At 4/24/03 01:08 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: i am looking forward to gettin up in the rank i am well on my way -
yep you only need like 140 points for your new rank =)
At 4/24/03 01:08 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: i am looking forward to gettin up in the rank i am well on my way -
yep you only need like 140 points for your new rank =)
At 4/24/03 01:57 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 4/24/03 01:08 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: i am looking forward to gettin up in the rank i am well on my way -yep you only need like 140 points for your new rank =)
Wow really i had no idea i was just gettin the points and stuff i had no idea i was that close - i want that next spot and i am gonna get it - i am moving at a good i will get there yeaaaaa.....
At 4/24/03 03:37 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Wow really i had no idea i was just gettin the points and stuff i had no idea i was that close - i want that next spot and i am gonna get it - i am moving at a good i will get there yeaaaaa.....
well i'll be on vacation next week so: congrats on becoming [insert rank here] =P
At 4/24/03 03:49 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 4/24/03 03:37 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Wow really i had no idea i was just gettin the points and stuff i had no idea i was that close - i want that next spot and i am gonna get it - i am moving at a good i will get there yeaaaaa.....well i'll be on vacation next week so: congrats on becoming [insert rank here] =P
say word i am guessin its gonna be a wrap then lol you off the entire week too damn.........
At 4/24/03 04:17 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:
say word i am guessin its gonna be a wrap then lol you off the entire week too damn.........
yep i'm going to belgium with my parents =(
At 4/23/03 08:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 4/23/03 08:32 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: To add a note to that when the fuck are these guys gonna bring it back just bring back the old one just bring it back goddamn you!chill, spancker. it ain't happening any time soon. the old one was putting a major strain on the servers. The way it was designed, any searches were slowing down performance elsewhere on the site, like say downloading a flash game or movie, or posting on the BBS, or ANYthing.
Now, assuming this bandwidth doubling happens on the weekend or early next week like Tom Fulp posted about yesterday... there would be more room for things like the user profile search in NG's bandwidth, but I really really really doubt they'd want to bring back the old bandwidth-hogging search and just eat up all the rest of the new bandwidth they're shelling out the cash for. So, you, I, and everyone else will just have to wait until liljim thinks of a really low-data-transfer way to search through the profiles, and that won't be for some time.
The database queries have little to do with bandwidth (although bandwidth upgrades will hopefully resolve some database problems). Database performance is more to do with the intensity of the queries on the cpu of the database server. That was the problem with the user profiles page (in that it used to cripple database performance when in use). When more bandwidth comes in, hopefully the database will perform better, because the page requests will be dealt with more quickly, but that does not mean that pages that were problematic due to database intensity will be instantly cured. It's a complicated subject and I don't really want to bore/confuse you guys with the intricacies of it all.
As for the reason for not bringing the old user profiles search back; if you identify a problem with a system and remove that problem from the system, you do not then just re-introduce it into the system. That is as crazy as putting diesel fuel into an unleaded-fuelled vehicle, in that it will just break down over a matter of time. I wish people could understand simple logistics. :)
At 4/24/03 04:20 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 4/24/03 04:17 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:yep i'm going to belgium with my parents =(
say word i am guessin its gonna be a wrap then lol you off the entire week too damn.........
Wow kidd well i dont know what ta tell you good luck hope it wont be too bad..........
At 4/24/03 01:08 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:At 4/24/03 06:34 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey Xkwizit: you never replied to the list I made up for you earlier on page 2, whattup? I found a couple more people I somehow missed seeing on my old file:oh oh oh my my - i am on my way yo GFox you are the man yo you are the man yo you are the man - ''no one got nothing on you bro'' yo you are a excellent asset for our crew kidd - i am looking forward to gettin up in the rank i am well on my way - sorry i was no able to respond i had things to do last night - i wish i did not cause i really could have used the points but i will make up for it though - thanks again Fox you are great and yo are good peoples..........
4454 - #55 - Liquidz2k
4538 - #52 - Narcissus
there ya go. I believe there's only a few gaps between you and #50 now.
That's a lot of oh oh oh mying there. You're welcome. #;-}>
Eh, you should be able to get into the 50s pretty soon. Half of the people I linked you two between the two posts are pretty inactive.
Let's see...
51, 52, 53, (54), 55, 56, 57, (58), 59, (60), (61), 62
couldn't find you 54, 58, 60, or 61, but ah well. At least you've got 7 targets you can access the profiles for. Enjoy and good luck, let us know how it's goin'.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/24/03 03:49 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 4/24/03 03:37 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Wow really i had no idea i was just gettin the points and stuff i had no idea i was that close - i want that next spot and i am gonna get it - i am moving at a good i will get there yeaaaaa.....well i'll be on vacation next week so: congrats on becoming [insert rank here] =P
Staff Sergeant.
