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Top 50 Protectors List

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Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-05-27 02:14:22

At 5/25/04 11:49 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/24/04 11:54 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Getting very close on this list. Since I am thinking most of them have moved since last update.
More than just very close... actually ON it. #;-}> #48, man. Congrats!

Thanks I heard you posted some new updates guess i have to check them out. Now where did you post and in your bbs signature.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-05-29 23:30:08

At 5/25/04 11:45 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

so muchfor it takingme longer to get on thevote power list huh?
huh? Whaaaaa? O_O

I never said anything about you taking a long time to get on the VP list.

Hell, you've been on it for several months, I think. O_o You're well over 7.50, for one thing.

Did you mean saves list when you said vote power list? Cause it DID take awhile, yanno. #;-}>

you guysalways say the vote list is harderto get on. i got onit a long time before here and now i'mlisted in danger zone :(

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-05-30 10:42:10

At 5/29/04 11:30 PM, Syme wrote:

you guysalways say the vote list is harderto get on. i got onit a long time before here and now i'mlisted in danger zone :(

The way it's done now, the Quad list is the probably hardest thing to get on, followed by the top 50 protectors and the XP list. The VP list, back when NGling was running it, never listed more than 200 people; the usual was only ~160ish. At the time, neither ramagi nor JT was running an XP list and I don't believe the Quadlist had yet started so that was an accurate assessment. All the lists have gotten longer, even when their parameters haven't changed, so it's technically easier now to get on them now than it was last year, if for no other reason than people have had 6-9 months more to gain points in whatever stat is being tracked.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-06-27 15:46:52

At 5/25/04 03:07 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 5/5/03 03:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: protections rank, number, name -- as of 05/05/2003 at 01:11 CDT
Since the BP list is approaching a year old, I've started thinking in "anniversary" terms. Where was this list originally posted and when did it start? I presume you still have it bookmarked someplace.

The first post in this thread is the first time this list was posted on NG BBS. I had done like 5 or 6 updates from late March to late April for myself, though, that I never posted on the BBS. They were not full 50 person updates, however, as I hadn't fully built the list.

At 5/25/04 05:38 PM, Toocool100 wrote: so if you pass fixit you wont update the lists anymore because you wont be chasing anybody?

Pretty much. Well, I'll still be moving upwards in the blam list, but not here anymore. And this is the list that started it all, so... well, we'll see. But hopefully D0GMA will take it on.

well now, i guess there is only one thing left for me to do. I will get ahead of you gfox, and stay there, and never let you win so you can always update. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..

I doubt that's going to happen before I pass fixit, man.

TooCool: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 14,488 quality entries.
gfoxcook: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 15,675 quality entries.
fixit: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 16,101 quality entries.

As you can see, I have only 426 saves to make before I pull even with fixit, whereas you are over 1000 behind me. I don't think your chances are very good. But you're still welcome to try. O_o

How about you just wait till I pass fixit and enjoy the #1 saviour spot for a few weeks, then feel free to pass me after that, take the saviour crown that you so deserve, and wear it with pride? O_o

anyway, nice list, good job. thx

I'm #3 :D

Of course you're #3, what other # would you be? (yay, rhyming)

Or did you just mean you passed ramagi recently? #;-}>

At 5/26/04 08:32 AM, asdfsdfg wrote:
At 5/25/04 11:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote: We can't all be like EvilSan. Ooops, I mean asdfsdfg. #;-}>
damn straight. tell wade to mod me already.

If it didn't work the first three times I told him, I doubt it's going to work this time, man.

At 5/26/04 10:12 AM, alexsmolik wrote:
At 5/25/04 11:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 09 09 -- 09,128 059.91% 24,363 *** thisisasignin
10 10 -- 09,039 053.57% 25,913 *** alexsmolik
Now it's just a matter of time until I pass this little inactive baby. And I know I'm rather a good saver, so that means I will pass him soon enough. When the time comes. Or maybe he just won't let me pass over him because of the pride.

thisisasignin isn't inactive, alex. He's been getting a few points here and there for the past month or so. He was at 24050 for like half a year, so you can see he's gotten a few hundred points since coming out of retirement. Not very many points, but still some. I don't think very many are saves, though, so... you're probably already past him, eh?

