protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/26/2003 at 05:36 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 07/28/2003 at 03:21 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 08/02/2003 at 02:42 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 08/08/2003 at 15:21 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 08/15/2003 at 05:45 CDT
protections rank, number, name -- as of 08/21/2003 at 09:36 CDT
01 11,873 *** ramagi
02 10,936 *** RyoHahn
03 8,839 *** fixit
04 7,662 *** thisisasignin
05 7,070 *** gfoxcook
06 6,558 *** DrMSM
07 6,504 *** Recon_Rebel
08 6,487 *** Bila
09 6,076 *** TheJoe324
10 6,038 *** poxpower
11 5,379 Toocool100
12 5,079 *** Stormwarden
13 5,056 *** alexsmolik
14 4,857 *** Crono-
15 4,841 *** NemesisM66
16 4,478 *** helldoll81
17 4,327 *** Mr_Chuckles
18 4,267 *** vuorimies
19 4,168 *** XkwiziTOnE
20 4,098 *** chaotic1
21 4,090 *** HeRetiK
22 4,026 *** leeboy105
23 3,914 *** Newgrundling
24 3,760 *** HAQnSPITT
25 3,585 *** RageVI
26 3,551 *** the_phantom_spancker
27 3,432 *** XwaynecoltX
28 3,422 CTTcrew_l2edfoX
29 3,403 *** Captain_Bob
30 3,397 *** D0GMA
31 3,347 *** GridLock
32 3,221 *** b33r53x
33 3,192 Ppk3000
34 3,161 *** kevr1
35 3,144 *** Dark00Stir-fry
36 3,128 *** stafffighter
37 3,124 Mystboy
38 3,097 _redruM_
39 3,038 *** staphita
40 3,033 ImportRacer666
41 3,022 pingpong08
42 3,010 Bigmanbrainy
43 3,003 biteme2514
44 2,967 agent66
45 2,928 Overtired
46 2,865 Mike277
47 2,799 *** YoinK
48 2,728 *** _lightning_
49 2,680 HernetheHunter
50 2,658 *** Drimarki