Speaking of which, Staff Sergeant is almost completely off the top 50 list. There's only two left, I believe. Which means that in a matter of days, #50 on the list will be a Sergeant First Class. That's pretty impressive. I guess the day won't be too far off when #50 is Master Sergeant. Can you imagine what the top 50 list is gonna look like? Probably a couple more _____ Generals along with Ramagi and RyoHahn, not to mention a ton of lieutenants and praporshchiks. Sergeant Major will be as full with people as Master Sergeant is now (there's more Master Sergeants right now than there are Sergeants First Class, it's insane!)
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/24/03 08:37 PM, liljim wrote: The database queries have little to do with bandwidth (although bandwidth upgrades will hopefully resolve some database problems). Database performance is more to do with the intensity of the queries on the cpu of the database server. That was the problem with the user profiles page (in that it used to cripple database performance when in use).
Ahhh. Sorry for mislabeling the problem, then. Still, CPU slowdown would probably have the same end result for users using the rest of the site as bandwidth clogging, eh? That might be why I'd read elsewhere that it was a bandwidth issue, not a server processor issue, but anyway.
When more bandwidth comes in, hopefully the database will perform better, because the page requests will be dealt with more quickly, but that does not mean that pages that were problematic due to database intensity will be instantly cured. It's a complicated subject and I don't really want to bore/confuse you guys with the intricacies of it all.
Hey, confuse away. There's no way you can bore me, trust me on this one. #;-}> But anyway, thanks for the explanation.
As for the reason for not bringing the old user profiles search back; if you identify a problem with a system and remove that problem from the system, you do not then just re-introduce it into the system.
Yeah, that was kinda what I was trying to get across to Spancker. That reintroducing a feature that had been a problem, even if the bandwidth... and hell, the CPUs, are doubled in width/speed/whatever, would still be a problem unless the feature itself was retooled.
That is as crazy as putting diesel fuel into an unleaded-fuelled vehicle, in that it will just break down over a matter of time. I wish people could understand simple logistics. :)
heh. In any event, people will then just want to know when you're going to design a new engine, so I don't think it would help you much if every single NG user suddenly understood why the old profile system was taken down and will never be put back in place the same way. They'll still be clamoring for a new version. Then again, nowhere near as much as they do for Pico 2 whenever Tom makes a post.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/24/03 09:25 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Staff Sergeant.
Speaking of which, Staff Sergeant is almost completely off the top 50 list. There's only two left, I believe. Which means that in a matter of days, #50 on the list will be a Sergeant First Class. That's pretty impressive. I guess the day won't be too far off when #50 is Master Sergeant. Can you imagine what the top 50 list is gonna look like? Probably a couple more _____ Generals along with Ramagi and RyoHahn, not to mention a ton of lieutenants and praporshchiks. Sergeant Major will be as full with people as Master Sergeant is now (there's more Master Sergeants right now than there are Sergeants First Class, it's insane!)
yea i know its gonna be something else right there - but it was bound to happen and its gonna be a rush like a tidal wave - but it would be fly if i made it to that spot from out the blue and makin ma debut to the people that a me can make it up there to the 50th spot - **daydreaming** wow **snapping back into reality** oh yea back ma fault - cant wait for that there yooooo.......
At 4/24/03 09:25 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I guess the day won't be too far off when #50 is Master Sergeant. Can you imagine what the top 50 list is gonna look like? Probably a couple more _____ Generals along with Ramagi and RyoHahn, not to mention a ton of lieutenants and praporshchiks. Sergeant Major will be as full with people as Master Sergeant is now (there's more Master Sergeants right now than there are Sergeants First Class, it's insane!)
yep it's insane but it would be nice is every one on the list would be or be higer then a praporshchiks =)
At 4/25/03 01:59 AM, _lightning_ wrote:At 4/24/03 09:25 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I guess the day won't be too far off when #50 is Master Sergeant. Can you imagine what the top 50 list is gonna look like? Probably a couple more _____ Generals along with Ramagi and RyoHahn, not to mention a ton of lieutenants and praporshchiks. Sergeant Major will be as full with people as Master Sergeant is now (there's more Master Sergeants right now than there are Sergeants First Class, it's insane!)yep it's insane but it would be nice is every one on the list would be or be higer then a praporshchiks =)
Now THAT's gonna be a bit longer. #;-}> I would be very surprised if even the top 40 was all praporshchiks or higher by the end of 2003. I suppose it's possible, but there are SO many inactive or close to inactive users between 4000 and 8000 points that are slowing down progress towards that end. HOWEVER, if enough new users arrive on the list and start shooting up it like I did, chaotic did, arrows_eleven had been (he's slowed a bit lately), and so forth, then I suppose that's a realistic goal.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Thanks for telling us the problem liljim thats made me shut up goodd cos if itll make NG run worse then fuck it destory that shit if you have to but im liking the idea of ever bandwidth :-D
At 4/26/03 06:39 AM, arrows_eleven wrote:At 4/25/03 05:37 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I haven't slowed down, I'm number 40. Steady pimpin' biatch!
