Prediction: Jinder and Brock retain tonight.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
Prediction: Jinder and Brock retain tonight.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 8/28/17 11:07 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Seriously I'm getting sick and tired of Sasha banks haven't the title less than a month
Yeah, but man.... can we all agree Cena is the man right now? Dat promo... Reigns actually froze up hahaha
At 8/30/17 10:47 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:At 8/28/17 11:07 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Seriously I'm getting sick and tired of Sasha banks haven't the title less than a monthYeah, but man.... can we all agree Cena is the man right now? Dat promo... Reigns actually froze up hahaha
I still think that they should have saved that match for a big PPV like Survivor Series, but I'd be lying if I said that match didn't have me pumped to watch No Mercy. John is killing it.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
At 8/30/17 11:40 AM, ZJ wrote:At 8/30/17 10:47 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:I still think that they should have saved that match for a big PPV like Survivor Series, but I'd be lying if I said that match didn't have me pumped to watch No Mercy. John is killing it.At 8/28/17 11:07 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Seriously I'm getting sick and tired of Sasha banks haven't the title less than a monthYeah, but man.... can we all agree Cena is the man right now? Dat promo... Reigns actually froze up hahaha
Roman only got one really compelling line in the whole promo that paired well with Cena breaking the 4th wall so much, and that was stating he's the only guy on the roster Cena can't bury.
What's going to be interesting is what this match is used for. Does it tell the story that Cena still has one more big run left in him, or does John officially pass the torch? And will either of these guys make a heel turn as a result? Or... will the match just get interrupted by a run-in, because WWE knows they can have a clean rematch any time and sell it easy.
I've been watching fuck all recently and actually cancelled my network sub, but went to ICW tonight.
Oh, right, wrestling is actually great, it's just WWE I was sick of.
Had everything. Great matches, actually funny comedy (I was dying at some of the stuff Sha Samuels and Jack Jester did in their promo, and when they had a fan join a commentator for his entrance and he fell on his arse about a dozen times trying to climb the ropes) and real emotion for Johnny Moss' retirement. Fantastic show all round, just gutted it ran long and I had to leave during Kassius Ohno vs Joe Coffey to catch the last train home.
RIP Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. He died today at the age of 72.
Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod
"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!
Jason Jordan is okay, but would make a great heel. That would be some good watching.
At 9/24/17 11:00 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Well I got every prediction correct except the cruiserweight title match and congrats to Enzo Amore on winning the cruiserweight title.
I had the exact same picks as you. I thought Enzo was going to get squashed, but I guess they actually think his mouth can get ratings for 205 Live.
At 10/6/17 09:01 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: My predictions for hell in a cell (winners in bold)
Jinder Mahal Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE championship match)
I'm picking Nakamura. Jinder isn't pulling ratings, and they need to make a change there. It's a shame too because he's a beast in the ring, but neither Jinder, nor the Singhs have good heel personas. They have all the ingredients for a Seth Rollins + J&J Security type faction, but the lack of personality makes them fall flat. The only proven heel trait they have is being foreign, and it takes a lot more than that to work these days.
Shane McMahon Vs. Kevin Owens (Hell in a cell match)
Owens wins after Shane misses an elbow from the top of the sell, or some other high danger spot.
The New Day Vs. The Usos (Smackdown tag team championship hell in a cell match)
I get the impression this is the last match in this feud, so New Day really has to win to get away from the rematch clause.
Natalya Vs. Charlotte Flair (Smackdown women's championship match)
With survivor series coming up, there won't be a singles rematch between these two, it'll be a traditional elimitation match. Because of that, I think Natty retains and Survivor Series is the grudge match without the title on the line. Also a good opportunity for Carmella to cash in id Natty is one of the last competitors.
AJ Styles Vs. Baron Corbin (United States championship match)
The only way I see Corbin winning this is if Tye runs in and hits AJ by accident. I'm confident AJ retains, but I'm 99% sure this match doesn't end clean. Expect a DQ finish of some kind.
Bobby Roode Vs. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph's job is to elevate new talent, but he can do that without actually losing. I predict Dolph wins by cheating so they can have another match.
Randy Orton Vs. Rusev
This is kind of a throwaway match, but Rusev needs the win the most, so I'm pulling for him. But my actual prdiction is Orton because WWE Creative sucks.
Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin Vs. The Hype Bros (Pre show match)
Gable and Benjamin win and Ryder finally goes heel on Mojo.
I really want to see Kevin Owens destroy Shane McMahon. Nothing better than seeing the boss getting beat up.