At 5/27/04 02:14 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:
At 5/25/04 11:49 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/24/04 11:54 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Getting very close on this list. Since I am thinking most of them have moved since last update.
More than just very close... actually ON it. #;-}> #48, man. Congrats!
Thanks I heard you posted some new updates guess i have to check them out. Now where did you post and in your bbs signature.

... huh? Where did I post the list update? Right here, on this page. Like my sig link points to. O_o

If you meant something else, please let me know. I know it's a month after you posted, but.... better late than never, I guess. o_o

At 5/30/04 10:42 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 5/29/04 11:30 PM, Syme wrote: you guysalways say the vote list is harderto get on. i got onit a long time before here and now i'mlisted in danger zone :(

I never ever ever said the vote list is hardest to get to, and nor would I say it's hardER than this list or the top 50 blam list. For one thing, these two lists are TOP 50s, and thus only have 50 spots. The top voting power list has hundreds of spots!

The way it's done now, the Quad list is the probably hardest thing to get on, followed by the top 50 protectors and the XP list. The VP list, back when NGling was running it, never listed more than 200 people; the usual was only ~160ish. At the time, neither ramagi nor JT was running an XP list and I don't believe the Quadlist had yet started so that was an accurate assessment. All the lists have gotten longer, even when their parameters haven't changed, so it's technically easier now to get on them now than it was last year, if for no other reason than people have had 6-9 months more to gain points in whatever stat is being tracked.

Quad list is toughest, eh? I dunno about that.

Well, if you take the exp list to be the top 500 exp or whatever, maybe so. But ramagi's old top 100 exp list was the hardest, hands down, to get onto.

Yeah, maybe she remembers us talking of those bygone NGling top 160 VP list days....

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-06-28 11:10:01

I think I was saying something else. Like I am finally going be on this list. I can not actaually remember fully.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-20 01:22:36

Just a little bump to warn that the end of gfox's updating of this list is at hand.

As I just said over in the blamlist thread, the 1 year anniversary of me creating a blam list to go along with this saves list is less than a week ago, and so is the final updates (by me) of both lists.

Why? Because I'm about to pass fixit in saves. When I created this list, it was to see how I was doing in terms of saves alone, because back then I had more saves (up to 1000 more) than blams and I preferred saving flash... I felt pride in my ratio and wanted to see how I compared to the people ahead of me on the top 50 b/p list (at the time I had just entered it and was in the 40s range).

Well, I found that I compared quite nicely. When I created this list in March of 2003, I was ranked #25... quite a bit higher than my overall b/p official NG ranking, as I just mentioned. Much of my b/ping over the past year and a half, in fact, has been towards this day. I love blams too, don't get me wrong. And I loved scaling the overall ranks and especially getting new rank badges and more VP.... but overall.... above all this.... was the desire to be #1 in saves.

And even if it doesn't last but one day because fixit wakes up again, passing him will be sweet. As he passed ramagi, now I pass him. I made a whole baseball Home Run crown analogy in level up!... which is kinda corny, but... fairly similar in terms of stats alone (if not how the stat is obtained, of course... there's not much physical about clicking your mouse).

And in my own way, I feel pride about it. I don't feel proud about much, so I'll take comfort in this achievement. #;-}>

So anyway, expect an update, as I said in the other thread, within the week. I may time it to happen on 7/26, which is when the blam list joined this list in twin top50ness... or I may do it before then. But I'm going to a cousin's wedding on 7/24, and thus the weekend may be busy. Before OR after it is the most likely time for an update. This is going to be quite the insane update since 2 months have passed by... then again, last time I updated, MORE than 2 months had passed by and it was even worse, probably. I hope you all enjoy one more go-round with me in these threads... and then I will retire the lists in the format I have done them... focus solely on the quadlist in its new form and the VP list... and let Dogma integrate these lists with the b/p 51+ list, as they work perfectly with them (stat pull is the same for them, after all).

It's been a good run, people... since March 2003... posting the list here since early May 2003... but I wasn't even planning on updating this list forever. I've lasted longer, however, as a single person updating a single list they created... than anyone else has... so there ya go. Take it for what it's worth.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-24 05:48:09

At 7/20/04 01:22 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

Why? Because I'm about to pass fixit in saves.

