At 2/4/09 11:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/1/09 05:52 PM, iscrulz wrote:
I will celebrate page 37 though. 37, 37 go page 37 woot. (That will lure him here.)
It is I and I summon thee again. Yeah go page thirty-seven
At 2/7/09 11:48 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/1/09 05:52 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 2/1/09 08:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
(NOTE: Recon gave me permission to do the next Wi/Ht? Member List election,
Oh so he did huh.
I certainly wanted a break from running elections, HEY, GET THAT DRAGON AWAY FROM THE BALLOT BOXES... I don't see any problem, no?
Yeah I did. **puts up fists**
*Cracks knuckles* Are you looking to start something!
Yeah that would be hilarious if he said it verbatim.
Another tie interesting I hope I wasn't in 4th place. It would have sadden me to be so close.
No way. No way would it sadden you. Come on, man.
Yes way. Yes it would have. I am honest rofl.
Hooray and welcome to the Member list I have been trying to get here since 2007
Okay your right, I haven't been trying since 2007
well its a good thing I didn't make it this time, maybe I will get the 42nd spot, but hopefully not.
There, that's a bit more truthful, that's more like it.
Well I didn't get the 42nd spot. Crap.
That's too soon in my opinion. I was thinking November. I hope RR or Bahamut decides it will be after August. If gfox decided it would be March 2010.
Hahahaha. Yes, November sounds way better than summer, yes.
This induction ceremony I think was too early a few more months and I could have celebrated my 4 year anniversary as a Regular.
At 2/5/09 08:01 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/1/09 05:52 PM, iscrulz wrote:
Another tie interesting I hope I wasn't in 4th place. It would have sadden me to be so close.
Don't worry, you weren't, but you WILL be a member someday.
Oh so I will huh, oh fuck I am today.
hey you forgot a funny, sassy or witty quote or proverb.
What "funny, sassy or witty quote or proverb" did you want me to say then?
I wanted you to say. Thank you byteslingre and Casualty.
"Above all things never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment."
At 2/1/09 05:52 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 2/1/09 08:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
(NOTE: Recon gave me permission to do the next Wi/Ht? Member List election, which is why I've done it this time and not him.)
Oh so he did huh.
At 6/1/09 09:25 AM, Bahamut wrote:
The votes for the latest Wi/Ht? Member List election have been tallied and four more people have made the list. Thanks to those who voted for this Member List election.
Now I get to feel what its like to vote. I say in April 2010.
And the winners are:
#42 Corky52
A valuable member to NG and who I predicted would make it. Enjoy the 42nd spot with pride and dignity.
#43 Hybrid-Of-Souls
A great addition, congering(sp?) up a medal list and maintaining it. right?
#44 Sir-Nuts
Here is another well rounded individual. a worthy asset to the Where is/How to forum.
#45 iscrulz
NOOOOoooh *blows nose, wipes tears off his face and clears his eyes* If it was only 3 user I would have been a Regullar still, well I lasted almost 4 years.
Congratulations to Corky52, Hybrid-Of-Souls, Sir-Nuts and iscrulz (hey, it had to happen eventually).
Hey I had a great run as a regular now its time for my alt to try making it.
At 6/1/09 10:03 AM, Haggard wrote:
iscrulz is of course a worthy addition as well, but I never considered voting for him, since he wanted to stay on the regulars list.
Right. You tried your best brother Haggard, and almost succeeded. But you didn't so its off to the dungeon with you :: cracks whip ::
At 6/1/09 11:50 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Welcome n00bs! As much as it puzzles me to see iscrulz wander in here, I do like having the chance to say "I got here first" to him.
Haha fucking n00bs lOl. Damn you bitch I should have been a member since 2007. You fucker. Well I was 1st on the Regular list and probably was on the list the longest.
Hell, the one-uppedness between the two of us is almost as bad as between me and Dream-of-Duke :P
Or when me and Bahamut argued over GTA and FF.
At 6/1/09 12:32 PM, NEVR wrote:
4 new members seems like a lot, but welcome nonetheless. I know iscrulz doesn't actually want to be here, so lols at him. ;P
Damnit don't laugh at me I am having mixed emotion right now. Cooper pissed me off saying he got here before me damn him. I was close, so close, or not even close to not being on the list. Yeah hooray I made it on the member list. #45 and during my level 45 reign.
Well this pic will cheer me up