At 10/8/17 03:06 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I really want to see Kevin Owens destroy Shane McMahon. Nothing better than seeing the boss getting beat up.
I think Shane McMahon might be dead.
The Sammy Zayn twist at the end was a nice touch. I'm looking forward to see what sort of a heel he plays.
At 10/9/17 11:06 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: Sister Abigail is actually Bray Wyatt in a drag
I was really disappointed by that. I figured they would introduce a new " evil " Diva.
So does anyone here watch Adam Ruins Everything? Because The New Day guest starred on there and now Dolph Ziggler is making an appearance.
At 10/22/17 11:51 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:At 10/22/17 11:42 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: did braun strowman turn face?
I'm not entirely sure Strowman was truly a heel to begin with. He's more of an indiscriminate force of nature. He can feud with anyone and not have to change one thing about his character. He just wants to dominate everyone, and doesn't care if they are good guys or bad guys. Now he has the chance to prove he's the REAL monster in WWE with a run against Kane.
Good PPV tonight.
-The Emma - Asuka match surprisingly wasn't a squash and Emma actually got to shine here
Emma actually has such a complimentary style to Asuka it was hard for them NOT to have a good match. While a squash match would have sufficed to get Asuka over, actually showing what she can do in the ring was probably a better introduction for the larger WWE audience. And end if the day, it even raised Emma's stock. Raw is slowly coming around on how to properly elevate talent.
-Cringed during Balor's Coup De Grace. Looked like he stomped AJ for real there.
I'm wondering if they may late the Balor Wyatt fued fizzle away now, and maybe make a good Styles/Balor angle for Survivor series. Given the 'too sweet' moment at the end (I marked out for that), probably not. Too much mutual respect there.
-Very very minor nitpick here that I just thought of today but couldn't they have announced that Roman was Kayfabe "injured by Kane" or something during the assault on Raw?
I mean if the objective of all of this is to make Roman look strong in thje end, given the timetable to heal Roman should be back by next week effectively "coming back from injury sooner than expected" making him look strong even by NOT showing up @ TLC.
They may have thought of that, but had no good story avenues for Wyatt being away and for AJ stepping in. Sometimes just acknowledging real life shit happens is easier, and people still understand the situation.
I guess it all started with Bo Dallas a few weeks ago. He was sent home to recover, and the rest of the roster got immunized, but Bray and Roman apparently caught the virus anyway. If you think about it, in a roundabout way, the Miz-tourage really did take out Roman Reigns.
Smackdown will be on Halloween, so expect some silly costume segments.
I'm at the Smackdown tapings.
No spoilers, but don't miss this show. It's fucking awesome.
At 11/7/17 04:32 PM, FastbootsZA wrote:At 11/7/17 04:06 PM, Absurd-Ditties wrote: I'm at the Smackdown tapings.Some wrestling site just spoiled the WWE title match to me
No spoilers, but don't miss this show. It's fucking awesome.
That's what I marked hard for. It was incredible. Crowd was red hot, phenomenal ending (pun definitely intended).
They taped Smackdown BEFORE 205 Live for some reason though, so Kalisto vs Jack Gallgher had to follow that. Never seen a crowd more dead. Just knackered for going mental for that finish. Perked up a bit for Enzo vs Tyler Bate, then red hot again for the Nakamura/Roode vs Ziggler/Corbin dark match.
At 11/6/17 07:48 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: SPOILER ALERT!
Sheamus & Cesaro defeated Ambrose & Rollins to win the tag team titles
They make much better champions than the shield minus one.
At 11/8/17 08:27 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 11/6/17 07:48 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: SPOILER ALERT!They make much better champions than the shield minus one.
Sheamus & Cesaro defeated Ambrose & Rollins to win the tag team titles
Plus, if Roman is cleared in time (and I'm betting this is why Raw hasn't invaded SD yet), the full Shield team will be gunning for New Day at Survivor Series to prove who the better 3-man team is. If it was meningitis that took him out, he should be recovered by now but maybe they are keeping him off TV so it's a shock when he appears on SD.
At 11/10/17 11:21 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:At 11/8/17 08:27 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: They make much better champions than the shield minus one.Plus, if Roman is cleared in time (and I'm betting this is why Raw hasn't invaded SD yet), the full Shield team will be gunning for New Day at Survivor Series to prove who the better 3-man team is. If it was meningitis that took him out, he should be recovered by now but maybe they are keeping him off TV so it's a shock when he appears on SD.