Grats =) Just got you and fixit pulled and you're ahead by *drumroll* 100 even.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-25 03:24:07

The version(s) of the Top 50 Saviors list I plan on doing is posted at the EGRL site and is accessible via the Current button.

When gfox posts his final update in the next day or two, please take the time to compare the two and let me know what you would like changed about, or added to, mine.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 10:43:18

The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Protectors List -- as of 07/26/2004 at 06:36 CDT

Congrats to:

Toocool100 on his promotion to Elite Guard Major
Bila on his promotion to Elite Guard Supreme Commander (8th)
chaotic1 on his promotion to Elite Guard General (10th)
leeboy105 on his promotion to Elite Guard Major General (15th)
leeboy105 on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant General (14th)
D0GMA on his promotion to Elite Guard General (11th)
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (17th)
NemesisM66 on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant General (13th)
Krack_R0ck on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (20th)
stafffighter on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
YoinK on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
alhill on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
_altr_ on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
Artificial on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
Artificial on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (18th)
Artificial on his promotion to Elite Guard Major General (16th)
Rabindarath on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
moongod on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
moongod on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
pingpong08 on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
IM_KOOL_R_U on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
IM_KOOL_R_U on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (19th)
Mr_Snrub on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
LockClock on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
Syme on her promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
KWAS71KCK on his promotion to Elite Guard Major
dl_Monk on his promotion to Elite Guard Major
MPA on his promotion to Elite Guard Major
MPA on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
MPA on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
Seraphius on his promotion to Elite Guard Captain &
-PZY- on his promotion to Elite Guard Captain

since the last update of the list.

List Stats:

The Top 50 Protectors currently have 360,810 saves (+18,668)
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 679,560 blams (+63,647)
The Top 50 Protectors currently have 1,040,370 combined b/p (+82,315)

53.09% is the Top 50 Protectors' overall save-to-blam % (-02.46%)
34.68% of the Top 50 Protectors' combined b/p are saves (-01.03%)

Welcome to:

MPA, who is the only person to doublelist this update (not to mention the only person to be added to the saves list). Great job, man!

Farewell to:

HeRetiK, whose passing indeed confirms that this is the coming of a new age. Heretik, for those who weren't aware... used to be in the top 15 saviours... his fall is due to his spare time being spent on his awesome flashes... so for that we can be thankful. Still, I am truly sad to see him fall off both my lists, never to return. I remember when I passed him in b/p, way back around 9500 total... seems so long ago. WAS so long ago, I guess.


It took me 2 months and 1 day to get enough protects to pass fixit and then find time to do this list update... and so... last time I had NO idea that MPA would be the threat to enter this list... so, while I correctly predicted Heretik would be next to go, my guess that it would either be _Newt or nimmer or Overtired or TimScheff or HerneTheHunter who knocked him off was far from correct, clearly. Anyway, since I won't be updating this list anymore, it seems kinda pointless to make predictions for "next time," but I WILL say that _Newt was very close to making the list today (within 50 or so saves). He'll be on Dogma's version of this list at some point in the near future.

Greg's Notes:

It's been real fun doing these lists for you. This one, in particular, was started in late March, 2003... as a list for myself and myself alone. A month later I ended up posting it to this topic, and thus on 5/5/2003, this topic was born. Over the time since then (a span of 448 days), I have posted 41 updates of the Top 50 Protectors List. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. One last time, a few of my notes about this particular update:

32 rankups this time, compared to 29 and 44 and 6 and 21 and 13 and 8 and 14 and 7 and 11 and 16 and 6 and 7 and 7 the last thirteen times (total of 221 for the protectors list!). 29 are on both lists, the other 3 are only on this list.

The amount of non-doublelisted people has grown from 12 to 13. Coulda been a lot worse, really. We've entered a period of time not unlike how things were a year or more ago, when there was an abundance of people only on one or the other list. I thought those times had passed by half a year ago when it seemed the trend was towards everyone getting on both these lists AND the combined b/p list... but all things come in cycles, I suppose.

Just like in the May update, I have only noted the rank-at-the-time-of-ranking-up for Brigadier Generals and above. Congrats to everyone who ranked up, though. There was a fair amount of it, but perhaps not as much as one might have guessed since this was the absolute longest period of time between updates of these two top 50 lists... and yet we didn't break a rankup record (that was in the spring).

