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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 00:40:32

At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's List Update #10


Time taken to pull stats: 2 minutes

sweet, sweet automation.

Time taken to Analyse Stats: 28 minutes
Time taken to prepare update for publication: 26 minutes
Time taken to publish the list to Newgrounds: ~ 4 minutes

60 minutes, give or take. NOISHE.

Insert Generic thanks to Casualty here...


Say hello to idiot-buster and lilhunter03, who have moved the Back-Door-Baron and lightning to a position of waiting for me to expand this list to a top 200 :P

woot woot! My protégé gots onto my very first created list!

75,000 Saves: Toocool100


:::bows to Toocool:::

You are TEH WIN, man. Godlike.

24,000 Saves: Coop83 If you don't know why, ask gfoxcook :P

Heh. Congrats, man. #;-}>

I am currently tracking 163 Users with 10,000+ Saves, so we've gained 3 more this month :)


Part 1 - To Protect and Save

HAHAHAH, yes. You did come up with something. I knew you could. #;-}> DOUBLY SO.

Rank) Saves || Gain || Username
001) 75,003 || + 1,238 || Toocool100
002) 58,253 || + 2,382 || AfroUnderscoreStud

Doing his best to narrow the gap... but Toocool is just so damned dominant.

024) 30,006 || + 0,000 || Denvish -1
025) 28,820 || + 0,193 || RenegadeGirl
026) 28,493 || + 0,377 || TheDepthsofHell 1
027) 28,209 || + 0,000 || bila -1
028) 28,073 || + 0,209 || Ehwaz003
029) 27,826 || + 0,826 || gfoxcook 1
030) 27,265 || + 0,202 || BonusStage -1

Sorry about that, Bonus. :::nudges him aside gently::: I fucked ya nice 'n' gentle, okay? REMEMBER THAT.

At 6/28/08 11:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: Part 2 - High Interest Savings Account


At 6/28/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Part 3 - Save me (Queen)


New to the list: lilhunter03; idiot-buster
Leaving the list: Back-Door-Baron; lightning
Most Saves Gained: AfroUnderscoreStud (+2,382)
Most Ranks Gained: Joshiwa (+11)
Special Mention to: aldlv (+10 Ranks gained)
Most Ranks Lost: Shadow-Angel; Muffin; KWAS71KCK (-4)
Total Saves for the top 150: 3,090,236
Total Saves Gained for June: 38,126

Oh HELL YEAH. 38k gained. Man. I wish I could break myself off just 10% of that. A nice 3,800 take out of nowhere. That'd cut my amount of saves needed by nearly 50% as of now. #;-}>

Well, that's another month done, I hope to see you all at the end of July :)

But of course!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 01:04:01

At 6/26/08 11:25 PM, idiot-buster wrote: It's comming out todday or tomarrow i forgot. Im going to buy it and then sell it to some idiot for more money.

Uh... cool, I guess? Yay, capitalism.

Ya i haven to a few myself, but cant seem to remember the name of.

I am loving the new official South Park site with all the eps on it. Trey + Matt FTW.

Damn i could of got several dollers off of you.

Yep. Except I hardly ever bet.

I think i have seen every ep. But i am not sure.


D i have watched every episode in my spare time.

But you said (right up there), and I quote, "i am not sure" (that you had seen every ep).

I think each network that runs a particlar show has it's own ideas of what the show should or should not be like.

Yes, but as I was trying to get at...... does that vision of the network MESH well with the vision of the creator/producers/directors of the show.

Ya but he is a timeless character you have to admit it.

Mandark? Of course he's timeless. Who said he wasn't? O_o

Leela's blernsball ep is one of the weakest?!?!? Dude... that ain't right.
It was not all that bad yet it was not that good either. thay need to try harder sometimes that they want to push the episode out as fast as thay can.

Eh, if you say so. I'm a baseball fan, so I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Make that 11 seasons now and yes bender is like a direct copy of homer which does not bother me.

Very well, then.

You ruined the Mandark.
Ya i did and am sorry for it.


I have just relized that he is so similar to homer almost a exact copy except not as fat or as stupid.

He's a robot, of course he's not as fat.

At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived *flicks page*"


I've saved you SUCH an expense... how about buying me a PS3? #;-}>
Wha? Why would you want a PS3?! Get an Xbox to go with your Wii, then you can play Halo :P

I've been playing Halo on my new PC just fine since June 5th (the date I got my new PC). I'm in to chapter 5 or 6 of it. Enjoying it quite a lot. Done some online MP, as well.

Try looking under disc 2 for season 3. That's happened to me before, as has me putting a dvd on top of a PS2 game in the machine and getting ready to watch, then seeing the game loading up...

Uh... yeah, dude. Trust me, the first place I looked a year ago when I first lost it was in all the other Futurama disc slots. And I looked again in all of them while I was trying to locate which disc was missing when posting that information in this very topic a week ago or whenever.

It may very well be in with some DVD movie or some game case, yes.

*Goes apeshit with hammer smashing random things*
Like Mario in Donkey Kong? #;-}>
More like Tom in Father Ted. Check TV Links for that ;)

Well, it sounds like Tom and Mario have a lot in common, that's all I'm saying.

I think the "apeshit" probably triggered my Donkey Kong memories as well. #;-}>

For me, it's a close call between Zapp Brannigan and Nixon. The whole "he was really like this" angle really works for me with Nixon.

Hmmm... a case can be made for either of those two, yes.

On a side note, Play.com dispatched my copy of The Beast with a Billion Backs yesterday, so the update could take me a while tomorrow...

Ah, so it's billion, not thousand like buster was saying. #;-}>

Makes sense. BBS... BBB... every damned Futurama DVD has to have maximal B's apparently. O_O

At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: Fucking FOX.


You know, FOX (and most of the other networks) does suck most of the time, but it's worth pointing out that some series never would have even AIRED had it not been for FOX.

Herman's Head? Get a Life?

While FOX killed those shows early in their runs vs. how long they let Married... With Children and Simpsons go... I still think the world is a better place for ever having had them, as short a time as it was. ;_;

If you can prove to me that another network (even a cable network) would have not only aired shows like that but let them go longer than FOX did... the same year that FOX premiered them... then I will admit I'm wrong. But till then... FOX has goodness to them as much as badness, dagnabit.

At 6/24/08 09:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Dude... broadcast order differing from production order is pretty much the norm when it comes to TV series at one point or another. It's usually intentional on the part of producers, directors, writers, and/or creators.
They should keep it in the same order.

I'm not kidding, man. Nearly every TV show ever made would have a different order now if they did. Some a better order. Some not so much. Who knows.

.... was that a Mandark laugh??!?!

Holy shit.
Yes it was, actually.

Heh. Awesome.

I've seen more episodes of Dexter's Lab than you have. I used to be into the show, but not anymore.

All I know is... I LOVE THAT LAUGH.

Oh, and Dexter's mom is schmexy.

He wasn't cool enough to ever migrate here. So... he's dead to me.
...Damn you, gfox. koreaman was a fucking BBS legend. He needs to return.


Leela's blernsball ep is one of the weakest?!?!? Dude... that ain't right.
It is to me.


But I hate to break this to you... he's basically the unmarried, un-kids-having, robotic version of Homer Simpson 1000 years later.
Who's up for knocking on gfox's door with a mob?


At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wha? Why would you want a PS3?! Get an Xbox to go with your Wii, then you can play Halo :P
PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.

And GTA 4 (not that X-Box 360 doesn't have that as well, of course).


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 01:05:53


At 6/28/08 01:00 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:25 AM, darknessdweller wrote: Umm.. dude. We can find the top 50 protectors in Rankings.
//end thread\\
I'm sure glad that you're not a moderator, because then Newgrounds really would have hit an all time low.

... The thought that as big an idiot as him could ever be modded never once crossed my mind while reading his post. Why on earth did that occur to you? O_o

The rankings show the top 50, but if you'd have looked at the other 2 posts that I've added after the top 50, you would see that I've also shown users 51-150 there. I've also given detail of pacings for the month that each user is achieving.

There's more to stats than just numbers.

I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.

He was replying to the topic itself, and thus, to my OP basically, back in 2003.

The moron also probably doesn't realise two things:

A) that the topic is from 2003, and is no longer just a top 50... and
B) that NG didn't have an official top 50 saves list prior to July 2007... and really, not prior to a month ago or so, whenever it actually started updating daily

At 6/28/08 11:39 AM, Casualty wrote: Umm.. dude. You're a fucking retard.

Now that we can all agree upon, but again... he was being a retard to me and not to Coop, trust me on this one. #;-}>

Hey, let's all point at him and laugh for the following, as well (just in case his performance in this thread wasn't enough for you!):

http://darknessdweller.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/144911

At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: ^ Retard of the Century

*carries on laughing*


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 04:28:01

At 6/28/08 04:28 PM, Emlfuryoflion wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Part 3 - Save me (Queen)
101) 13,840 || + 544 || Emlfuryoflion 8
dang i fell 1 rank short of the top 100 this month oh well il be there next update

Patience, young Padawan.

At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wha? Why would you want a PS3?! Get an Xbox to go with your Wii, then you can play Halo :P
PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.

Never really been much of an MGS fan - I grew out of Final Fantasy when I hit 20 as well :P

Come to think of it, I've never been much of a Halo fan, either, but since it's not my Xbox, I'll gladly carry on playing on it :P

At 6/28/08 05:23 PM, aldlv wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Special Mention to: aldlv (+10 Ranks gained)
special mention?... wow... that's great... thanx a lot : )

Well, you were the only other user to gain 10+ ranks and I thought that it's a pretty special achievement, so what the hey.

At 6/29/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Say hello to idiot-buster and lilhunter03, who have moved the Back-Door-Baron and lightning to a position of waiting for me to expand this list to a top 200 :P
woot woot! My protégé gots onto my very first created list!

What? *drops axe* I thought I was your protégé, master... *sulks*

Part 1 - To Protect and Save
HAHAHAH, yes. You did come up with something. I knew you could. #;-}> DOUBLY SO.

Yeah, took me about 5 of the 26 minutes right there :P

Sorry about that, Bonus. :::nudges him aside gently::: I fucked ya nice 'n' gentle, okay? REMEMBER THAT.

There will be no time for lube when I get there!

At 6/28/08 11:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: Part 2 - High Interest Savings Account

And when the interest pays out, I'll have an extra 2p...

At 6/28/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Part 3 - Save me (Queen)

You knew that was coming

Total Saves Gained for June: 38,126
Oh HELL YEAH. 38k gained. Man. I wish I could break myself off just 10% of that. A nice 3,800 take out of nowhere. That'd cut my amount of saves needed by nearly 50% as of now. #;-}>

You're well above the 254 average gain for the month. That's a very positive position to be in, considering you only lost a nominal amount of ground to me this time around :P

At 6/29/08 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived *flicks page*"


Try looking under disc 2 for season 3. That's happened to me before, as has me putting a dvd on top of a PS2 game in the machine and getting ready to watch, then seeing the game loading up...
Uh... yeah, dude. Trust me, the first place I looked a year ago when I first lost it was in all the other Futurama disc slots. And I looked again in all of them while I was trying to locate which disc was missing when posting that information in this very topic a week ago or whenever.

It may very well be in with some DVD movie or some game case, yes.

I just thought I'd try to lend a hand. It'll turn up when you're not looking for it. Watch the rest of the DVDs and stop looking for it.

For me, it's a close call between Zapp Brannigan and Nixon. The whole "he was really like this" angle really works for me with Nixon.
Hmmm... a case can be made for either of those two, yes.

"*sips* Ah, pre-war scotch... Dammit Kif, where's the little umbrella?! That's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!

Actually sir *squelch*

Make me a new one."