I could see that happening. That could be a decent three vs. three match. Not sure if they would go for a clean finish?
At 11/14/17 10:01 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: I gotta say Smackdown got wrecked by raw tonight
I can't remember the last time it felt like a Raw vs Smackdown event actually mattered. Hell, I can't remember the last time a a traditional survivor series match felt like it really mattered.
I love that they are pitting all the champs from each show against each other, finally fulfilling the idea that these two shows are actually competing.
The whole siege/invasion angle is working great, but next year they will have to get creative to get this same kind of build. Maybe they'll do some kind of thing where they do a talent exchange as the buildup. Like the best SD guys go and cut a promo, then have a match with some upper-midcard Raw guys, and vice versa. Sets up opportunities to build tension, have run-ins, etc, without just copying what they did this year.
They could even play up the distrust that this year created and maybe have the last Raw or SD end in a lumberjack match where the captains of each men's team go one-on one with half the lumberjacks from each show, then, of course, it all breaks down into a big fight.
Whatever they do, they really need to keep the brand vs brand focus they have this year.
Well fuck... who's going to win the next Women's MITB match now?
At 11/14/17 10:01 PM, FastbootsZA wrote: I gotta say Smackdown got wrecked by raw tonight
It was nice to finally see RAW get some payback.
At 11/17/17 09:04 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: My predictions for Survivor series (winners in bold)
Brock Lesnar Vs. AJ Styles
If it was a title match I would pick Brock too, but I think there's more long-term potential & money if they have AJ go over. Good odds that Jinder fucks the match up.
Alexa Bliss Vs. Charlotte Flair
Ditto, Charlotte
The Miz Vs. Baron Corbin
Miz has the numbers, and Corbin's temper tends to get him DQ'd a lot. I'm picking Miz with a dirty finish. Just imagine what he'll be like if he ends up the ONLY Raw guy that wins.
The Bar Vs. The Usos
I think the Bar might win this. I think the kayfabe knee issues will be sold as why the Usos lose, and that will fuel the animosity with Gable and Benjamin.
Team Raw's men Vs. Team Smackdown's men
I thin SD takes this one, and it happens with Shane going full heel somehow. HHH and Kurt and going to end up going at it too I think. Or at least getting in each other's faces long enough to cost one of them an elimination.
Team Raw's Women Vs. Team Smackdown's Women
Smackdown. I have a feeling the 5th woman is gonna be a returning Paige, and she'll probably be among the sole survivors.
Enzo Amore Vs. Kalisto (Cruiserweight Championship match)
I got Enzo here too. He's not getting dethroned anytime soon.. or at least not for long.
The Shield Vs. The New Day
The Shield for sure. Gotta milk that temporary reunion for every last dime! This is also my pick for match of the night.
At 11/17/17 09:08 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: My Predictions for NXT takeover Wargames
Drew McIntyre Vs. Andrade Cien Almas (NXT Championship match)
It's hard to see who the next possible heel challenger could be, so I think Andrade wins, and Drew tales it back later.
Peyton Royce Vs. Kairi Sane Vs. Ember Moon Vs. Nikki Cross (NXT Women's Championship match)
Peytin is an interesting pick, and might have the most long term potential, but it feels like it has to be Ember's time so I'm picking her.
Sanity Vs. The Undisputed Era Vs. The Authors of Pain & Roderick Strong (WarGames match)
If the Undisputed Era doesn't win, then what the fuck was the point of their whole debut? These guys have to start dominating!
Aleister Black Vs. The Velveteen Dream
I'm on the fence here, but leaning toward Black. Dream can keep this up for weeks even if he loses. It'll just fuel him.
Kassius Ohno Vs Lars Sullivan
I think Lars as well, just to get another top heel going. Not sure how wise it is to invest so heavily in a guy that has to wear a knee brace, but it's not like he's being called up to take on Strowman or anything.
I didn't watch Survivor Series because I was at Fear and Loathing X watching Stevie Boy do Canadian Destroyers off ladders through tables and onto tacks.
Also Kevin Nash no selling chair shots from the ICW heavyweight champ. The man is consistent, I'll give him that.
I can't stand Roman Reigns. Hope he loses the intercontinental title soon. The Miz is a much better champion.
At 11/25/17 11:09 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: I just saw a Toyota commercial with john cena's theme in it
I have seen that commercial as well.
The best part of RAW was seeing Paige and her new followers beat up horse face Sasha. The worst part was Roam Reigns, he is so unlikable.