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

List Column Legend

rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
saves = approximate # of protects as of the update time
s2b% = save-to-blam % (i.e. ratio of saves to blams, or: saves/blams x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 10:44:27

rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook
02 01 -- 16,101 048.20% 49,503 *** fixit
03 03 -- 14,789 16,806% 14,877 ---- Toocool100
04 04 -- 14,424 052.37% 41,969 *** ramagi
05 05 -- 13,559 072.41% 32,284 *** RyoHahn
06 06 -- 11,995 060.42% 31,847 *** Bila
07 07 -- 11,927 056.05% 33,206 *** Recon_Rebel
08 08 -- 09,920 040.53% 34,393 *** Crono-
09 10 -- 09,545 051.55% 28,060 *** alexsmolik
10 09 -- 09,362 058.79% 25,286 *** thisisasignin
11 11 -- 08,477 057.13% 23,314 *** XkwiziTOnE
12 12 -- 08,261 031.66% 34,356 *** TheJoe324
13 13 -- 08,222 044.39% 26,743 *** chaotic1
14 15 -- 08,192 049.72% 24,667 *** leeboy105
15 16 -- 08,170 040.78% 28,206 *** D0GMA
16 14 -- 07,997 077.66% 18,295 *** DrMSM
17 17 -- 06,910 049.12% 20,977 *** biteme2514
18 18 -- 06,477 049.08% 19,673 *** Stormwarden
19 19 -- 06,405 035.52% 24,435 *** NemesisM66
20 22 -- 06,295 047.62% 19,515 *** Krack_R0ck
21 21 -- 06,236 071.38% 14,972 *** XwaynecoltX
22 25 -- 06,183 047.21% 19,280 *** Captain_Bob
23 23 -- 06,153 047.04% 19,234 *** _lightning_
24 24 -- 06,136 052.60% 17,802 *** stafffighter
25 27 -- 06,117 052.71% 17,722 *** YoinK
26 28 -- 06,090 051.51% 17,913 *** alhill
27 20 -- 06,045 085.26% 13,135 ---- poxpower
28 29 -- 06,035 049.34% 18,266 *** _altr_
29 34 -- 05,859 034.51% 22,838 *** Artificial
30 26 -- 05,847 080.94% 13,071 ---- Bigmanbrainy
31 31 -- 05,690 052.86% 16,455 *** Rabindarath
32 39 -- 05,579 040.52% 19,349 *** moongod
33 33 -- 05,322 045.67% 16,974 *** pingpong08
34 30 -- 05,315 075.32% 12,372 ---- vuorimies
35 48 -- 05,213 033.95% 20,566 *** IM_KOOL_R_U
36 32 -- 05,137 064.75% 13,070 ---- helldoll81
37 35 -- 04,954 043.57% 16,324 *** Mr_Snrub
38 38 -- 04,893 034.75% 18,973 *** LockClock
39 43 -- 04,870 035.99% 18,402 *** Syme
40 42 -- 04,843 045.49% 15,489 *** KWAS71KCK
41 36 -- 04,826 048.00% 14,881 *** dl_Monk
42 51 -- 04,718 033.36% 18,860 *** MPA
43 37 -- 04,541 063.68% 11,672 ---- RageVI
44 50 -- 04,490 055.42% 12,592 ---- Seraphius
45 40 -- 04,486 075.42% 10,434 ---- Mr_Chuckles
46 47 -- 04,465 054.02% 12,731 ---- -PZY-
47 46 -- 04,454 058.99% 12,004 ---- bmxgamer
48 41 -- 04,413 056.93% 12,164 ---- Newgrundling
49 45 -- 04,323 073.56% 10,200 ---- Mystboy
50 44 -- 04,299 062.13% 11,218 ---- Impetus
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 10:46:15

Thanks for the update!

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 12:45:22

At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook

and you retire as the poster of the top 50 blammer and protectors list as #1 Protector on Newgrounds.

Quite an accomplishment.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 12:52:44

will you updateonce more if people pass you, and you want to make it to the top again?

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 13:49:21

At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
35 48 -- 05,213 033.95% 20,566 *** IM_KOOL_R_U
rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name

I also went up on this list. WooHoo. 13 spots that is pretty impressive seeming all the crap that gets put on NG.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 13:58:25

I've been waiting a bit to get on this list, now i'm on all the ones I want to be. Thanks for all of the updates Gfox.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 16:49:01

At 7/26/04 10:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
HeRetiK, whose passing indeed confirms that this is the coming of a new age. Heretik, for those who weren't aware... used to be in the top 15 saviours... his fall is due to his spare time being spent on his awesome flashes... so for that we can be thankful.

