At 10/10/18 04:46 AM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:At 10/10/18 03:06 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Bad writing and just sloppy plot lines tonight.Yeah I agree. I've stopped looking forward to Rusev matches after his first bout with Styles. Guess I realized even if he won he wouldn't be able to keep his momentum for long. WWE booking won't help him either.
Keeping Russev and Aiden together was a much better idea. They should of already made Russev a champ, and have Aiden be songbird. They could of also made them Tag team champs for a small run. That would of been interesting to check out.
I guess I am looking forward to Styles match but I don't care for the buildup. It's more looking forward to the match itself since I know it's gonna be a physical one. I just hope Joe isn't completely out of the picture since I enjoy his work as well.
Joe makes a good bad guy.
Haven't been paying attention to any Orton, Hardy, anyone else segment for the past few months now to skipped those as well.
The other segments have been poor. Very little effort put into them at all.