At 9/23/04 11:25 PM, ramagi wrote: Only 20 years...hehehe..that less than what it would take me to get to level 29.....
20 years... we'll all be very old busy people by then. well i know i would be.
At 9/23/04 11:25 PM, ramagi wrote: Only 20 years...hehehe..that less than what it would take me to get to level 29.....
20 years... we'll all be very old busy people by then. well i know i would be.
At 9/24/04 10:15 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:At 9/23/04 11:25 PM, ramagi wrote: Only 20 years...hehehe..that less than what it would take me to get to level 29.....
Or most of us to level 26 or so.
But anywho... Now that I'm depressed. ;_;
20 years... we'll all be very old busy people by then. well i know i would be.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
A & B Lists (total stat)
Congrats to:
alexsmolik Supreme Commander
_lightning_ Brigadier General
KWAS71KCK Colonel
Mr_Snrub Colonel
Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
5,000 Saves
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
At 9/25/04 08:22 AM, D0GMA wrote: Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
woot woot! Good job, alex. You NEARLY hit EGSC at 20000+10000... if I were you, I'd edit teh HTML and fudge a screenie. #;-}>
5,000 Saves
good job, ya blammer.
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
I noticed that asdfsdfg was listed as NEW on the D list, so I went to the C list and he wasn't. It then dawned on me that he was inactive for awhile or something. I take it the welcome section for C/D lists is mostly made up of inactives that go active? I'd never noticed before.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 9/25/04 02:18 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I noticed that asdfsdfg was listed as NEW on the D list, so I went to the C list and he wasn't. It then dawned on me that he was inactive for awhile or something. I take it the welcome section for C/D lists is mostly made up of inactives that go active? I'd never noticed before.
It's the only real drawback to the B and D lists (not C and D). If someone earns a single point, not necessarily even in the category the list is covering, they are no longer "inactive." E.G.: asdfsdfg earned 9 points for the first time in something like 6 weeks, so poof goes back to active. He can then earn no points for the next four updates before he goes back to inactive on the fifth.
Debuts on the middle/upper C list are primarily from someone ranking in from Private. NEW in the lower end are usually from other people voting on "too many" blams (Saves list) or saves (Blams list), which easily knocks their percentage down enough to put them off the list.
A & B Lists (total stat)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
MPA General
NeMeSiSM66 General
Syme Major General
bmxgamer Major
Special Mention:
5,000 Saves
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
SantoNinoDeCebu Corporal
Overtired Sergeant Major
AngryAxel Private
Maximus_DM Sergeant
D34M0N Sergeant First Class
So much so little saves. I noticed my ratio was 2 to 1, exactly. I wasn't even trying.
A & B Lists (total stat)
Congrats to:
Yoink_Vines Major General
dl_Monk Lieutenant Colonel
Seraphius Major
Qwoxyl Colonel
Nijsse Brigadier General
good_guy_o Lieutenant Colonel
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
100816 Staff Sergeant
At 9/25/04 02:30 PM, D0GMA wrote:At 9/25/04 02:18 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I noticed that asdfsdfg was listed as NEW on the D list, so I went to the C list and he wasn't. It then dawned on me that he was inactive for awhile or something. I take it the welcome section for C/D lists is mostly made up of inactives that go active? I'd never noticed before.It's the only real drawback to the B and D lists (not C and D). If someone earns a single point, not necessarily even in the category the list is covering, they are no longer "inactive." E.G.: asdfsdfg earned 9 points for the first time in something like 6 weeks, so poof goes back to active. He can then earn no points for the next four updates before he goes back to inactive on the fifth.
Yup. I gotchas.
Debuts on the middle/upper C list are primarily from someone ranking in from Private. NEW in the lower end are usually from other people voting on "too many" blams (Saves list) or saves (Blams list), which easily knocks their percentage down enough to put them off the list.
I'm likin' the updates, thanks for your continued updating of them.
Likin' 'em... 'cept for how I'm not even blue anymore. That's not so hot. But I only have my own schedule and shit IRL to blame, so... eh. ;_;
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 10/16/04 11:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Likin' 'em... 'cept for how I'm not even blue anymore. That's not so hot. But I only have my own schedule and shit IRL to blame, so... eh. ;_;
That should change after October is over ... or the Astros finish up sooner than you'd like. Don't hope for being coloured too soon dontcha know ;)
A & B Lists (total stat)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
XkwiziTOnE Lieutenant General
Psychedelic_Spores Major General
Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
AloneInTheDark Private
At 10/23/04 08:19 AM, D0GMA wrote: Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
Congrats!! ..hahaah.. that was awesome!