Narcisuss' fall was always the one that troubled me. Heretik at least is putting out great flash instead, but it's been over 18 months since Qi came out and nothing new from Narc ~sigh~

Greg's Notes:

It's been real fun doing these lists for you. This one, in particular, was started in late March, 2003... as a list for myself and myself alone. A month later I ended up posting it to this topic, and thus on 5/5/2003, this topic was born.

Very nice runs on both. Greatly appreciated and much thanks =)

At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
10 09 -- 09,362 058.79% 25,286 *** thisisasignin
11 11 -- 08,477 057.13% 23,314 *** XkwiziTOnE
12 12 -- 08,261 031.66% 34,356 *** TheJoe324
13 13 -- 08,222 044.39% 26,743 *** chaotic1
14 15 -- 08,192 049.72% 24,667 *** leeboy105
15 16 -- 08,170 040.78% 28,206 *** D0GMA
16 14 -- 07,997 077.66% 18,295 *** DrMSM

Just one of those strange packs that periodically happen ... almost a shame to leave it (*cough* X *cough*) since it's so far to the next cluster.

01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook

^^ grats again. It would have been nicer if fixit hadn't gotten that old protect processed ... keep the numbers all nice and round.

At 7/26/04 12:52 PM, Toocool100 wrote: will you updateonce more if people pass you, and you want to make it to the top again?

I'm hoping this is more of a curiousity question than that you haven't noticed all the comments about the updates continuing lol If gfox wants to do an update, like for the example you gave or an "anniversary special," I'm more than happy to stand down while he does it (or them). If things change and he decides to pick them back up, they're all his =)

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 20:34:48

At 7/26/04 10:46 AM, CrimsonRain wrote: Thanks for the update!

Heh. Again, you're welcome!

At 7/26/04 12:45 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook
and you retire as the poster of the top 50 blammer and protectors list as #1 Protector on Newgrounds.

Quite an accomplishment.

That was kinda the idea of waiting 2 months until I could do this update. I didn't have much passion for putting in the time on another update with me behind fixit. #;-}> Thanks!

At 7/26/04 12:52 PM, Toocool100 wrote: will you updateonce more if people pass you, and you want to make it to the top again?

Heh. For one thing... unless fixit reactivates, I'm in no immediate danger. I touched the greatness of #1 in saves this past week... and even if only lasted a week or a month, I'd still have done it, right? But I suspect it will last for a bit more than that.

And for another... The purpose of this list was for me to chart my save progress (and my higher rank in saves than in overall b/p) against that of my fellow top 50 b/p combined members. I enjoyed doing so... but when I hit #1 the original purpose of this list died. So no, I don't plan on ever doing full updates of either list again. As fixit passed ramagi, as I passed fixit, as you may one day pass me... I'm just happy to have been on the list of #1s, and my motivation for personally doing this list is now eased, though I will still enjoy reading the list when Dogma updates it along with each full EG list.

At 7/26/04 01:49 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:
At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 35 48 -- 05,213 033.95% 20,566 *** IM_KOOL_R_U
I also went up on this list. WooHoo. 13 spots that is pretty impressive seeming all the crap that gets put on NG.

48 to 35 is almost as impressive as MPA's rise on the other list. Hell, what am I saying... this is the SAVES list, where things move like tired legs walking through deep snowdrifts. That's INSANELY impressive, man. Your move upwards on both lists was great, because you balanced fairly well between rising on both of 'em.

At 7/26/04 01:58 PM, MPA wrote: I've been waiting a bit to get on this list, now i'm on all the ones I want to be. Thanks for all of the updates Gfox.

You are teh doublelisted. What, besides the two top 50s (well, and the official top 50), are the other lists? Dogma's, the VP list, QuadList... Review List... ? What about the exp list? Do tell!