On a side note, Play.com dispatched my copy of The Beast with a Billion Backs yesterday, so the update could take me a while tomorrow...
Ah, so it's billion, not thousand like buster was saying. #;-}>

Makes sense. BBS... BBB... every damned Futurama DVD has to have maximal B's apparently. O_O

Well, the next one is called Bender's Game (Night Fever, anyone?) and it's released in November 2008, while The Wild Green Yonder is released in April 2009.

*Puts tBwaBB into the DVD player and enjoys*

At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wha? Why would you want a PS3?! Get an Xbox to go with your Wii, then you can play Halo :P
PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.
And GTA 4 (not that X-Box 360 doesn't have that as well, of course).


Yeah, but GTA isn't a PS3 Exclusive title.

At 6/29/08 01:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 01:00 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:25 AM, darknessdweller wrote: Umm.. dude. We can find the top 50 protectors in Rankings.
//end thread\\
I'm sure glad that you're not a moderator, because then Newgrounds really would have hit an all time low.
... The thought that as big an idiot as him could ever be modded never once crossed my mind while reading his post. Why on earth did that occur to you? O_o

The whole way that he used the //End Thread\\ to try and state that this thread should be locked. I was thinking that maybe we should get a new thread for this, but I think that morons like him need to be stricken from the records.

The rankings show the top 50, but if you'd have looked at the other 2 posts that I've added after the top 50, you would see that I've also shown users 51-150 there. I've also given detail of pacings for the month that each user is achieving.

There's more to stats than just numbers.
I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.

I demand fame!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 10:55:28

At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's List Update #10

Thanks for another great update Coop :)

Time taken to pull stats: 2 minutes
Time taken to Analyse Stats: 28 minutes
Time taken to prepare update for publication: 26 minutes
Time taken to publish the list to Newgrounds: ~ 4 minutes

Hmm, looking at how long this took in total, I don´t think the help of a program would save me that much time. But then again, there are 50 more users here and there´s a lot more rank switching between them.

75,000 Saves: Toocool100
35,000 Saves: Crolpa
30,000 Saves: Dakka942
25,000 Saves: AshtonNextGen
24,000 Saves: Coop83 If you don't know why, ask gfoxcook :P
15,000 Saves: Kolohe

Congrats all of you.

At 6/28/08 11:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: 055) 21,799 || + 0,087 || leeboy105 -1
056) 21,267 || + 0,537 || Little-Rena
057) 21,265 || + 0,686 || Auz

Heh, at this moment I´m 2 points ahead of Little-Rena. Seems like both of us have a little trouble with gaining saves at the moment, so this could become an interesting race (for me at least).

Thanks again for the update Coop.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 11:10:49

At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's List Update #10

Thanks for the update, Coop!

At 6/28/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: 113) 12,960 || + 619 || Haggard 4
114) 12,832 || + 011 || YoinK -1

OMG, I passed teh Yoink!?
Now, if only I had as many blams as he has... ^^

Also, looks like I had the highest gain in this part of the list. Nice. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-29 23:35:43

At 6/17/08 09:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/17/08 08:16 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 6/17/08 07:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/17/08 04:03 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I love tho one when they cut off fry's nose and think it's is penis.
I thouht i was funny, but it seems you dont.
No, I just don't remember it.

Plus that's quite the insane situation, even for a Futurama episode.

Your telling me, sick and twisted is more like it, Those Omatronians were gonna cut off Fry's Penis, scrape it with a cheese grinder and snort it as cocane! =0
That episode Nearly got a 15+ rating!

You're offering to send me your season 3 disc 1, eh?
I guss i don't really need it.
... That's madness. Keep your disc, but thanks for the thought. Again, it's not lost forever, it's just... hiding.

Its not madness, its MeadowLands, embrace it! =)

(man how long have I been Away!? Im so lost in this thread now, but wasn't AfroUnderscore supposed to come back or something?) =/

(in responce to bahamut ...'Super awesome.' lmao)
At 6/20/08 05:28 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, but I want a drawn Bahamut!

I gave you a drawn Bahamut! I don't know why you didn't take it while you had the chance?
Maybe RedHippo has a copy? (BlueHippo's autistic bookworm emo twin brother) He collects everything! =)

At 6/21/08 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:

Give me a freaking chance and back off!

Yayy! =D *all the japanese children cheer in the scenery!*

At 6/22/08 03:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/7/08 10:52 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote: Your all mad! Farnsworth is the best character ever and you know it!
One of the greatest. :)
So who're yer faves above him, then?

Hank Hill, definatly! =P xx "Buaaaaa-a-h-h-h-h......"

At 6/22/08 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Rich nephew! Come and buy your still famous Actor Uncle a meal.

OMG I love that episode So much! =D
"Great Doctor nephew!"

*Goes apeshit with hammer smashing random things*

BWA HA HA! OMG The very second I read this I had that image stuck in my head!! Now I can't get it out! ITS SO FUNNY! I CANT STOP LAUGHING NOW!! =D *pant...* OMG

At 6/22/08 05:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I AM YOUR JAPANABE CHEERLEADER! YATTA-NE!

If Afro_stud ever heard you say that...!???!

*well I'd just head for the hills?* (lol nah, he'd probably just knock on your door in a suit with greased up hair and a bouque of flowers ...or your bathroom window!) XD Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun...
At 6/23/08 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: I think Bender is the greatest TV character ever. :)

Its his attitute, he says things that no other TV character dares to say!
remember that episode where bender was on TV and took over All my Circuits? ...ok I know what Im watching tomorrow morning now! =D

- Ok I cant believe I've had to catch up with 2 pages of futerama gossip, any hairdressing saloon would disown me for this outrage! -

Coop's List Update #10

Thanks for thr update Coop! =)

I can't believe I hit a milestone OMG!!! =D ...*whats a milestone??...* =o no seriously?

Congrats to Drjam and HarryJarry as well, those two are in stiff competition now!

At 6/28/08 11:25 AM, darknessdweller wrote: Umm.. dude. We can find the top 50 protectors in Rankings.

//end thread\\

Thats gotta be the stupidist thing I have ever heard, Thats not even funny! Grrrr Im so angry!!111!!one!

Damn you, young man, This is the V.I.P. forum, Im the one who writes random idiotic junk here, this position is taken! >=( *very angry face*
At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/23/08 07:17 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Of course he is. Look at his BBS posts and you'll see how much of an epic poster he was.
I really don't remember him, fill me in about this Koreaman.
Just look at his hilarious posts.

Whats up with that guys posts? Is he trying to be Eric Cartman or something?? =0

.... was that a Mandark laugh??!?!

Holy shit.
Yes it was, actually.

I knew it all along! =D Cartoon Network isn't dead untill its forgotten by the people who grew up in the generation of Decent Cartoons history!

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: "*sips* Ah, pre-war scotch... Dammit Kif, where's the little umbrella?! That's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!

Actually sir *squelch*

Make me a new one."

HaHa! That was great! thanks for bringing back then memories of Lionel Hutz and Kif,

I demand fame!

LOL And you shall get it! But just as Gordan Brown, Afro_stud will always be at the top looking down upon you, you know what must be done...

- On another unmeantioned subject, is anyone talking about the Futerama Movie yet? Id watch it but ...£16 for just ...the one episode, its just not the same as a collectors box is it? -

Now that thats done, Im-a gonna go watch Queer as folk before it gets out of fashion! Psh'cha xx
(...I mean, Im-a gonna go watch som sexay prornz!!11!)

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-30 03:59:23

At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/17/08 09:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Plus that's quite the insane situation, even for a Futurama episode.
Your telling me, sick and twisted is more like it, Those Omatronians were gonna cut off Fry's Penis, scrape it with a cheese grinder and snort it as cocane! =0

That episode Nearly got a 15+ rating!

They did tell the network that it wasn't a show aimed for pre-watershed viewing :P

At 6/22/08 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Rich nephew! Come and buy your still famous Actor Uncle a meal.
OMG I love that episode So much! =D

"Great Doctor nephew!"

He does have a cameo in the new one ;)

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: "*sips* Ah, pre-war scotch... Dammit Kif, where's the little umbrella?! That's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!

Actually sir *squelch*

Make me a new one."
HaHa! That was great! thanks for bringing back then memories of Lionel Hutz and Kif,

Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!

- On another unmeantioned subject, is anyone talking about the Futerama Movie yet? Id watch it but ...£16 for just ...the one episode, its just not the same as a collectors box is it? -

Yeah, it arrived on Saturday morning. I shall give you Harold Zoid's quote, since it doesn't have any spoiler material in it:

"So Uncle Zoid, are you still making movies for the blind and the deaf?"
"Actually, I've got a role in a DVD movie. Sure, it's only one line, but I'm gonna milk that sucker so that I can--- AAAAAAAAARGH! *screen goes blank*"

And one of the major characters dies. I'm not saying who.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-30 10:37:20

At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: "*sips* Ah, pre-war scotch... Dammit Kif, where's the little umbrella?! That's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!

Actually sir *squelch*

Make me a new one."
HaHa! That was great! thanks for bringing back then memories of Lionel Hutz and Kif,
Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!

I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-06-30 14:02:39

Thanks for the awesome update Coop!!!

At 6/28/08 11:18 AM, Coop83 wrote:
089) 14,928 || + 1,090 || Joshiwa 11

Wow 11 ranks, but you had to make the list right before I got my 15,000 saves huh :P

Now to continue my goal of making it on the top blammers list.

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-03 18:58:46

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.
Never really been much of an MGS fan - I grew out of Final Fantasy when I hit 20 as well :P

I hope you're just saying that to get under Bahamut's skin, like all the evil shit Bahamut says about GTA to get under iscrulz's and all the evil shit iscrulz says in return about FF to get back under Bahamut's.

Final Fantasy will NEVAR DIE. Just like Rock 'n' Roll, which isn't noise pollution, BTW.

Come to think of it, I've never been much of a Halo fan, either, but since it's not my Xbox, I'll gladly carry on playing on it :P

I've only played the first 33% or so of the 1P part of the first Halo game + a few multiplayer matches, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Much tighter control and more fun than ol' Quake2, though the 2 weapons at a time thing is so damned limiting at times. #;-}>

At 6/29/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Say hello to idiot-buster and lilhunter03, who have moved the Back-Door-Baron and lightning to a position of waiting for me to expand this list to a top 200 :P
woot woot! My protégé gots onto my very first created list!
What? *drops axe* I thought I was your protégé, master... *sulks*

I've never limited myself to just one, silly.

Overall, I mean... but nor even just one at a time, either. I don't follow old stuffy Jedi-training rules or traditions or whatever the fuck the reason is that you gotta have a one master/one padawan monogomous relationship, damnit.

Yeah, took me about 5 of the 26 minutes right there :P

Time allocation varies greatly from one listmaker to the next, clearly. #;-}>

Sorry about that, Bonus. :::nudges him aside gently::: I fucked ya nice 'n' gentle, okay? REMEMBER THAT.
There will be no time for lube when I get there!


And when the interest pays out, I'll have an extra 2p...


You knew that was coming

Yes, as you'd mentioned that as being like the only thing you could think of a few weeks ago. I knew you'd find more, though.

Oh HELL YEAH. 38k gained. Man. I wish I could break myself off just 10% of that. A nice 3,800 take out of nowhere. That'd cut my amount of saves needed by nearly 50% as of now. #;-}>
You're well above the 254 average gain for the month. That's a very positive position to be in, considering you only lost a nominal amount of ground to me this time around :P

Every little bit... just a little, little longer.

Uh... yeah, dude. Trust me, the first place I looked a year ago when I first lost it was in all the other Futurama disc slots. And I looked again in all of them while I was trying to locate which disc was missing when posting that information in this very topic a week ago or whenever.

It may very well be in with some DVD movie or some game case, yes.
I just thought I'd try to lend a hand. It'll turn up when you're not looking for it. Watch the rest of the DVDs and stop looking for it.

