At 12/20/04 02:45 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 12/18/04 08:07 AM, D0GMA wrote:
5k Save
A & B Lists (total stat)
Heh whoops! I just noticed that my notes were still in the text file when I copied it into the post. Doh!!
I was wondering what was up with that at first, then figured you probably set up the update-summary post that way and then add in all the extra stuff... but then forgot to do get rid of the setup part before actually posting! Heh. No one commented, so I wasn't going to either till I saw your above comment on it, so don't worry about it. #;-}>
At 12/19/04 11:00 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 12/19/04 08:55 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 12/18/04 10:13 PM, MPA wrote:
At 12/18/04 10:11 PM, MPA wrote:
Interesting, I'm currently the only person with 9,XXX reviews
Haha, I must still be thinking about ~X~'s achievement. I meant saves of course.
Heh you people are silly, MPA hehe, anyways i been protecting or getting more protects so im almost at 7,000 protects so its looking good...
yea i got 9.XXX reviews too.... minus 6,000 of them. I've said this a few times before... I think Protection points are better than blam points cuz they are much more difficult to get cuz of the amount of low quality flash movies/games there has been.
Heh! Me too! Minus 8,500 of them.
Of COURSE protections are better than blams. But not JUST because they're harder to get statistically speaking... but because they represent the noble task of helping to save an excellent, good, fair, or not-so-great-but-shows-signs-of-promise flash and KEEP it on the portal... and that to me is a far better thing to be involved in than the blammage of any blammed flash. Sure they're both important... but which is what keeps the portal GROWING? The protection side, obviously. Blamitude is necessary to stop the portal from becoming chaotic and filled with crap... But if all we could do was blam... the portal would never have new additions. So... ALL HAIL PROTECTION! (And its King for the past 7 months or so... me! #;-}>).
At 1/2/05 03:36 PM, -Myst- wrote:
At 12/5/04 12:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/4/04 08:31 AM, D0GMA wrote:
A & B Lists (total stat)
Welcome to:
Groovy. Welcome back to teh listzors, Mystboy.
Hey, thanks ... but ... how does these A, B or C lists work anyway? I've missed a lot of stuffs sorry :P
Well... do you remember my old top 50s? Those are the A lists.
A - top 50 blammers-or-saviours, period.
B - same thing, but with ONLY ACTIVE PEOPLE ON IT
C - top 50 blam-to-save-or-save-to-blam-ratios, period.
D - same thing, but with ONLY ACTIVE PEOPLE ON IT
There ya go. I think that should sum it up for ya. If it doesn't? Then you need to read the "top 50 how to" that's next to the list links in every single one of Dogma's list update pages. Go to the site and click 'em and read 'em and find out more info.