At 7/26/04 04:49 PM, D0GMA wrote: Narcisuss' fall was always the one that troubled me. Heretik at least is putting out great flash instead, but it's been over 18 months since Qi came out and nothing new from Narc ~sigh~

True enough. But Narci, as I like to call him (WTF?), was never a savior that I looked up to like Heretik, and agent66 before him, were. Those two guys had great ratios favouring saves... and when I was a little top 50 b/p list nooblet, they were my idols on the list, pretty much. agent66 fell so quickly that it was disheartening, but nothing was worse than seeing that Heretik has now fallen off both the top 50 lists I started... unless it was seeing him fall off the official top 50, I suppose.

Anyway, Heretik continues to put out great flash and agent66 is back and reviewing a shitload and getting exp again and some b/p and ranking up and threatening to get back ahead of me in VP, etc. etc. etc. so... perhaps Narci will return as well, eh? He's still on one of the two top 50 artists lists, isn't he?

Very nice runs on both. Greatly appreciated and much thanks =)

Thanks. Having taken the reins from NGling on the VP list, I think I'm in a position to understand the mixed happiness and sadness one can feel when taking over a list one's always enjoyed receiving from the previous updater, so... a bit of mirror-reflected deja vu may now commence. But, at least I won't be disappearing off the face of NG like NGling did... O_o

At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Just one of those strange packs that periodically happen ... almost a shame to leave it (*cough* X *cough*) since it's so far to the next cluster.

The 8477-8170 range you're at the tail end of, you mean? That IS quite tightly packed... but then again, this is the saves list... glaciers sometimes move faster than people on this list. And yep, X has quite the upward climb, especially now that signin is on the move once more. #;-}>

^^ grats again. It would have been nicer if fixit hadn't gotten that old protect processed ... keep the numbers all nice and round.

Thanks! It's the bestest. The only thing that could make it better would be hitting 40,000 b/p with a 20000/20000 split, but alas...

Maybe so. But I have all active people in my spreadsheets for these lists boldfaced, and I would unbold the inactive people... so... funnily enough, fixit's never shown up as inactive in my spreadsheet. Never. Two updates ago he was in the 48000s... One update ago he was at 49501. And today he's at 49503. He always managed to stay bold... that robot is a GENIUS. #;-}>

If gfox wants to do an update, like for the example you gave or an "anniversary special," I'm more than happy to stand down while he does it (or them). If things change and he decides to pick them back up, they're all his =)

Toocool's just hoping he can get me to endure the masochistic ritual of my top 50 update process by passing me in saves, that's all. I think I already debunked that theory further up in this post. #;-}> The most I'll ever probably do is a 20,000 save miniupdate screenshot celebration or something. No REAL updates anymore for me, barring me winning the lottery (and I don't play) or being hired by NG to be the official listmaster admin here and thus getting paid for insane listmadness (but if that happened, I'd just make official daily top 50 blam and top 50 save lists anyway).

Anywho, that said... these lists aren't any less special to me now that I'm #1 in saves or anything, if that's what Toocool thinks... They just take so much more time and effort than the other lists I do (NGling designed the VP spreadsheet well and I tried to emulate that with the Quadlist). Still, I'll always have a fond spot for this one especially. :::salutes the saves list, long may she wave:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-26 22:07:10

At 7/26/04 08:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/26/04 01:58 PM, MPA wrote: I've been waiting a bit to get on this list, now i'm on all the ones I want to be. Thanks for all of the updates Gfox.
You are teh doublelisted. What, besides the two top 50s (well, and the official top 50), are the other lists? Dogma's, the VP list, QuadList... Review List... ? What about the exp list? Do tell!

Ok well i'm in the following: Official top 50 b/p, Dogma's b/p, top 50 blammers, top 50 protectors, 10,000+ quad list, and the top vp lists. Ok so I guess there is one more I want to be in which is Ramagi's Top 500 exp list. So add that one, which i'll get later than sooner. I don't have enough interest in reviewing to ever be in it Jon's list so I don't see that as a list i'm trying to get and if there was still the top posters list I wouldn't care if I was never in it because I've never been a postaholic.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-29 07:13:27

At 7/26/04 10:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Syme on her promotion to Elite Guard Colonel

tengu :)

39 43 -- 04,870 035.99% 18,402 *** Syme

safe for a lilwhile :)