If it had been stuck to another Futrama disc, or just hiding under another one, either way... I woulda shot myself before now. :::nods:::

Makes sense. BBS... BBB... every damned Futurama DVD has to have maximal B's apparently. O_O
Well, the next one is called Bender's Game (Night Fever, anyone?) and it's released in November 2008, while The Wild Green Yonder is released in April 2009.

*Puts tBwaBB into the DVD player and enjoys*

Well, when you abbreviate it like that, it's nowhere near as B-ful. ;_;

B's G... acceptable. 50% B.

TWGY?!?!? EPIC FAIL AT TITLING. Good job at sucking, you assholes! :::flings dung at Futrama creative team for ruining the pattern just in time for the final title of the four releases:::

At 6/27/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wha? Why would you want a PS3?! Get an Xbox to go with your Wii, then you can play Halo :P
PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.
And GTA 4 (not that X-Box 360 doesn't have that as well, of course).

Yeah, but GTA isn't a PS3 Exclusive title.

... which I had just acknowledged in a parenthetical statement. #;-}>

At 6/29/08 01:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 01:00 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:25 AM, darknessdweller wrote: Umm.. dude. We can find the top 50 protectors in Rankings.
//end thread\\
I'm sure glad that you're not a moderator, because then Newgrounds really would have hit an all time low.
... The thought that as big an idiot as him could ever be modded never once crossed my mind while reading his post. Why on earth did that occur to you? O_o
The whole way that he used the //End Thread\\ to try and state that this thread should be locked.

Ah, I see. I guess I just took him to mean "END OF DISCUSSION. THIS THREAD IS POINTLESS," and wasn't interpreting him to be literally calling for a lockage, backseat mod-style. MY GOD, HE'S EVEN MORE OBNOXIOUS THAN I HAD AT FIRST NOTICED! BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN THE WITCH.

I was thinking that maybe we should get a new thread for this, but I think that morons like him need to be stricken from the records.

A new thread for what, talking about the idiot?

A) that's giving idiots more attention, and more separate attention, where they can bask in a dedicated topic's glow.
B) just discussing idiots in the threads they pop up in is a valuable stress-relieving pursuit, which I argue leads to continued health/mental stability for any given forum/its inhabitants, respectively.

I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.
I demand fame!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-03 19:00:34

At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/17/08 09:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Plus that's quite the insane situation, even for a Futurama episode.
Your telling me, sick and twisted is more like it, Those Omatronians were gonna cut off Fry's Penis, scrape it with a cheese grinder and snort it as cocane! =0
That episode Nearly got a 15+ rating!

Wow. Sounds epic.

... That's madness. Keep your disc, but thanks for the thought. Again, it's not lost forever, it's just... hiding.
Its not madness, its MeadowLands, embrace it! =)


(man how long have I been Away!? Im so lost in this thread now, but wasn't AfroUnderscore supposed to come back or something?) =/

... are you sure you're not thinking of the EGRL (top 300 b/p list) thread?

Also, what's with some of you guys calling him AfroUnderscore?

Not only does it play into his whole protest name of spelling out the damned _ since the namechanging-iz-verboten and altered allowed-character policy changed for teh redesigned NG...

But it also takes so long to type. Afro_Stud, AfroStud, or just plain Afro (or Stud, if you prefer)... are all so much better than typing out... that. o_o

At 6/22/08 03:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So who're yer faves above him, then?
Hank Hill, definatly! =P xx "Buaaaaa-a-h-h-h-h......"

... better than Farnsworth.... better than Bender, too?

King of the Hill's okay, but:

A) it pales in comparison to Beavis and Butthead. It's the softened, more socially-acceptable, blander version of Beavis and Butthead, so Mike Judge could move his social commentary from MTV to network television.

B) the above makes it similar to how David Letterman got all nice when he moved from 12:35 AM on NBC in the 80s/early 90s (where/when he had perfected his bitter, biting, somewhat-mean style of comedy and interviewing) to 11:35 PM on CBS in the late 90s/00s.

C) I already live in Texas and I have relatives similar to some members of the Hill family. I don't need to be reminded of this when I watch funny cartoons, thankyouverymuch. (ME NO NEED VIRTUAL TEXAS TO FILL SOME GAP IN MY LIFE'S EXPERIENCE LIKE VIEWERS FROM THE OTHER 49 STATES AND THE INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE, I GUESS)

At 6/22/08 05:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I AM YOUR JAPANABE CHEERLEADER! YATTA-NE!
If Afro_stud ever heard you say that...!???!

If he heard me... what?

*well I'd just head for the hills?* (lol nah, he'd probably just knock on your door in a suit with greased up hair and a bouque of flowers ...or your bathroom window!) XD Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun...

.... uh... I still don't get it.

I knew it all along! =D Cartoon Network isn't dead untill its forgotten by the people who grew up in the generation of Decent Cartoons history!

decent cartoons will be passed down to future generations long after we're all dead, fear not.

At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote: HaHa! That was great! thanks for bringing back then memories of Lionel Hutz and Kif,
Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!

LOL! Sounds like a great idea, at least for a one-off ep.

And one of the major characters dies. I'm not saying who.



No, seriously.... I'm sure it was just that character pulling a Kenny.

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!
I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner

I have no idea which voice actress(es) portray(s) Mom + Agnes Skinner, but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-05 23:58:58

At 7/3/08 07:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/17/08 09:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Also, what's with some of you guys calling him AfroUnderscore?

Not only does it play into his whole protest name of spelling out the damned _ since the namechanging-iz-verboten and altered allowed-character policy changed for teh redesigned NG...

But it also takes so long to type. Afro_Stud, AfroStud, or just plain Afro (or Stud, if you prefer)... are all so much better than typing out... that. o_o

I guess I'm just scared of what he might do to me of he ever caught me misusing his name, he is rank 1 after all! nah lmao just kidding, but I do see what you mean though, I got completely sick of AshtonNextGen almost an entire year ago, it sucks that you cant change it now so I just find it easier not to look at it anymore! =( ...Its like being married to a profile that never gives you any free space or privacy!

At 6/22/08 03:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So who're yer faves above him, then?
Hank Hill, definatly! =P xx "Buaaaaa-a-h-h-h-h......"
... better than Farnsworth.... better than Bender, too?

King of the Hill's okay, but:
I already live in Texas and I have relatives similar to some members of the Hill family. I don't need to be reminded of this when I watch funny cartoons, thankyouverymuch. (ME NO NEED VIRTUAL TEXAS TO FILL SOME GAP IN MY LIFE'S EXPERIENCE LIKE VIEWERS FROM THE OTHER 49 STATES AND THE INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE, I GUESS)

Woah cool! I'm slightly envious in a bizzare way, I mean I know peggy hill's that slightly sterotypical texas auntie who buys you board games you dont want for your birthday and gives you lemon candy for halloween but... I never really knew she actually existed in the familys of others out there!
Kinda makes you think huh? =P

At 6/22/08 05:50 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I AM YOUR JAPANABE CHEERLEADER! YATTA-NE!
If Afro_stud ever heard you say that...!???!
If he heard me... what?

*well I'd just head for the hills?* (lol nah, he'd probably just knock on your door in a suit with greased up hair and a bouque of flowers ...or your bathroom window!) XD Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun...
.... uh... I still don't get it.

It was a joke, because afro_'stud' has an obsesson with japanese girls and culture, and if your about to pretend to be one...

I knew it all along! =D Cartoon Network isn't dead untill its forgotten by the people who grew up in the generation of Decent Cartoons history!
decent cartoons will be passed down to future generations long after we're all dead, fear not.

At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote: HaHa! That was great! thanks for bringing back then memories of Lionel Hutz and Kif,
Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!
LOL! Sounds like a great idea, at least for a one-off ep.

And one of the major characters dies. I'm not saying who.


No, seriously.... I'm sure it was just that character pulling a Kenny.

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!
I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner
I have no idea which voice actress(es) portray(s) Mom + Agnes Skinner, but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).

No seriously I swear its true, go and watch an episode of the simpsons, one of the older ones, with linel hutz in and compare him with zap brannigan in futerama!
Its so definatly the same actor!
(but in that respect, didn't american dad 'borrow' actors from family guy?)

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-06 15:34:51

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/30/08 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Lionel Hutz? Isn't he the 'Attorney at Law' from the Simpsons? Next thing you know and we'll be seeing the Planet Express team working for Professor Frink!
I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner

Um... Mom and Agnes Skinner are both played by Tress MacNeill and the only reason that Zapp Brannigan sounds so like Hutz or Troy MacLure is that Phil Hartman was due to play Zapp, before being shot by his wife. Billy West has done a damned fine job of a tribute to Hartman in the voice he's given us. It's only a shame that we've been deprived of the vocal genius of Hartman.

Also, Phillip J. Fry was named in honour of Phillip E. Hartman

At 6/30/08 02:02 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Thanks for the awesome update Coop!!!

At 6/28/08 11:18 AM, Coop83 wrote:
089) 14,928 || + 1,090 || Joshiwa 11
Wow 11 ranks, but you had to make the list right before I got my 15,000 saves huh :P

Yeah, but you're there now, in time for the next update ;)

At 7/3/08 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/29/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Say hello to idiot-buster and lilhunter03, who have moved the Back-Door-Baron and lightning to a position of waiting for me to expand this list to a top 200 :P
woot woot! My protégé gots onto my very first created list!
What? *drops axe* I thought I was your protégé, master... *sulks*
I've never limited myself to just one, silly.

*Dons a black cloak and deepens the voice, while developing a throaty ailment* Yes, my master.

Uh... yeah, dude. Trust me, the first place I looked a year ago when I first lost it was in all the other Futurama disc slots. And I looked again in all of them while I was trying to locate which disc was missing when posting that information in this very topic a week ago or whenever.

It may very well be in with some DVD movie or some game case, yes.
I just thought I'd try to lend a hand. It'll turn up when you're not looking for it. Watch the rest of the DVDs and stop looking for it.
If it had been stuck to another Futrama disc, or just hiding under another one, either way... I woulda shot myself before now. :::nods:::

There's no reason to shoot yourself over one DVD when it's still available :P

Makes sense. BBS... BBB... every damned Futurama DVD has to have maximal B's apparently. O_O
Well, the next one is called Bender's Game (Night Fever, anyone?) and it's released in November 2008, while The Wild Green Yonder is released in April 2009.

*Puts tBwaBB into the DVD player and enjoys*
Well, when you abbreviate it like that, it's nowhere near as B-ful. ;_;

But it's still damned funny! Pre flight coffee enemas for all!

B's G... acceptable. 50% B.

StrawberryClock must really like the new Futurama Movies ;)

I was thinking that maybe we should get a new thread for this, but I think that morons like him need to be stricken from the records.
A new thread for what, talking about the idiot?

No, a new thread for the whole thing, but nah. We've got a pet idiot now :P

A) that's giving idiots more attention, and more separate attention, where they can bask in a dedicated topic's glow.

That's what General is for ;)

I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.
I demand fame!

I still don't have it *taps foot angrily, then force strangles some underling for amusement*

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-06 23:42:48

At 7/5/08 11:58 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/3/08 07:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Also, what's with some of you guys calling him AfroUnderscore?
I guess I'm just scared of what he might do to me of he ever caught me misusing his name, he is rank 1 after all! nah lmao just kidding, but I do see what you mean though, I got completely sick of AshtonNextGen almost an entire year ago, it sucks that you cant change it now so I just find it easier not to look at it anymore! =( ...Its like being married to a profile that never gives you any free space or privacy!

Oh come on. He's only rank 1 in teh b/p, first off, it's not like he's #1 in exp, VP, AND b/p and also a real asshole AND an admin or something. #;-}>

AshtonNextGen is a cool, distinctive name. Its only drawback is that it's somewhat overlong.

Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.

