Congrats to:
gfoxcook on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel (9th)
Bila on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (12th)
TheJoe324 on his promotion to Elite Guard General (4th)
vuorimies on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (25th) &
D0GMA on his promotion to Elite Guard First Lieutenant (17th)
since the last update of the list.
Welcome to:
No one.
Farewell to:
No one.
HernetheHunter remains in 50th, while Yoink is passed by Denvish and lightning to drop him to 49th place. Both don't have all that much to worry about, though dl_Monk, FlameClock, and AdrenalineMJ (formerly lordfril) are all within 100-250ish saves behind them, so things could get interesting during September with three top 50 Blam list members gunning for joining the saves list as well.
Greg's Notes:
Neat note of the day: alexsmolik managed to move up from 5148 blams and 6137 saves last update to 5184 blams and 6173 saves. If you don't see what I mean, the last two digits of both his blams and saves flipped, while the rest of the numbers stayed the same. Wheeeee!
Bila is still just above Recon, by less than 10 points. Ay-yi-yi.
Crono- finally did some realy moving on this list, jumping over Stormwarden (who I'm aiming for on the top 50 combined) and alexsmolik for #12
D0GMA similarly jumped up over spancker and RageVI to #25
Captain Bob edged past XwaynecoltX for #28
GridLock, despite his prophesised departure, moved up past the dormant CTTcrew for #30
Mystboy passed kevr1 for lucky #36
biteme passed poor ol' redrum for #38
pingpong bounced over staphita and grabbed #41
and Denvish, as mentioned before, hopped over Yoink and lightning for #47
You may check out the most recent Top 50 Blammers List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.