It's been real fun doing these lists for you. This one, in particular, was started in late March, 2003... as a list for myself and myself alone. A month later I ended up posting it to this topic, and thus on 5/5/2003, this topic was born. Over the time since then (a span of 448 days), I have posted 41 updates of the Top 50 Protectors List. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. One last time, a few of my notes about this particular update:

what WHAT? one of my listpeeps is stopping? noooooooooooo my worldhas endeded everything going black despair wail inthe darkness rage against the machine do not go softly intothat good night

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-31 14:24:52

At 7/26/04 10:07 PM, MPA wrote: Ok well i'm in the following: Official top 50 b/p, Dogma's b/p, top 50 blammers, top 50 protectors, 10,000+ quad list, and the top vp lists. Ok so I guess there is one more I want to be in which is Ramagi's Top 500 exp list. So add that one, which i'll get later than sooner.

Ahh, okay. Yep, top 500 exp list... shouldn't be too hard to get into as long as you're patient.

At 7/29/04 07:13 AM, Syme wrote:
At 7/26/04 10:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Syme on her promotion to Elite Guard Colonel
tengu :)


39 43 -- 04,870 035.99% 18,402 *** Syme
safe for a lilwhile :)

Safe? You moved up by 4 into the top 40... that's more than safe, isn't it?

It's been real fun doing these lists for you. This one, in particular, was started in late March, 2003... as a list for myself and myself alone. A month later I ended up posting it to this topic, and thus on 5/5/2003, this topic was born. Over the time since then (a span of 448 days), I have posted 41 updates of the Top 50 Protectors List. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. One last time, a few of my notes about this particular update:
what WHAT? one of my listpeeps is stopping? noooooooooooo my worldhas endeded everything going black despair wail inthe darkness rage against the machine do not go softly intothat good night

Methinks a certain Syme didn't read my big Greg's Notes section of the update from May, eh? #;-}>


There's a long paragraph where I talk about the next updates being due when I pass fixit in saves, and that they'd be the final updates of the top 50 saves and top 50 blams lists by me. You can't say this came without warning as everyone else has known this was coming for 2+ months now.

That said, I appreciate your melodramatics. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-07-31 15:27:36

To be on this update, i needed to have 1047 more proections of what i have right now :/
Anyways, great update and i appreaciate your hard work on making the list! *thumbs up* :)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-05 21:41:01

At 7/31/04 03:27 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: To be on this update, i needed to have 1047 more proections of what i have right now :/
Anyways, great update and i appreaciate your hard work on making the list! *thumbs up* :)

Yeah. "Only" 1047 more protects. #;-}>

Which, by the way, basically amounts to the same time spent in the portal as say... 4000 more blams. O_o


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-07 12:48:05

Congrats to our Savior Rank-ups this update:

A & B List

leeboy105 General
Krack_R0ck Brigadier General
Captain_Bob Brigadier General
Artificial Lieutenant General
moongod Brigadier General
MPA Brigadier General
KWAS71KCK Lieutenant Colonel

C & D List

Crow-Clock Sergeant First Class

Welcome to:


You can access all four Savior lists by visiting the Elite Guard Rank List.

The Top 50 Blammers lists have been updated as well and can also be accessed from the site.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-07 13:30:16

At 8/5/04 09:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/31/04 03:27 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:
Yeah. "Only" 1047 more protects. #;-}>

Well thats not THAT much hehe.... i have 3393.....

Which, by the way, basically amounts to the same time spent in the portal as say... 4000 more blams. O_o

Haha yeah, im light but unfourtenatly there are so many crappy movies, when i'll have that 1047 protections i may have 6000 blams... O_o


You are welcome! #;-}>

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-08 06:03:42

At 8/7/04 12:48 PM, D0GMA wrote: Welcome to:


Just curious, but the welcome lists for the top 50s... are those for the B and D lists exclusively, or will people entering the A and C list be "welcomed" as well? Wasn't really clear.

At 8/7/04 01:30 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Haha yeah, im light but unfourtenatly there are so many crappy movies, when i'll have that 1047 protections i may have 6000 blams... O_o

Probably so, probably so.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-08 08:15:06

At 8/8/04 06:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Just curious, but the welcome lists for the top 50s... are those for the B and D lists exclusively, or will people entering the A and C list be "welcomed" as well? Wasn't really clear.

The top batch is A&B, lower is C&D. I think of the types (Total Stat & By %) rather than the styles (Everyone & Active Only) together. Just a difference in the way we think of things adding to the issue.