At 10/23/04 08:19 AM, D0GMA wrote: Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
Welcome to the Club I started ages ago. I knew I should emailed you asked you when you were going to do this list. ah well
At 10/25/04 01:23 PM, ramagi wrote:At 10/23/04 08:19 AM, D0GMA wrote: Special Mention:Welcome to the Club I started ages ago. I knew I should emailed you asked you when you were going to do this list. ah well
10,000 Saves
Well, I do them along with the EGRL, so it's been weekly. What were you going to e-mail me about?
At 10/25/04 08:01 PM, D0GMA wrote:
Well, I do them along with the EGRL, so it's been weekly. What were you going to e-mail me about?
oh nothing important. I just to wait till your next update to see something that only been next to my name one time before. When ever that update will be.
At 10/26/04 12:16 AM, ramagi wrote:
oh nothing important. I just to wait till your next update to see something that only been next to my name one time before. When ever that update will be.
Second in saves I assume? I did say that was your next stop after hitting 16k ^^
umm yeah. hey everyone, i know i wont be on the top 50 list...
but when does it normally get updated? i mean, there hasnt been one done in like over a month...
just wondering, is all.
At 10/26/04 07:27 AM, BonusStage wrote:
.........................*ellipses*......... it is done every saturday, updated on d0gma's site, that is a bit more often than every month ):<
Did you ever wonder if you slapped someone around long enough, would you physically be able to knock some sense into them? WE may well soon find out. Worst case I'll incapacitate him enough so that he'll stop spamming ...
Need to change your sig Chris, just in case you forgotted
At 10/26/04 11:09 AM, Denvish wrote: Need to change your sig Chris, just in case you forgotted
Actually, I've been trying. I change the 7 to a 6, click Submit, then get yelled at that my sig length is 354 characters. If it's a problem NOW why wasn't it a problem when I was using a 7?
At 10/26/04 11:32 AM, D0GMA wrote:At 10/26/04 11:09 AM, Denvish wrote: Need to change your sig Chris, just in case you forgottedActually, I've been trying. I change the 7 to a 6, click Submit, then get yelled at that my sig length is 354 characters. If it's a problem NOW why wasn't it a problem when I was using a 7?
Yep I onyl had +1 next to my name 2 times. Once on this list and once on the other list. The downfall of being at the top.
At 10/26/04 11:32 AM, D0GMA wrote:At 10/26/04 11:09 AM, Denvish wrote: Need to change your sig Chris, just in case you forgottedActually, I've been trying. I change the 7 to a 6, click Submit, then get yelled at that my sig length is 354 characters. If it's a problem NOW why wasn't it a problem when I was using a 7?
Wheee "fixed" now ^^
At 10/26/04 01:38 PM, D0GMA wrote: Wheee "fixed" now ^^
If you want to fit more, you could try trimming your sig links a bit. Take out the "www." on all of the links, and get rid of the three "&" strings in your last link. Another idea is to do what I did for a while: make little JavaScript "redirect" pages on your server, like That can shorten your links a lot, too.
At 10/26/04 02:58 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote:At 10/26/04 01:38 PM, D0GMA wrote: Wheee "fixed" now ^^If you want to fit more, you could try trimming your sig links a bit. Take out the "www." on all of the links, and get rid of the three "&" strings in your last link. Another idea is to do what I did for a while: make little JavaScript "redirect" pages on your server, like That can shorten your links a lot, too.
Thanks, hadn't even noticed that & crap. I've spotted it in other people's sig links ... NG seems to be installing them for no apparent reason. It's probably why my original sig link set up worked, but when I tried to change it, it was too large.
At 10/27/04 07:33 AM, BonusStage wrote:
Worst case?
Hrmm ... I was actually referring to M-A-R-C-U-S. I quoted you, like an aside conversation with you about him, but looking back at it, it certainly appears that I'm comntemplating giving you the beating.
A & B Lists (total stat)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
leeboy105 Supreme Commander
Denvish Major
Special Mention:
5,000 Saves
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
Kalika999 Private
thisisanalias Private
A & B Lists (total stat)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
biteme2514 Lieutenant General
good_guy_o Colonel
staphita Captain
Special Mention:
10,000 Saves
C & D Lists (S2B ratio)
Welcome to:
Congrats to:
handyman160 Private
AloneInTheDark Private First Class
zimzap Private First Class
D34MON Master Sergeant
Cheers Chris. Good to be back on the Protectors 50. Like the new layout, it's much more intuitive. Thanks for the updates.