + ?,??? || SCTE3 NEW!

Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,562)
Most Ranks Gained: pokemonpoeguygcn; Hacsev (+11)
Most Ranks Lost: bifgis; Pieriku; Roth-Productions; Ventar (-3)
Total Saves: 3,941,781
Total Saves Gained (November): 41,082

Some nice gains over the month, but it's going to be interesting to see how things pan out. Coming next month, we'll see the top gainers for 2009, so that could really show us who's been consistent all year.

With our relative paces, I don't expect to reach 11th on the list until RemRulzz will be my first victim of the year, but not the last, I hope :)

Coop out.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 15:30:06

Thank you for the update Coop83!

Congrats to pokemonpoeguygcn for getting in the top 100!

At 11/29/09 03:24 PM, Coop83 wrote: 101) 17,500 || + 0,000 || Jake -1
102) 17,225 || + 1,384 || Hacsev 11

You're going down, Jake! >:)

150) 12,883 || + ?,??? || SCTE3 NEW!

Welcome to the list!

Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,562)

Wow. I think this guy only votes 5 on all the under judgment submissions.

Most Ranks Gained: pokemonpoeguygcn; Hacsev (+11)

This was quite interesting. I did my best to get the most rankings. Congrats, pokemonpoeguygcn!

Some nice gains over the month, but it's going to be interesting to see how things pan out. Coming next month, we'll see the top gainers for 2009, so that could really show us who's been consistent all year.

Nice! I hope I get into the list.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 15:33:17

At 11/29/09 03:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #26 - 28th September 2009

Thank you for the update

pokemonpoeguygcn passes Jake for 100th and there were no new entries to the top 50.

Yes, Top 100!

Top 5 Gainers:
+ 2,562 - harryjarry
+ 1,788 - courtday
+ 1,783 - pokemonpoeguygcn
+ 1,616 - EagleRock
+ 1,612 - byteslinger

Harryjarry is going to be impossible to beat

At 11/29/09 03:22 PM, Coop83 wrote: 100) 17,857 || + 1,783 || pokemonpoeguygcn 11

Ha ha, I'm doing great with this amount

At 11/29/09 03:24 PM, Coop83 wrote: Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,562)


Most Ranks Gained: pokemonpoeguygcn; Hacsev (+11)

Ooh, we're tied

At 11/29/09 03:30 PM, Hacsev wrote: Congrats to pokemonpoeguygcn for getting in the top 100!

Thank you

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 16:20:56

At 11/29/09 03:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: Milestones:
35,000 Saves - Auz


The List:
025) 35,825 || + 0,649 || Patcoola 2
026) 35,753 || + 0,027 || Seamonky -2
027) 35,499 || + 1,108 || Auz 1
028) 35,435 || + 0,143 || iscrulz -2
029) 34,704 || + 1,249 || Gagsy 3

Nothing but good news on this update. I passed iscrulz which is very nice. Seamonky is not too far up ahead and thank god Gagsy has slowed down a lot. I think a large part of her gain came from the beginning of this month. Lately she hasn't gained much, so I guess now is the time to make a gap large enough so that I won't have to worry about her anymore.

Thanks for another good update Coop!

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 16:53:11

Put me on the list for next time too Coop. Alright?

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 17:14:39

No, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I just figured, hey why the hell not, right? I rarely post in the Wi/Ht forum as it is. A little extra exposure couldn't hurt, right?

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-29 21:05:31

At 11/29/09 03:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #26 - 28th September 2009

Thanks, Coop!

012) 43,107 || + 1,538 || Coop83
013) 42,853 || + 1,459 || milinko959

Ahh, you outgained me again :( Still keeping it close though.

S&Box, the gameĀ Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-30 00:33:46

At 11/29/09 03:22 PM, Coop83 wrote: 072) 23,003 || + 0,538 || Emlfuryoflion 3

heh more than tripled my save count from last month and i still had some quiet days to if i can get some more free time i could bump that number up even more need to make a move at the top 70

thanks for the update

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-30 01:20:14

At 11/29/09 03:22 PM, Coop83 wrote: 082) 21,174 || + 1,087 || tdpl 6

damn it... you pass me on saves... crap, why the heck are you going so fast? haha...
great work

084) 20,919 || + 0,597 || aldlv 2

almost 600, this still is a very awesome number
and 2 places... that's pretty cool

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-30 03:27:00

At 11/29/09 03:30 PM, Hacsev wrote:
Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,562)
Wow. I think this guy only votes 5 on all the under judgment submissions.

And of course the 50,000+ Blams that he has means nothing to you :P

At 11/29/09 03:33 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:
At 11/29/09 03:24 PM, Coop83 wrote: Moat Saves Gained: harryjarry (+2,562)

Yeah, he had to shore up the sides of his moat, otherwise his castle would have become breached.

At 11/29/09 04:53 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Put me on the list for next time too Coop. Alright?

You're a worse troll than darknessdweller.

At 11/29/09 05:14 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: No, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I just figured, hey why the hell not, right? I rarely post in the Wi/Ht forum as it is. A little extra exposure couldn't hurt, right?

And how did you think I was going to react, when there are clearly 150 users (at least 200, since I've got the list on my computer) with more than 10,000 Saves.

At 11/29/09 05:47 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 11/29/09 03:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: 012) 43,107 || + 1,538 || Coop83
Surprised you didn't manage to grab a rank.

It's difficult when you're up here - I'll catch them, soon enough :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2009-11-30 06:33:45

At 11/29/09 03:21 PM, Coop83 wrote: List update #26 - 28th September 2009

Thanks for the update!

062) 25,615 || + 0,003 || Andersson -1
063) 25,228 || + 0,153 || XwaynecoltX
064) 24,900 || + 0,444 || Haggard 2

Slowly climbing. 2 ranks gained this update, another rank may be possible next update, if X slows down a bit. If he doesn't then I should pass him and Andersson on the update after next.
Also, nice job catching me on a gain of exactly 444 saves, Coop! ^^

067) 24,473 || + 1,074 || zimzap 3

Oh... maybe I will lose a spot on the next update? :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38