Woah cool! I'm slightly envious in a bizzare way, I mean I know peggy hill's that slightly sterotypical texas auntie who buys you board games you dont want for your birthday and gives you lemon candy for halloween but... I never really knew she actually existed in the familys of others out there!
Kinda makes you think huh? =P

LOL! Please don't be jealous of me having Texan aunties. #;-}>

My mom has a sister who, much like my mom, is anything but the typical Texan (for one thing, her sister lived in California with her husband and three kids for 10+ years... much as my mom has lived in Japan and Pennsylvania in addition to Texas for 10+ years as well), but most of my mom's 5 brothers are (or were) married to more typical Texan aunts.

My dad's two sisters are... well, both very different from each other. I'd only call one of them a typical Texan. Eh, even that's not fair. Neither of them are, really.


So anyway, I've never really had a family member exactly like Peggy Hill. More likely to have had a teacher like her. I think I remember one similar to her in 4th or 5th grade. Not as heavy of an accent, though.

Believe it or not, but people in cities in Texas don't tend to talk like people in small towns/the countryside do. I have like 5% of an accent. #;-}>

.... uh... I still don't get it.
It was a joke, because afro_'stud' has an obsesson with japanese girls and culture, and if your about to pretend to be one...

Oh, okay. I didn't know he was Japanese girl obsessed. :::shrugs:::

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote: I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner
I have no idea which voice actress(es) portray(s) Mom + Agnes Skinner, but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).
No seriously I swear its true, go and watch an episode of the simpsons, one of the older ones, with linel hutz in and compare him with zap brannigan in futerama!
Its so definatly the same actor!
(but in that respect, didn't american dad 'borrow' actors from family guy?)


The lawyer character (and the TV personality character) on the Simpsons are both played by Phil Hartman.

Phil Hartman was GOING to provide the voice of Zapp, the role was WRITTEN FOR HIM.

He died. Like right before Futurama started up, after they'd already been writing episodes and everything, but before animating or at least before voice-acting for them.

They got a new voice actor, and that voice actor obviously was inspired by Phil Hartman's previous work on the Simpsons since that's what the new character called for. A Phil Hartman-like performance.

He does an adequate job at it, but if you were a true Phil Hartman fan like me, you'd know the difference. #;-}>

At 7/6/08 03:34 PM, Coop83 wrote: Um... Mom and Agnes Skinner are both played by Tress MacNeill

Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if he was right about that, because he was so damned wrong about the other one. #;-}>

The whole "unreliable witness" phenomenon.

and the only reason that Zapp Brannigan sounds so like Hutz or Troy MacLure is that Phil Hartman was due to play Zapp, before being shot by his wife. Billy West has done a damned fine job of a tribute to Hartman in the voice he's given us. It's only a shame that we've been deprived of the vocal genius of Hartman.

Exactly what I was trying to convince him of. If my super-rambly detailed info about how Hartman was teh DEAD before he could provide Zapp's voice didn't convince him the first time, maybe you backing me up on this will help. Let's hope.

WE'RE NOT PRANKING YOU, ASHTON, this is the reality.

Sadly. ;_;

See the stuff I said about him on Newsradio (his character was called Bill McNeal, and was one of the greatest TV characters of all time, actually... far better than anything he ever did on Simpsons, and far better (most likely, at least) than anything he was going to do as Zapp, assuming the writing for Zapp and the roles for him in various eps remained about the same with a different voice actor than how reality ended up...).

Also, Phillip J. Fry was named in honour of Phillip E. Hartman

I can't remember if I ever knew that. Either way... badass.

Do you know what his first name was going to be beforehand? I mean, surely they already had him named before Hartman died.

At 7/3/08 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've never limited myself to just one, silly.
*Dons a black cloak and deepens the voice, while developing a throaty ailment* Yes, my master.

Don't worry, you can be Vader. That other dude can be silly ol' Maul.

If it had been stuck to another Futrama disc, or just hiding under another one, either way... I woulda shot myself before now. :::nods:::
There's no reason to shoot yourself over one DVD when it's still available :P

Not over the DVD, over my own blindness/lack of thorough searching. #;-}>

Well, when you abbreviate it like that, it's nowhere near as B-ful. ;_;
But it's still damned funny! Pre flight coffee enemas for all!


B's G... acceptable. 50% B.
StrawberryClock must really like the new Futurama Movies ;)


A new thread for what, talking about the idiot?
No, a new thread for the whole thing, but nah. We've got a pet idiot now :P


A) that's giving idiots more attention, and more separate attention, where they can bask in a dedicated topic's glow.
That's what General is for ;)


I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.
I demand fame!
I still don't have it *taps foot angrily, then force strangles some underling for amusement*

You'll get it. Just be patient.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-07 04:14:20

At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: AshtonNextGen is a cool, distinctive name. Its only drawback is that it's somewhat overlong.

Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.

Same with me. When Bahamut became Bahamut, instead of Bahamut7, I could have gone to Tom and claimed Coop as the alias for me. I'll stick to this one, as it's the only name this account has had aside from the once I changed to C0GMA and the once I went to 826629 - my old NG Ident number

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote: I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner
I have no idea which voice actress(es) portray(s) Mom + Agnes Skinner,

Tress MacNeill.

but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).

I think he meant that Mom and Agnes Skinner were both played by the same actor - Tress.

At 7/6/08 03:34 PM, Coop83 wrote: Um... Mom and Agnes Skinner are both played by Tress MacNeill
Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if he was right about that, because he was so damned wrong about the other one. #;-}>

The whole "unreliable witness" phenomenon.

and the only reason that Zapp Brannigan sounds so like Hutz or Troy MacLure is that Phil Hartman was due to play Zapp, before being shot by his wife. Billy West has done a damned fine job of a tribute to Hartman in the voice he's given us. It's only a shame that we've been deprived of the vocal genius of Hartman.
Exactly what I was trying to convince him of. If my super-rambly detailed info about how Hartman was teh DEAD before he could provide Zapp's voice didn't convince him the first time, maybe you backing me up on this will help. Let's hope.

Yeah, I picked up most of the gap-filler info from Wiki. It helps ;)

Also, Phillip J. Fry was named in honour of Phillip E. Hartman
I can't remember if I ever knew that. Either way... badass.

That's ultimate respect.

Do you know what his first name was going to be beforehand? I mean, surely they already had him named before Hartman died.

He was just 'Fry' until then.

At 7/3/08 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've never limited myself to just one, silly.
*Dons a black cloak and deepens the voice, while developing a throaty ailment* Yes, my master.
Don't worry, you can be Vader. That other dude can be silly ol' Maul.

Ha, he has to put up with the tattoos and the horns! I have to put up with the Lung Cancer.

If it had been stuck to another Futrama disc, or just hiding under another one, either way... I woulda shot myself before now. :::nods:::
There's no reason to shoot yourself over one DVD when it's still available :P
Not over the DVD, over my own blindness/lack of thorough searching. #;-}>

Still not good enough. I'm the chosen one and I've got to throw you down a great long tube when you get too up yourself and you try to kill my son!

Well, when you abbreviate it like that, it's nowhere near as B-ful. ;_;
But it's still damned funny! Pre flight coffee enemas for all!

You've not seen it, have you?

"Can I just get mine to go?"

A new thread for what, talking about the idiot?
No, a new thread for the whole thing, but nah. We've got a pet idiot now :P

*pets idiot*

A) that's giving idiots more attention, and more separate attention, where they can bask in a dedicated topic's glow.
That's what General is for ;)

Throws morsel to idiot holding cells [General Forum]

I think you've overlooked the 99% certainty that darknessdweller doesn't even know you're updating the list now.
I demand fame!
I still don't have it *taps foot angrily, then force strangles some underling for amusement*
You'll get it. Just be patient.

Patience is forfeit when you submit to the will of the Dark side!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-07 19:36:23

At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/5/08 11:58 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/3/08 07:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Oh come on. He's only rank 1 in teh b/p, first off, it's not like he's #1 in exp, VP, AND b/p and also a real asshole AND an admin or something. #;-}>

AshtonNextGen is a cool, distinctive name. Its only drawback is that it's somewhat overlong.

Aww thanks, I mainly came up with the idea when I first got a 360, around about the same time I joined Newgrounds back in '06 and wanted the alias to match my gamertag (actually it was the other way around) but as the years went by my alias gruadually changed from Ashton-Network to RoxasNextGen to eventually The Crimson Emo, but this alias is like a dried old ball and chain now, no matter how many times I spruce up my profile I still cant escape the fact, this title is SO 2005! >=(
(Tom should really do like MySpace and allow you to change your name at will, just not let you change your url)

Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.

Y'know its funny because I keep mistakingly look past the 'cook and only read you as gfox often enough, same with coop I just dont read the 83, my eyes only seem to focus on what feels right?

LOL! Please don't be jealous of me having Texan aunties. #;-}>

My mom has a sister who, much like my mom, is anything but the typical Texan (for one thing, her sister lived in California with her husband and three kids for 10+ years... much as my mom has lived in Japan and Pennsylvania in addition to Texas for 10+ years as well), but most of my mom's 5 brothers are (or were) married to more typical Texan aunts.

She went to Japan!? WOW COOL!! =D

My dad's two sisters are... well, both very different from each other. I'd only call one of them a typical Texan. Eh, even that's not fair. Neither of them are, really.


So anyway, I've never really had a family member exactly like Peggy Hill. More likely to have had a teacher like her. I think I remember one similar to her in 4th or 5th grade. Not as heavy of an accent, though.

Believe it or not, but people in cities in Texas don't tend to talk like people in small towns/the countryside do. I have like 5% of an accent. #;-}>

very rarely anyone carries a stereotypical accent from the town they live, I mean have you ever visited London before? Every individual citizen their carries their own unique accent! =<

It was a joke, because afro_'stud' has an obsesson with japanese girls and culture, and if your about to pretend to be one...
Oh, okay. I didn't know he was Japanese girl obsessed. :::shrugs:::

Have you seen his profile? Every single month he has a new poster girl up there, I swear its like a freakin calender dude!

At 6/30/08 10:37 AM, AshtonNextGen wrote: I was just saying how they're very similar in personally, even though they're both pertraid by the same actor, kinda like MOM and Agnes Skinner
I have no idea which voice actress(es) portray(s) Mom + Agnes Skinner, but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).

The lawyer character (and the TV personality character) on the Simpsons are both played by Phil Hartman.

Phil Hartman was GOING to provide the voice of Zapp, the role was WRITTEN FOR HIM.

He died. Like right before Futurama started up, after they'd already been writing episodes and everything, but before animating or at least before voice-acting for them.

They got a new voice actor, and that voice actor obviously was inspired by Phil Hartman's previous work on the Simpsons since that's what the new character called for. A Phil Hartman-like performance.

He does an adequate job at it, but if you were a true Phil Hartman fan like me, you'd know the difference. #;-}>

At 7/6/08 03:34 PM, Coop83 wrote: Um... Mom and Agnes Skinner are both played by Tress MacNeill
Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if he was right about that, because he was so damned wrong about the other one. #;-}>

The whole "unreliable witness" phenomenon.

and the only reason that Zapp Brannigan sounds so like Hutz or Troy MacLure is that Phil Hartman was due to play Zapp, before being shot by his wife. Billy West has done a damned fine job of a tribute to Hartman in the voice he's given us. It's only a shame that we've been deprived of the vocal genius of Hartman.
Exactly what I was trying to convince him of. If my super-rambly detailed info about how Hartman was teh DEAD before he could provide Zapp's voice didn't convince him the first time, maybe you backing me up on this will help. Let's hope.

WE'RE NOT PRANKING YOU, ASHTON, this is the reality.

Its Ok I get it now, thanks for clearing that up, though you can't blame me, they sound so alike, but in that respect most people often enough can't really tell much difference between Ryan Drummond and Jason griffith's version of Sonic the Hedgehog?
I guess you just have to be a die hard enough fan to live though the entire actors era! (I was talking about hartman)

Btw was it really true his wife shot him? ...(or am I really being pranked??)