Well, I didn't mean in rank, I meant total points. It seemed like for awhile you were around 400-500 points behind me, but now you're more like 1000 points back. That's all I was sayin'. But naw, compared to most of the other people between 40 and 50, you're moving pretty fast, yes. #;-}>
Speakin' of massive points, check out gfox's new BLAMMAGE OF THE BEAST:
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Elite Guard Staff Sergeant Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
I just ranked up and moved to the 61 spot holla.....
At 4/26/03 07:39 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
I just ranked up and moved to the 61 spot holla.....
Gratz, gratz, gratz to you, gently up blamstream... blammily blammily blammily, protecting and blamming's such a dream.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/26/03 06:39 AM, arrows_eleven wrote:At 4/25/03 05:37 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I haven't slowed down, I'm number 40. Steady pimpin' biatch!
Impressive arrows_eleven, you're climbing the ranks steadily. Are you trying to set some sort of record for days absent? Wait! Don't answer that! Hang around for a bit. Seriously, how have you been?
At 4/27/03 01:31 AM, arrows_eleven wrote: I'm doing well. You see, my goal is to piss everyone off as much as possible without getting my account deleted. Those assholes won't leave me alone.
Well take it easy bud, don't fly off the handle so much. It's nice to see you around for once.
At 4/27/03 02:23 AM, arrows_eleven wrote:At 4/27/03 01:46 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Well take it easy bud, don't fly off the handle so much. It's nice to see you around for once.Did I miss anything?
Well, no. I'm waiting for a reply from Shadow_the_hedgehog. It's either going to be good or bad, no grey area here. Are the Sith Masters still operating? If you already told me I apologize. Been a little busy lately.
At 4/26/03 06:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Gratz, gratz, gratz to you, gently up blamstream... blammily blammily blammily, protecting and blamming's such a dream.
Yea kidd i am doing great and feeling just as well - ranked up and leveled up in one weekend.....that what i call an accomplishment...
I just wanted to swing in and holla at that accomplishment back to doing my job **web swing** twipp!!!
Hey Gfox update your chart, arise member number 10 redruM!
At 4/27/03 05:12 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Hey Gfox update your chart, arise member number 10 redruM!
What, you think I'm on the BBS 24 hours a day? #;-}> :::updates:::
Where is/How to? Member ID .... NG username ..................... NG user ID .. NG date ..... Wi/Ht? date
Where is/How to? Member #1 .... the_phantom_spancker .. 251796 ........ 12/22/01 ..... 2/11/03
Where is/How to? Member #2 .... Drimarki .............................. 376145 ........ 10/5/02 ....... 2/11/03
Where is/How to? Member #3 .... Recon_Rebel .................... 324621 ........ 6/23/02 ....... 2/14/03
Where is/How to? Member #4 .... leeboy105 .......................... 263431 ........ 1/24/02 ....... 2/15/03
Where is/How to? Member #5 .... Transformers .................... 174015 ........ 6/10/01 ....... 2/22/03
Where is/How to? Member #6 .... XkwiziTOnE ........................ 368382 ........ 9/16/02 ....... 2/24/03
Where is/How to? Member #7 .... _lightning_ ......................... 294191 ........ 4/12/02 ....... 2/24/03
Where is/How to? Member #8 .... Mr_James .......................... 457815 ........ 2/20/03 ....... 3/28/03
Where is/How to? Member #9 .... gfoxcook .................................. 7941 ........ 2/18/00 ....... 4/18/03
Where is/How to? Member #10 .. _redruM_ ............................ 442572 ........ 1/29/03 ....... 4/27/03
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/27/03 08:20 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: I just unscrabled your jumbled words. I guess I gave it up.
Aja aja aja. There. Unscramble that.
At 4/27/03 09:37 PM, arrows_eleven wrote:At 4/27/03 09:36 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Aja aja aja. There. Unscramble that.I just happen to speak clockish. You are laughing I believe.
I really don't have a clue what that is. I just saw someone else do it. Sith Masters bud, Sith Masters! Are they still operating? Me thinks I'll take a look for myself. Watch it be locked. Haha! Kidding arrows_eleven, just thought it funny considering some of the grief you've been taking.
At 4/27/03 10:20 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: Why do you want to know?
** shudders from a sudden cold chill **
Just curious arrows_eleven, just curious.
At 4/27/03 10:55 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: I said that I thought I gave it up, so I guess it's over with. Why?
The eternal question. The eternal answer... why not?
At 4/28/03 01:02 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:At 4/27/03 10:55 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: I said that I thought I gave it up, so I guess it's over with. Why?The eternal question. The eternal answer... why not?
Another eternal question: what the hell are you guys talking about, anyway? #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 4/28/03 06:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 4/28/03 01:02 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:Another eternal question: what the hell are you guys talking about, anyway? #;-}>
I was gonna ask the same question - equiring minds wanna know........
At 4/28/03 07:22 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:At 4/28/03 06:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:I was gonna ask the same question - equiring minds wanna know........At 4/28/03 01:02 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:Another eternal question: what the hell are you guys talking about, anyway? #;-}>
Indeed. And yet, still no answer. THE MYSTERY ENDURES!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)