It looked clear enough when I wrote it, but I can see what you mean. I chose not to split out the different batches from the Welcome while I was doing Blammers. -Reaper- (-apocalypse now I think) is newly on the A list, but had already been on the B lists so I chose to just put everyone together and carried that over to here. No one is new on the A or B, so it looks like there's only a "welcome" on C&D ...

I hadn't thought far enough ahead on the Top 50s to sketch out a game plan for the announcements I was going to make at post time. You can tell I'm still a little brain fried by how disjointed this post is, so it may be a while until I start trying to come up with one lol

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-08 11:46:25

At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook
02 01 -- 16,101 048.20% 49,503 *** fixit
03 03 -- 14,789 16,806% 14,877 ---- Toocool100
04 04 -- 14,424 052.37% 41,969 *** ramagi
05 05 -- 13,559 072.41% 32,284 *** RyoHahn

Considering #5 is inactive Looksl ike I'll be at #4 for a long time to come.

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-08 18:37:56

At 8/8/04 08:15 AM, D0GMA wrote: The top batch is A&B, lower is C&D. I think of the types (Total Stat & By %) rather than the styles (Everyone & Active Only) together. Just a difference in the way we think of things adding to the issue.

No, I group A&B and C&D together as well, especially since that grouping splits the lists I'm on from the lists I've no hope of being on (unless 30 or so s2b% masters turn dark and start blamming left and right).

I only asked if the welcome list was of B&D because the B&D lists get people added to them before those people can reach the A&C lists, that's all, and since the welcome to: was just a list of people without identifying what they were being welcomed to... well, there ya go.

It looked clear enough when I wrote it, but I can see what you mean. I chose not to split out the different batches from the Welcome while I was doing Blammers. -Reaper- (-apocalypse now I think) is newly on the A list, but had already been on the B lists so I chose to just put everyone together and carried that over to here. No one is new on the A or B, so it looks like there's only a "welcome" on C&D ...

heh. Well, since you've already split the rankup congrats section into A&B and C&D, perhaps the post in here should just be totally split into those two areas, something like so:

A&B section

congrats to these people on rankups:

welcome to the active-only list:

welcome to the overall top 50:

C&D section

congrats to these people on rankups:

welcome to the active-only list:

welcome to the overall top 50:

and rinse and repeat for the other top 50, of course.

I hadn't thought far enough ahead on the Top 50s to sketch out a game plan for the announcements I was going to make at post time. You can tell I'm still a little brain fried by how disjointed this post is, so it may be a while until I start trying to come up with one lol


At 8/8/04 11:46 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 7/26/04 10:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: rank / prev -- saves / s2b% / b/p ---- name
01 02 -- 16,250 069.00% 39,800 *** gfoxcook
02 01 -- 16,101 048.20% 49,503 *** fixit
03 03 -- 14,789 16,806% 14,877 ---- Toocool100
04 04 -- 14,424 052.37% 41,969 *** ramagi
05 05 -- 13,559 072.41% 32,284 *** RyoHahn
Considering #5 is inactive Looksl ike I'll be at #4 for a long time to come.

Only 7 people have over 10,000 saves, so yeah... unless Recon or Bila goes insane and starts doing nothing but saving, like Mr. Toocool there. And even that would take some time for them to get up from around 12,000 to over 14,500 with saves as hard to come by as they are right now...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-22 14:59:33

Let's see if I can do a better layout on the announcement this time:

A & B Lists (total stat)

Welcome to:


Congrats to:

Toocool100 Lieutenant Colonel
thisisasignin General
D0GMA Supreme Commander
biteme2514 Major General
IM_KOOL_R_U Major General
MPA Major General
bmxgamer Captain

Special Mention:

10,000 Saves

5,000 Saves

C & D Lists (S2B ratio)

Welcome to:


Congrats to:

TooCool100 Lieutenant Colonel
PoutineClock Private
RandomFreak Staff Sergeant

Response to Top 50 Protectors List 2004-08-22 15:05:50

At 8/22/04 02:59 PM, D0GMA wrote: Let's see if I can do a better layout on the announcement this time:

Definitely looks better. Cheers for all the updates.

Didn't think a stat topic would take two months to fill a page, but there you go... it's not full yet as well :-)