Sadly. ;_;

B's G... acceptable. 50% B.
StrawberryClock must really like the new Futurama Movies ;)

Ok someone needs to explain it to me, I've been on this site for over 2 years now with one unanswered question ...WHAT THE HELL DOES 'B' SYMBOLISE ANYWAY!? It makes no sence!
Even Big bird couldn't figure it out! what does it mean??)

You'll get it. Just be patient.

*ARE WE THE ONLY 3 PEOPLE WHO STILL VISIT THIS THREAD?? Where'd all the futerama fans go?*

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-07 19:39:41

At 7/7/08 07:36 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/5/08 11:58 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/3/08 07:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Y'know its funny because I keep mistakingly look past the 'cook and only read you as gfox often enough, same with coop I just dont read the 83, my eyes only seem to focus on what feels right?

I didnt mean that out of disrespect btw I think both those names are awesome, I just always thought gfoxcook was some refference to Fox McCloud thats all?

isn't it?

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-08 08:34:45

At 7/7/08 07:36 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: AshtonNextGen is a cool, distinctive name. Its only drawback is that it's somewhat overlong.
(Tom should really do like MySpace and allow you to change your name at will, just not let you change your url)

Now you've got a case if you sent him a PM of getting your name changed to, say, ANG, as it's still what we know you as, but with the added bonus of now being a nifty little name to type as well ;)

Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Y'know its funny because I keep mistakingly look past the 'cook and only read you as gfox often enough, same with coop I just dont read the 83, my eyes only seem to focus on what feels right?

Yeah, we scan read the names and it only gets confusing when someone of equal Level and aura posts in the same thread as one of us. Myself and BareNakedMike, for example.

B's G... acceptable. 50% B.
StrawberryClock must really like the new Futurama Movies ;)
Ok someone needs to explain it to me, I've been on this site for over 2 years now with one unanswered question ...WHAT THE HELL DOES 'B' SYMBOLISE ANYWAY!? It makes no sence!
Even Big bird couldn't figure it out! what does it mean??)

B was StrawberryClock's most remembered movie. Submitted on the 15th of August 2001, it became a 'holiday' in the Newgrounds part of the world. The Clock Crew is almost 7 years old.

It is widely regarded that this movie was what spawned the Clock Crew - a group of animators who could produce quality flash that also had a penchant for fruity chronographs.

Of course, then you've got the split between the Clocks and Locks which you can read about in their own history pages.

You'll get it. Just be patient.
*ARE WE THE ONLY 3 PEOPLE WHO STILL VISIT THIS THREAD?? Where'd all the futerama fans go?*

I'm right here, so maybe the rest of them are off worshipping Weevo.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-10 17:45:58

At 6/29/08 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: Fucking FOX.

You know, FOX (and most of the other networks) does suck most of the time, but it's worth pointing out that some series never would have even AIRED had it not been for FOX.

FOX News. Another reason why they suck. Oh, and the fact that they're still keeping The Simpsons alive. Then again, if they cancelled The Simpsons, some other channel would revive it. DAMN!

They should keep it in the same order.
I'm not kidding, man. Nearly every TV show ever made would have a different order now if they did. Some a better order. Some not so much. Who knows.

THEY. SHOULD KEEP IT. IN FUCKING ORDER! What FOX did to Futurama was a huge mess.

.... was that a Mandark laugh??!?!

Holy shit.
Yes it was, actually.
Heh. Awesome.

Too bad idiot-buster didn't know what sort of laugh I was doing. :( Say, does he know any Father Ted quotes?

I've seen more episodes of Dexter's Lab than you have. I used to be into the show, but not anymore.
All I know is... I LOVE THAT LAUGH.

So does everyone else.

Oh, and Dexter's mom is schmexy.

Deedee is like Afro_Stud.

Afro_Stud: HAI BAHAMUT!!

...Damn you, gfox. koreaman was a fucking BBS legend. He needs to return.

No, he seriously does. He'd beat the crap out of all the General morons and the other alts. If he were commenting on people's news posts, his comments would be more epic than betty and hardyboyz1 put together.

Leela's blernsball ep is one of the weakest?!?!? Dude... that ain't right.
It is to me.

I'm sorry, but it's one of the weakest to me.

Who's up for knocking on gfox's door with a mob?

How about I spray "37" with red paint everywhere?! >:)

And GTA 4 (not that X-Box 360 doesn't have that as well, of course).



At 6/29/08 01:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 01:00 PM, Coop83 wrote: I'm sure glad that you're not a moderator, because then Newgrounds really would have hit an all time low.
... The thought that as big an idiot as him could ever be modded never once crossed my mind while reading his post. Why on earth did that occur to you? O_o

You know, I sometimes fear that some infamous BBS troll would become a mod sometime. If certain users I hated became mods, I'd leave the BBS this instant.

At 6/28/08 11:39 AM, Casualty wrote: Umm.. dude. You're a fucking retard.
Now that we can all agree upon, but again... he was being a retard to me and not to Coop, trust me on this one. #;-}>

He was being a retard to us all.

Hey, let's all point at him and laugh for the following, as well (just in case his performance in this thread wasn't enough for you!):

http://darknessdweller.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/144911

How about you look at the news post after that one for a bigger laugh?

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.
Never really been much of an MGS fan

*big exclamation marks appears on top of Bahamut's head*

I grew out of Final Fantasy when I hit 20 as well :P

iscrulz must be behind this!

Come to think of it, I've never been much of a Halo fan, either, but since it's not my Xbox, I'll gladly carry on playing on it :P

I've had a bit of fun on Halo by acting like a fucking idiot. Funny enough, Fucking Idiot was the very first name I chose on Halo 2 when I was with my friends. Some of you might remember when my name was Fucking_Idiot. That's where that name originated from.

At 6/29/08 11:35 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 6/20/08 05:28 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, but I want a drawn Bahamut!
I gave you a drawn Bahamut! I don't know why you didn't take it while you had the chance?

No no no no no. I mean a Bahamut drawn by MEEEEE!!

Maybe RedHippo has a copy? (BlueHippo's autistic bookworm emo twin brother) He collects everything! =)

gfox would be a GreenHippo. Myself, I'd be a BlueHi-Uh oh! 0__0

At 6/23/08 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: I think Bender is the greatest TV character ever. :)
Its his attitute, he says things that no other TV character dares to say!

Bender doesn't say feck. :(

At 6/28/08 11:25 AM, darknessdweller wrote: Umm.. dude. We can find the top 50 protectors in Rankings.

//end thread\\
Thats gotta be the stupidist thing I have ever heard, Thats not even funny! Grrrr Im so angry!!111!!one!
Damn you, young man, This is the V.I.P. forum, Im the one who writes random idiotic junk here, this position is taken! >=( *very angry face*

Oh well, at least it gives you all an idea on who to vote for Worst Poster BBS award at the end of the year. ;)

At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/23/08 07:17 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Of course he is. Look at his BBS posts and you'll see how much of an epic poster he was.
I really don't remember him, fill me in about this Koreaman.
Just look at his hilarious posts.
Whats up with that guys posts? Is he trying to be Eric Cartman or something?? =0


At 7/7/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Same with me. When Bahamut became Bahamut, instead of Bahamut7

You're forgetting Bahamut-.

I changed to C0GMA and the once I went to 826629 - my old NG Ident number

You know, I think Andersson has only changed his name once and that was when we swapped names for a week. XD Ah, good times. I've had many name changes, but usually kept to Bahamut, Bahamut- or Bahamut7.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-11 08:43:39

At 7/10/08 05:45 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/29/08 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, and Dexter's mom is schmexy.
Deedee is like Afro_Stud.

Afro_Stud: HAI BAHAMUT!!

Bahamut, did you miss a little spot underneath your note this morning while shaving? No point in trying to be the Blue Robert Mugabe, you won't win any elections...

Talking of Mugabe, did you see Mock the Week was back last night. The BBC website has the episode on for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.

"Well, the good news is that you've had a beautiful baby Girl. The bad news is that you've blown your cock off!"

- Frankie Boyle on the (Wo)man who had a baby.

At 6/29/08 01:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/08 01:00 PM, Coop83 wrote: I'm sure glad that you're not a moderator, because then Newgrounds really would have hit an all time low.
... The thought that as big an idiot as him could ever be modded never once crossed my mind while reading his post. Why on earth did that occur to you? O_o
You know, I sometimes fear that some infamous BBS troll would become a mod sometime. If certain users I hated became mods, I'd leave the BBS this instant.

Having seen the pictures from the recent Mod Meat, I've only confirmed my thoughts about one or two of the mod team. It isn't all good, either.

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/28/08 05:18 PM, Bahamut wrote: PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4 and will have Final Fantasy XIII in the near future.
Never really been much of an MGS fan
*big exclamation marks appears on top of Bahamut's head*

Seriously, it's not my type of game, as I lack the aptitude to play these games. Subtelty has never been a strong point of me in the VG world. Why bother stealth killing someone up close and personal when you've got a rocket launcher?!

I grew out of Final Fantasy when I hit 20 as well :P
iscrulz must be behind this!

Now I'd never let him get that close to my arse. I know where he's been.

At 7/7/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Same with me. When Bahamut became Bahamut, instead of Bahamut7
You're forgetting Bahamut-.

Not forgetting, just neglecting to mention.

I changed to C0GMA and the once I went to 826629 - my old NG Ident number
You know, I think Andersson has only changed his name once and that was when we swapped names for a week. XD Ah, good times. I've had many name changes, but usually kept to Bahamut, Bahamut- or Bahamut7.

That Andersson / Bahamut name switch was very funny. When you pulled the switch back and confusing the hell out of the LULers, it really gave me a few cheap laughs.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-11 21:58:25

At 7/7/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Same with me. When Bahamut became Bahamut, instead of Bahamut7, I could have gone to Tom and claimed Coop as the alias for me. I'll stick to this one, as it's the only name this account has had aside from the once I changed to C0GMA and the once I went to 826629 - my old NG Ident number

You mean when Bahamut- became Bahamut instead of Bahamut7? #;-}>

but... I hope you meant "even though they're NOT both portrayed by the same actor," since while Zapp was SUPPOSED to be Phil Hartman, his crazy wife pulled a murder/suicide combo in 1998, thus preventing Hartman from ever doing voicework for Futurama (about the only thing possible that could have even slightly improved the show, really)... and of course killed Newsradio, only the greatest sitcom of all time.... after its 4th season (not that the 5th and final season didn't have its moments... but come on... Jon Lovitz is funny, but HE'S NO PHIL HARTMAN).
I think he meant that Mom and Agnes Skinner were both played by the same actor - Tress.

He made a comparison between Mom/Agnes and LionelHutz/ZappBrannigan, as though both pairs had the same voice actors.

He was just 'Fry' until then.


His name is really catchy when you say it a few times, either in your head or out loud. It's STRANGE.

At 7/3/08 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've never limited myself to just one, silly.
*Dons a black cloak and deepens the voice, while developing a throaty ailment* Yes, my master.
Don't worry, you can be Vader. That other dude can be silly ol' Maul.
Ha, he has to put up with the tattoos and the horns! I have to put up with the Lung Cancer.

Hhhahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . And lava burns.

And deep, deep shame.

But you get a badass costume 'n' cape 'n' mask. It makes it all worthwhile.

Not over the DVD, over my own blindness/lack of thorough searching. #;-}>
Still not good enough. I'm the chosen one and I've got to throw you down a great long tube when you get too up yourself and you try to kill my son!


But it's still damned funny! Pre flight coffee enemas for all!
You've not seen it, have you?

"Can I just get mine to go?"

Nope, haven't seen it yet. Took me a long time to see BBS, yanno, so cut me some slack. #;-}>

Throws morsel to idiot holding cells [General Forum]


I still don't have it *taps foot angrily, then force strangles some underling for amusement*
You'll get it. Just be patient.
Patience is forfeit when you submit to the will of the Dark side!

Actually, those Sith Lords were some of the most patient muthafuckers the galaxy has ever seen.

