At 5/25/04 07:53 PM, Red_Violator wrote:
oh did u mean like did u see the match coming like did u predict it, well if u mean it that way yes, yes i did
It had to come down between them...HIAC! Which leads me to my next topic:
Giant F***ing egoes!
That is my segment were I give away an award for the biggest f***ing ego! This is the Raw edition!
Since the begining, shawn and Hunter have had the biggest ones! Whoever wins HIAC will win this award!
Gimmicks time!
After their break up, it sort of desinegrated in front of us! Here is how the chain went:
D-X led to Triple H and Chyna and X-pac and Road Dogg
Those led to X-pac's odd ass group: X-Factor
The R-O-A-D-D-O-DOUBLE G dissapeared
And Gunn just focused on his singles comp!
And here are the final results:
Triple H=Champ on Raw, super!
Billy Gunn= on smackdown, not a champ, boo!
and chyna = other promotions!