At 7/7/08 07:36 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: AshtonNextGen is a cool, distinctive name. Its only drawback is that it's somewhat overlong.
Aww thanks, I mainly came up with the idea when I first got a 360, around about the same time I joined Newgrounds back in '06 and wanted the alias to match my gamertag (actually it was the other way around) but as the years went by my alias gruadually changed from Ashton-Network to RoxasNextGen to eventually The Crimson Emo, but this alias is like a dried old ball and chain now, no matter how many times I spruce up my profile I still cant escape the fact, this title is SO 2005! >=(

What was your 360 gamertag, and what's the story behind THAT name, then?

(Tom should really do like MySpace and allow you to change your name at will, just not let you change your url)

Or he could just pay you $100 to stop telling him how to change NG.


Did it work? #;-}>

Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Y'know its funny because I keep mistakingly look past the 'cook and only read you as gfox often enough, same with coop I just dont read the 83, my eyes only seem to focus on what feels right?

That's the way nicknames work, man.

My mom has a sister who, much like my mom, is anything but the typical Texan (for one thing, her sister lived in California with her husband and three kids for 10+ years... much as my mom has lived in Japan and Pennsylvania in addition to Texas for 10+ years as well), but most of my mom's 5 brothers are (or were) married to more typical Texan aunts.
She went to Japan!? WOW COOL!! =D

Uh... my dad, mom, sis, and me lived in Japan from 1988 to 1991.

Believe it or not, but people in cities in Texas don't tend to talk like people in small towns/the countryside do. I have like 5% of an accent. #;-}>
very rarely anyone carries a stereotypical accent from the town they live, I mean have you ever visited London before? Every individual citizen their carries their own unique accent! =<

Well, different areas of London have different stereotypical accents, to go with their class stereotypes, also. But I know you mean even beyond that.

WE'RE NOT PRANKING YOU, ASHTON, this is the reality.
Its Ok I get it now, thanks for clearing that up, though you can't blame me, they sound so alike, but in that respect most people often enough can't really tell much difference between Ryan Drummond and Jason griffith's version of Sonic the Hedgehog?

LOL! ... sorry if you're a huge Sonic voiceactor fan or something, but... I'm pretty sure most people don't care too much about Sonic's voiceactors, so I doubt very much if any of us would notice any differences, no. It's apples and oranges as a result, though. We wouldn't notice not because those two guys are skillful at doing the voice the same way, but because... we weren't paying attention at all. Whereas at least people pay attention to Lionel Hutz and Zapp Brannigan.

I guess you just have to be a die hard enough fan to live though the entire actors era! (I was talking about hartman)

Btw was it really true his wife shot him? ...(or am I really being pranked??)

Sure it was.

She was jealous of his fame/success/happiness and shit. She was in therapy, on meds, etc. She either went off 'em or... something... finally went fully crazy one night... shot him and herself in their bedroom while their kids were sleeping down the hall, neighbors came and took the kids out of the house while the police arrived, etc. etc.

Ok someone needs to explain it to me, I've been on this site for over 2 years now with one unanswered question ...WHAT THE HELL DOES 'B' SYMBOLISE ANYWAY!? It makes no sence!

Just B.

Even Big bird couldn't figure it out! what does it mean??)


*ARE WE THE ONLY 3 PEOPLE WHO STILL VISIT THIS THREAD?? Where'd all the futerama fans go?*


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-11 22:05:21

At 7/7/08 07:39 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote: I didnt mean that out of disrespect btw I think both those names are awesome,

LOL! Dude... I don't take offense if someone calls me Greg instead of Gregory. It's just a nickname, same as gfox instead of gfoxcook. If I didn't like it, I'd say so, don't worry. #;-}>

I just always thought gfoxcook was some refference to Fox McCloud thats all?
isn't it?

No, it's a reference to the fact that back in 1994 when I came online and first made my username (which started out on AOL and Prodigy as "G FOX Cook" because "Greg Fox Cook" was too long to be a username and "G Fox Cook" looked bad for some reason... but once I got an actual internet account and e-mail addresses no have teh caps/spaces, it became gfoxcook@wherever.com/net/edu)....

Anyway, back in 1994 I was a huge X-Files fan, so it's mostly a reference to Fox Mulder. But also to the animal (my fave animal as a kid = teh fennec fox).... and finally to FOX, i.e. the American TV network (which was a pretty great channel back in the early 90s... showing shows that ABC/CBS/NBC just couldn't or wouldn't, such as X-Files for starters).

So, the fox in my username stands for Fox/fox/FOX (Mulder/animal/channel, in decreasing order of importance at the time I made the name. Now I don't think of any of them when I see my username, gfox /= any other fox. A gfox... is a whole other creature/entity indeeeeeeeeeed).

At 7/8/08 08:34 AM, Coop83 wrote: Now you've got a case if you sent him a PM of getting your name changed to, say, ANG, as it's still what we know you as, but with the added bonus of now being a nifty little name to type as well ;)

ANG = Angie. I'll be thinking of the Rolling Stones song every time I see his username, then. O_O

What about just Ashton, unless it's already taken?

B was StrawberryClock's most remembered movie. Submitted on the 15th of August 2001, it became a 'holiday' in the Newgrounds part of the world. The Clock Crew is almost 7 years old.

I think he knows all of that, he's just wondering why SBC made "B" in the first place. But I already explained it well enough, so no worries.

I'm right here, so maybe the rest of them are off worshipping Weevo.

WTF? ... .....?

Sounds like a mix between Tivo and Weeaboo.

At 7/10/08 05:45 PM, Bahamut wrote: FOX News. Another reason why they suck. Oh, and the fact that they're still keeping The Simpsons alive. Then again, if they cancelled The Simpsons, some other channel would revive it. DAMN!

FOX News is Rupert Murdoch's brainchild and his fault. There were plenty of much better human beings at the FOX TV network (and movie studios) making sure that excellent TV and movies were made over the decades, all of them shouldn't share blame equally with him.

Crazy ultra-conservative Australian-turned-evil-American bastard.

Too bad idiot-buster didn't know what sort of laugh I was doing. :( Say, does he know any Father Ted quotes?

How should I know? O_o

So does everyone else.

Oh, I'm pretty sure some people are irritated by the Mandark.

Oh, and Dexter's mom is schmexy.
Deedee is like Afro_Stud.

OH GOD... UGH. Way to ruin my moment with Dexter's mom by mentioning his supposed sister (everyone knows she's an adopted alien or monster or some sort of creature similar to those options).

Afro_Stud: HAI BAHAMUT!!


...Damn you, gfox. koreaman was a fucking BBS legend. He needs to return.
No, he seriously does. He'd beat the crap out of all the General morons and the other alts. If he were commenting on people's news posts, his comments would be more epic than betty and hardyboyz1 put together.

Okay, I'm fine with it now, ever since you hinted he's a uber-StarWars geek that puts me and Coop to shame in that other thread recently.

He was being a retard to us all.

Well, certainly a retard FOR us all, but his retardedness was directed at me specifically, okay? #;-}>

How about you look at the news post after that one for a bigger laugh?

:::does so:::

http://darknessdweller.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/145808

HAHAHAHAAHA... oh god.

The best part: he fails at quoting so hard... and he includes all those parts of posts from LUL about John McCain/John Locke/Edgar 'n' Locke... and Tomb Raider, and Aces High/Iron Maiden, and Grand Theft Auto, and you not liking Grand Theft Auto, and a whole bunch of other shit that has nothing to do with him. Jeeeeez.

BTW, you probably like GTA more than you like him. AMIRIGHT?


SaltshakerClock: "He hates you for the same reason I do. You're annoying."
him: "Oh great. Now ppl online think I'm annoying too!? *gives up and walks away*"


azzo9: "i feel so bad for u but ill be ur friend this happen to me before"
him: "Ok I'll pm u!"


He just wants your approval and your love, Bahamut. Look at how he just said "ok" to Coop when Coop gave him constructive criticism + smacked him down a bit + gave him a tiny bit of encouragement about improving.

At 6/29/08 04:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: Never really been much of an MGS fan
*big exclamation marks appears on top of Bahamut's head*

Now you know how iscrulz and I feel when you knock teh GTAs.

Or how you and I feel when he knocks the FFs.

Oh wait, you already knew that last bit.

I grew out of Final Fantasy when I hit 20 as well :P
iscrulz must be behind this!

LOL! Blame, blame, blame.

Well, maybe it's YOUR fault he doesn't like MGS if it's iscrulz's fault he doesn't like FF. ALL YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LIKING TEH GTA. WHAT THEN, EH? HUH? HUH? HUH?

gfox would be a GreenHippo. Myself, I'd be a BlueHi-Uh oh! 0__0



At 6/23/08 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: I think Bender is the greatest TV character ever. :)
Its his attitute, he says things that no other TV character dares to say!
Bender doesn't say feck. :(

So he can't be the greatest?

Oh well, at least it gives you all an idea on who to vote for Worst Poster BBS award at the end of the year. ;)

Does he even post in General, though? If not, I doubt he'll be on the shortlist for the award. Although... never say never, gfox won a fucking award in General in 2008, after all. ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE.



At 7/11/08 08:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Bahamut, did you miss a little spot underneath your note this morning while shaving? No point in trying to be the Blue Robert Mugabe, you won't win any elections...

What the... fuck? O_O

Talking of Mugabe, did you see Mock the Week was back last night. The BBC website has the episode on for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.

Is Mock the Week like the British version of VH1's Best Week Ever?

"Well, the good news is that you've had a beautiful baby Girl. The bad news is that you've blown your cock off!"
- Frankie Boyle on the (Wo)man who had a baby.

The "dude" never had a cock to begin with, so that makes no sense at all.

Having seen the pictures from the recent Mod Meat, I've only confirmed my thoughts about one or two of the mod team. It isn't all good, either.

Your greatest fear was that they were all silly b33r-swilling Bedn-impersonators?

Dude, the same pics get taken every damned June.

Seriously, it's not my type of game, as I lack the aptitude to play these games. Subtelty has never been a strong point of me in the VG world. Why bother stealth killing someone up close and personal when you've got a rocket launcher?!

Hahahahaha. That's how I tend to play MGS, yes. #;-}>

MGS doesn't ALWAYS force you to sneak. Sometimes you can shoot your way out of a situation. You really gotta watch the ammo usage, though, since they assume you won't use as much as you'd like to...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-12 06:57:34

At 7/11/08 09:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/7/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Then again, at times, I start to think I should have just shortened gfoxcook to gfox years ago. Too late now, it's TRADITION.
Same with me. When Bahamut became Bahamut, instead of Bahamut7, I could have gone to Tom and claimed Coop as the alias for me. I'll stick to this one, as it's the only name this account has had aside from the once I changed to C0GMA and the once I went to 826629 - my old NG Ident number
You mean when Bahamut- became Bahamut instead of Bahamut7? #;-}>

That's just petty. Speaking of Petty, I just signed to drive the number 43 car in next season's Sprint Cup in my career game. It's so unrealistic, I took Boris Said's car to the championship as a rookie!

I think he meant that Mom and Agnes Skinner were both played by the same actor - Tress.
He made a comparison between Mom/Agnes and LionelHutz/ZappBrannigan, as though both pairs had the same voice actors.

Yeah, I've said it's well picked up on, as Billy West has done a great tribute to Phil Hartman in his Zapp voice. As we've already discussed, Mom and Agnes do ahve the same voice actor.

At 7/3/08 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've never limited myself to just one, silly.
*Dons a black cloak and deepens the voice, while developing a throaty ailment* Yes, my master.
Don't worry, you can be Vader. That other dude can be silly ol' Maul.
Ha, he has to put up with the tattoos and the horns! I have to put up with the Lung Cancer.
Hhhahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . And lava burns.

Yeah, but I can do cool stuff like this *fires Death Star and obliterates random planet*

"If that's the mothership, what did we just destroy?"

"The Hubble Telescope."

And deep, deep shame.

But you get a badass costume 'n' cape 'n' mask. It makes it all worthwhile.

And I get to save the world as well, so it's all good. I'm the greatest hero of the land! Without me, there can be no Luke Skywalker, remember that!

Not over the DVD, over my own blindness/lack of thorough searching. #;-}>
Still not good enough. I'm the chosen one and I've got to throw you down a great long tube when you get too up yourself and you try to kill my son!

Have I just spoilt the ending for you? You should be reading your scripts closer, master :P

But it's still damned funny! Pre flight coffee enemas for all!
You've not seen it, have you?

"Can I just get mine to go?"
Nope, haven't seen it yet. Took me a long time to see BBS, yanno, so cut me some slack. #;-}>

Yeah, but how else am I supposed to quote it and get laughs? I've got to get my copy of BBS back tomorrow, so it's all good.

I still don't have it *taps foot angrily, then force strangles some underling for amusement*
You'll get it. Just be patient.
Patience is forfeit when you submit to the will of the Dark side!
Actually, those Sith Lords were some of the most patient muthafuckers the galaxy has ever seen.

Yeah, we had to wait for the time when the Jedi had become cocks. Then we killed them all off so that they could start again without being so up themselves. We are the force wielding equivalent of a biblical flood.

At 7/7/08 07:36 PM, AshtonNextGen wrote:
At 7/6/08 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
(Tom should really do like MySpace and allow you to change your name at will, just not let you change your url)
Or he could just pay you $100 to stop telling him how to change NG.


Did it work? #;-}>

He could try paying me to continue the updates *waits patiently*

At 7/11/08 10:05 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/8/08 08:34 AM, Coop83 wrote: Now you've got a case if you sent him a PM of getting your name changed to, say, ANG, as it's still what we know you as, but with the added bonus of now being a nifty little name to type as well ;)
ANG = Angie. I'll be thinking of the Rolling Stones song every time I see his username, then. O_O

What about just Ashton, unless it's already taken?

Good suggestion, but I like the Rolling Stones reference :P

I'm right here, so maybe the rest of them are off worshipping Weevo.
WTF? ... .....?

From "The Beast with a Billion Backs" watch and all shall be revealed. All I shall say on the matter is that Fry becomes the pope :P

Sounds like a mix between Tivo and Weeaboo.

It's much more disgusting.

He just wants your approval and your love, Bahamut. Look at how he just said "ok" to Coop when Coop gave him constructive criticism + smacked him down a bit + gave him a tiny bit of encouragement about improving.

I encourage with the left hand and beat down with the right hand. I'm going to be one sick mutha when I get to Level 39, I can tell you!

iscrulz must be behind this!
LOL! Blame, blame, blame.

Well, maybe it's YOUR fault he doesn't like MGS if it's iscrulz's fault he doesn't like FF. ALL YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LIKING TEH GTA. WHAT THEN, EH? HUH? HUH? HUH?

Nah, MGS goes back to days when I wasn't an NGer - my mates used to play it on their consoles and I never had a copy of my own, so couldn't play much. It would get frustrating when I couldn't keep the pace with them and so i got into games like Legacy of Kain instead, where stealth isn't a necessity :P

Mind you, I have enjoyed playing Assassin's Creed, so maybe there is hope for me.

At 7/11/08 08:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Bahamut, did you miss a little spot underneath your note this morning while shaving? No point in trying to be the Blue Robert Mugabe, you won't win any elections...
What the... fuck? O_O

Just the rant, it sounded a little Robert Mugabe. Coop's thought processes again ;)

Talking of Mugabe, did you see Mock the Week was back last night. The BBC website has the episode on for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.
Is Mock the Week like the British version of VH1's Best Week Ever?

Probably, but I've not watched that, so it's hard to say...

"Well, the good news is that you've had a beautiful baby Girl. The bad news is that you've blown your cock off!"
- Frankie Boyle on the (Wo)man who had a baby.
The "dude" never had a cock to begin with, so that makes no sense at all.

I thought that was part of the gender reassignment operation - to make some sort of prosthetic cock out of butt cheek and a ball sack out of elbow skin. And yes, the Scots do know that the baby was born by C-Section, but where's the fun in that, I ask you. Explosive false cock FTW!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-12 14:32:43

At 7/12/08 06:57 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/11/08 09:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You mean when Bahamut- became Bahamut instead of Bahamut7? #;-}>
That's just petty.

Hey, Bahamut said something about the dash first, not me. I just wanted to pile on. #;-}>

Speaking of Petty, I just signed to drive the number 43 car in next season's Sprint Cup in my career game. It's so unrealistic, I took Boris Said's car to the championship as a rookie!


He made a comparison between Mom/Agnes and LionelHutz/ZappBrannigan, as though both pairs had the same voice actors.
Yeah, I've said it's well picked up on, as Billy West has done a great tribute to Phil Hartman in his Zapp voice. As we've already discussed, Mom and Agnes do ahve the same voice actor.

An amazingly great tribute, really.

And as I already said as we already discussed, "ah." I just didn't trust Ashton at first, because he was SO VERY WRONG about the other pairing. I trust ye.

Hhhahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . And lava burns.
Yeah, but I can do cool stuff like this *fires Death Star and obliterates random planet*

You gotta get Grand Moff Tarkin's permission first, though. THAT BLIGHTER.

(choke the bitch, then you will have ultimate say)

Vader's finest moments were of course in ESB. Killing captains and admirals left and right, commanding entire Star Destroyer fleets on his own, giving bounty hunters orders, hunting his son down to CONFRONT 'IM GOOD 'N' PROPER, and then of course... teh dueling/ownage/reveal.

And deep, deep shame.
But you get a badass costume 'n' cape 'n' mask. It makes it all worthwhile.
And I get to save the world as well, so it's all good. I'm the greatest hero of the land! Without me, there can be no Luke Skywalker, remember that!

Pfft. Obi-Wan saved him from being ruined by you before he got to grow up, though. And I think Padme had a little something to do with Luke's birth, too. COME ON, VADER. Don't get too full of yourself.

You used to be "little Ani." (horffffffffff)

Have I just spoilt the ending for you? You should be reading your scripts closer, master :P

PALPATINE KNOWS ALL. He just "bah"s all, too. Jeez. Bah.

Nope, haven't seen it yet. Took me a long time to see BBS, yanno, so cut me some slack. #;-}>
Yeah, but how else am I supposed to quote it and get laughs? I've got to get my copy of BBS back tomorrow, so it's all good.


Actually, those Sith Lords were some of the most patient muthafuckers the galaxy has ever seen.
Yeah, we had to wait for the time when the Jedi had become cocks. Then we killed them all off so that they could start again without being so up themselves. We are the force wielding equivalent of a biblical flood.


He could try paying me to continue the updates *waits patiently*

You'll get your cherished, precious "fame" long before that happens, alas.

What about just Ashton, unless it's already taken?
Good suggestion, but I like the Rolling Stones reference :P


From "The Beast with a Billion Backs" watch and all shall be revealed. All I shall say on the matter is that Fry becomes the pope :P


Sounds like a mix between Tivo and Weeaboo.
It's much more disgusting.


He just wants your approval and your love, Bahamut. Look at how he just said "ok" to Coop when Coop gave him constructive criticism + smacked him down a bit + gave him a tiny bit of encouragement about improving.
I encourage with the left hand and beat down with the right hand. I'm going to be one sick mutha when I get to Level 39, I can tell you!

You're like his uncle stand-in, but he's still looking for Bahamut to be his father-figure.

Well, maybe it's YOUR fault he doesn't like MGS if it's iscrulz's fault he doesn't like FF. ALL YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LIKING TEH GTA. WHAT THEN, EH? HUH? HUH? HUH?

I mean karma-wise. #;-}>

MGS goes back to days when I wasn't an NGer - my mates used to play it on their consoles and I never had a copy of my own, so couldn't play much. It would get frustrating when I couldn't keep the pace with them and so i got into games like Legacy of Kain instead, where stealth isn't a necessity :P

I see.

Mind you, I have enjoyed playing Assassin's Creed, so maybe there is hope for me.

Now that I have a spiffy PC, I could play that, too. I saw the ads for the 360 version when it came out and it looked fun.

I'll be waiting till the price comes down, either way, just like I am with Mass Effect right now.

Just the rant, it sounded a little Robert Mugabe. Coop's thought processes again ;)

It was just... strange... that his rant made you think of an African dictator, 'tis all.

Is Mock the Week like the British version of VH1's Best Week Ever?
Probably, but I've not watched that, so it's hard to say...

After they did "I love the 80s" and "I love the 90s" and all those other parodic, satirical, faux-nostalgic series, VH1 started making a sarcastic week-in-review type show called Best Week Ever (i.e. the week wasn't all that hot, really).

The "dude" never had a cock to begin with, so that makes no sense at all.
I thought that was part of the gender reassignment operation - to make some sort of prosthetic cock out of butt cheek and a ball sack out of elbow skin. And yes, the Scots do know that the baby was born by C-Section, but where's the fun in that, I ask you. Explosive false cock FTW!

But then it wasn't really a cock, so the statement still fails.

"blown your faux-cock off" or something, MAYBE. Or yeah, explosive false cock. THAT SAYS IT ALL AND HAS A CERTAIN RING TO IT.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-15 08:22:28

At 7/12/08 02:32 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/12/08 06:57 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/11/08 09:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You mean when Bahamut- became Bahamut instead of Bahamut7? #;-}>
That's just petty.
Hey, Bahamut said something about the dash first, not me. I just wanted to pile on. #;-}>

Well pile it on, you did, kind sir. Incidentally, you may have piled on the score, but Rob played One again yesterday and managed a 915 note streak. I'm happy enough having just netted a 265k 5* for it, so my progress is visible!

Speaking of Petty, I just signed to drive the number 43 car in next season's Sprint Cup in my career game. It's so unrealistic, I took Boris Said's car to the championship as a rookie!

Well... Kyle didn't really win much. Now Lee Petty, on the other hand.

He made a comparison between Mom/Agnes and LionelHutz/ZappBrannigan, as though both pairs had the same voice actors.
Yeah, I've said it's well picked up on, as Billy West has done a great tribute to Phil Hartman in his Zapp voice. As we've already discussed, Mom and Agnes do ahve the same voice actor.
An amazingly great tribute, really.


And as I already said as we already discussed, "ah." I just didn't trust Ashton at first, because he was SO VERY WRONG about the other pairing. I trust ye.

Ah, but I view myself as THE authority on Futurama. I will have to enter Mastermind with Futurama as my specialist subject.

Hhhahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . And lava burns.
Yeah, but I can do cool stuff like this *fires Death Star and obliterates random planet*
You gotta get Grand Moff Tarkin's permission first, though. THAT BLIGHTER.

(choke the bitch, then you will have ultimate say)

But I don't want to anger the master. I shall just have him preserved in carbonite :P

Vader's finest moments were of course in ESB. Killing captains and admirals left and right, commanding entire Star Destroyer fleets on his own, giving bounty hunters orders, hunting his son

down to CONFRONT 'IM GOOD 'N' PROPER, and then of course... teh dueling/ownage/reveal.

Yeah, that was when people really started to take him seriously - beforehand, he was just a maniac with a doomsday device, who was under the complete control of the Emperor...

And deep, deep shame.
But you get a badass costume 'n' cape 'n' mask. It makes it all worthwhile.
And I get to save the world as well, so it's all good. I'm the greatest hero of the land! Without me, there can be no Luke Skywalker, remember that!
Pfft. Obi-Wan saved him from being ruined by you before he got to grow up, though. And I think Padme had a little something to do with Luke's birth, too. COME ON, VADER. Don't get too full of yourself.

You used to be "little Ani." (horffffffffff)

That name means nothing to me any more.

Actually, those Sith Lords were some of the most patient muthafuckers the galaxy has ever seen.
Yeah, we had to wait for the time when the Jedi had become cocks. Then we killed them all off so that they could start again without being so up themselves. We are the force wielding equivalent of a biblical flood.

Indeed, my excellent friend.

Sorry, I've just crossed to Bill and Ted, for some unexplained reason...

From "The Beast with a Billion Backs" watch and all shall be revealed. All I shall say on the matter is that Fry becomes the pope :P

Now you're up for seeing the wonder so much, maybe you'll go and do so.

Sounds like a mix between Tivo and Weeaboo.
It's much more disgusting.

*Cranks excitement meter up one more notch.*

He just wants your approval and your love, Bahamut. Look at how he just said "ok" to Coop when Coop gave him constructive criticism + smacked him down a bit + gave him a tiny bit of encouragement about improving.
I encourage with the left hand and beat down with the right hand. I'm going to be one sick mutha when I get to Level 39, I can tell you!
You're like his uncle stand-in, but he's still looking for Bahamut to be his father-figure.

Uncle Coop? That just sounds wrong.

Mind you, I have enjoyed playing Assassin's Creed, so maybe there is hope for me.
Now that I have a spiffy PC, I could play that, too. I saw the ads for the 360 version when it came out and it looked fun.

Yeah, you'll love it - the game makes you think a hell of a lot more than the adverts would have you believe :P

Is Mock the Week like the British version of VH1's Best Week Ever?
Probably, but I've not watched that, so it's hard to say...
After they did "I love the 80s" and "I love the 90s" and all those other parodic, satirical, faux-nostalgic series, VH1 started making a sarcastic week-in-review type show called Best Week Ever (i.e. the week wasn't all that hot, really).

Sounds pretty much like it.

The "dude" never had a cock to begin with, so that makes no sense at all.
I thought that was part of the gender reassignment operation - to make some sort of prosthetic cock out of butt cheek and a ball sack out of elbow skin. And yes, the Scots do know that the baby was born by C-Section, but where's the fun in that, I ask you. Explosive false cock FTW!
But then it wasn't really a cock, so the statement still fails.

"blown your faux-cock off" or something, MAYBE. Or yeah, explosive false cock. THAT SAYS IT ALL AND HAS A CERTAIN RING TO IT.

Yeah, they'll be doing gender reassignment operations where the 'cock' is made of a stick of dynamite, next :P

Oh wait... the cock is the woman who wants to be a man in the first place. They'll be earning less than a woman by the end of the next decade, I tells ya!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-17 01:48:46

At 7/15/08 08:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/12/08 02:32 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey, Bahamut said something about the dash first, not me. I just wanted to pile on. #;-}>
Well pile it on, you did, kind sir. Incidentally, you may have piled on the score, but Rob played One again yesterday and managed a 915 note streak. I'm happy enough having just netted a 265k 5* for it, so my progress is visible!

I take it his 4-notes-more-than-me streak on Medium still didn't net him a higher score?

I did play One 2-3 times more that day I PMed you about it, but then I got GH: Aerosmith, and I haven't played One since, so I never upped it again, and likely won't anytime soon. ;_;

Congrats on your 5 starring of it, that's the main thing.

If you are ever going mad continually 4-starring a song you want to 5-star, BTW, and don't know how close or far you are from your goal, check our scorehero.com, they've got 3-4 and 4-5 star borderline stats for all GH games, all difficulties.

Well... Kyle didn't really win much. Now Lee Petty, on the other hand.


And as I already said as we already discussed, "ah." I just didn't trust Ashton at first, because he was SO VERY WRONG about the other pairing. I trust ye.
Ah, but I view myself as THE authority on Futurama. I will have to enter Mastermind with Futurama as my specialist subject.

Well, you and Bahamut both, compared to me, are authorities, yes. You can't very well consider yourself an authority on a show when you haven't even watched all the eps yet.

I'm a Newsradio authority, and perhaps a ST:TNG authority. I have watched every single episode of both those shows.

I was a huge X-Files fan, but my interest in the show petered out sometime around season 6 or 7 (I don't even know how many seasons the show... had, to be frank), so I can't call myself an authority on that either.

I really need to bone up on my Futurama, though. I've got the freaking discs (well... save one... but I really should have already seen all the eps on that one, even if.... a freaking decade ago)...

You gotta get Grand Moff Tarkin's permission first, though. THAT BLIGHTER.

(choke the bitch, then you will have ultimate say)
But I don't want to anger the master. I shall just have him preserved in carbonite :P

You know, I don't think it was ever made clear in the original movie... how the Emperor felt about Tarkin. Was he his only reliable higher-up in the Imperial fleet/army/whatever? Or was he a thorn in his side, and would he have been happy to hear of his demise, be it by Vader's hand or... well, the way he did end up going out.

Vader's finest moments were of course in ESB. Killing captains and admirals left and right, commanding entire Star Destroyer fleets on his own, giving bounty hunters orders, hunting his son
down to CONFRONT 'IM GOOD 'N' PROPER, and then of course... teh dueling/ownage/reveal.

Yeah, that was when people really started to take him seriously - beforehand, he was just a maniac with a doomsday device, who was under the complete control of the Emperor...

Yep. And ep 6 presented a conflicted look at him, that even at its weakest moments... was far superior to what we would be seeing of him in eps 1 and 2 especially (I actually liked ep 2 on the whole, except for Anakin's role/lines). Sorta like 3, I guess.

Vader in 1/2/3/6 makes Vader in 4 look great. But yeah, Vader in 5 makes Vader in 4 look like Vader in 1/2/3/6. #;-}>

Pfft. Obi-Wan saved him from being ruined by you before he got to grow up, though. And I think Padme had a little something to do with Luke's birth, too. COME ON, VADER. Don't get too full of yourself.

You used to be "little Ani." (horffffffffff)
That name means nothing to me any more.

Thank the maker. </3PO>

Indeed, my excellent friend.

:::high fives the Dark Lord of the Sith:::

Sorry, I've just crossed to Bill and Ted, for some unexplained reason...

BUT WHICH ONE IS VADER COOP.... and which is teh gfox.

You're like his uncle stand-in, but he's still looking for Bahamut to be his father-figure.
Uncle Coop? That just sounds wrong.

You can be on Full House.

Yeah, you'll love it - the game makes you think a hell of a lot more than the adverts would have you believe :P

Oh, I can imagine. Looks like Thief or Thief 2, but geared for teh DEATHS more than teh sneaking-for-sneaking's sake.

Yeah, they'll be doing gender reassignment operations where the 'cock' is made of a stick of dynamite, next :P

I'm sure FOX has already financed a pilot of that reality show.

If it makes it through to actual series existence... they'll put it on after Moment of Truth.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-17 08:50:07

At 7/17/08 01:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I take it his 4-notes-more-than-me streak on Medium still didn't net him a higher score?

Nope - still about 20-30k shy of you, so no worries there :P

I did play One 2-3 times more that day I PMed you about it, but then I got GH: Aerosmith, and I haven't played One since, so I never upped it again, and likely won't anytime soon. ;_;

He'll get bored soon enough.

Congrats on your 5 starring of it, that's the main thing.

*bows* Why thank you, sir.

If you are ever going mad continually 4-starring a song you want to 5-star, BTW, and don't know how close or far you are from your goal, check our scorehero.com, they've got 3-4 and 4-5 star borderline stats for all GH games, all difficulties.

I'll be sure to check it out for a few songs that I'm troubled by at present.

Well... Kyle didn't really win much. Now Lee Petty, on the other hand.

Lee Arnold Petty was a 3 time series champion in the Grand National series (Now NASCAR's Sprint Cup)

And as I already said as we already discussed, "ah." I just didn't trust Ashton at first, because he was SO VERY WRONG about the other pairing. I trust ye.
Ah, but I view myself as THE authority on Futurama. I will have to enter Mastermind with Futurama as my specialist subject.
Well, you and Bahamut both, compared to me, are authorities, yes. You can't very well consider yourself an authority on a show when you haven't even watched all the eps yet.

You can be a pseudo-authority, having watched most of the episodes and being anal enough to retain a healthy percentage of the information ;)

I really need to bone up on my Futurama, though. I've got the freaking discs (well... save one... but I really should have already seen all the eps on that one, even if.... a freaking decade ago)...

Yeah, it's weird to think that the series is almost 10 years old :P

You gotta get Grand Moff Tarkin's permission first, though. THAT BLIGHTER.

(choke the bitch, then you will have ultimate say)
But I don't want to anger the master. I shall just have him preserved in carbonite :P
You know, I don't think it was ever made clear in the original movie... how the Emperor felt about Tarkin. Was he his only reliable higher-up in the Imperial fleet/army/whatever? Or was he a thorn in his side, and would he have been happy to hear of his demise, be it by Vader's hand or... well, the way he did end up going out.

Someone who does things by the book can piss the boss off, even if the boss was the one who wrote the damned book!

You used to be "little Ani." (horffffffffff)
That name means nothing to me any more.
Thank the maker. </3PO>

Oh lord, I've failed again *crushes 3PO*

Indeed, my excellent friend.
high fives the Dark Lord of the Sith:::

*Air guitar*

Sorry, I've just crossed to Bill and Ted, for some unexplained reason...
BUT WHICH ONE IS VADER COOP.... and which is teh gfox.

Dibbs on Bill. S. Vader, Esquire

Yeah, they'll be doing gender reassignment operations where the 'cock' is made of a stick of dynamite, next :P
I'm sure FOX has already financed a pilot of that reality show.

That's part of 'Caught on Camera XXVI'

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-19 15:18:53

At 6/28/08 11:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Movement:
PenguinLink and Phantom have traded places around the top 50 this month, with no new entries to the top 100.

I won't pass him soon, but I am back in the top 50 :)

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2008-07-21 23:35:13

At 7/17/08 08:50 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/17/08 01:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I take it his 4-notes-more-than-me streak on Medium still didn't net him a higher score?
Nope - still about 20-30k shy of you, so no worries there :P


I did play One 2-3 times more that day I PMed you about it, but then I got GH: Aerosmith, and I haven't played One since, so I never upped it again, and likely won't anytime soon. ;_;
He'll get bored soon enough.


Congrats on your 5 starring of it, that's the main thing.
*bows* Why thank you, sir.

NOW... on to HARD soon, I hope. #;-}>

Lee Arnold Petty was a 3 time series champion in the Grand National series (Now NASCAR's Sprint Cup)

The least famous Petty... huh. Who'dathunkit.

Well, you and Bahamut both, compared to me, are authorities, yes. You can't very well consider yourself an authority on a show when you haven't even watched all the eps yet.
You can be a pseudo-authority, having watched most of the episodes and being anal enough to retain a healthy percentage of the information ;)

Heh. I never even learned ep titles, though. I HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO.

You know, I don't think it was ever made clear in the original movie... how the Emperor felt about Tarkin. Was he his only reliable higher-up in the Imperial fleet/army/whatever? Or was he a thorn in his side, and would he have been happy to hear of his demise, be it by Vader's hand or... well, the way he did end up going out.
Someone who does things by the book can piss the boss off, even if the boss was the one who wrote the damned book!


Thank the maker. </3PO>
Oh lord, I've failed again *crushes 3PO*


Indeed, my excellent friend.
high fives the Dark Lord of the Sith:::
*Air guitar*

Now instead of you/Vader being one of them... for some reason I'm imagining Vader hanging out with BOTH Bill and Ted in a new Bill and Ted movie. I am a-scared now.

Sorry, I've just crossed to Bill and Ted, for some unexplained reason...
BUT WHICH ONE IS VADER COOP.... and which is teh gfox.
Dibbs on Bill. S. Vader, Esquire

So I guess I'll have to be Theodore G. Fox.

Close to being TGIF, cool!

I'm sure FOX has already financed a pilot of that reality show.
That's part of 'Caught on Camera XXVI'

Bah. That's not the type of reality I'm talking about. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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