Cesaro is on the pre-show panel, and he's still pissed. I love it!
And I have to admit, the WWE video packages are on-point tonight, even more so than usual.
Cesaro is on the pre-show panel, and he's still pissed. I love it!
And I have to admit, the WWE video packages are on-point tonight, even more so than usual.
At 7/24/16 07:32 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Cesaro is on the pre-show panel, and he's still pissed. I love it!
I like Cesaro as a heel. He should run with it.
And I have to admit, the WWE video packages are on-point tonight, even more so than usual.
Battlegrounds had better be an awesome PPV.
About damn time! Bayley is Sasha's partner. Huge pop for her debut.
At 7/24/16 08:12 PM, pepeatumi wrote: About damn time! Bayley is Sasha's partner. Huge pop for her debut.
Be on the look out for more NXT stars popping up.
At 7/24/16 11:37 PM, DomoMekko wrote: Since WWE title is smackdown's world title then They need to bring back the World heavyweight title as Raw's world title.
They did it before, and might do it again. They love pass the belts around like trading cards.
At 7/24/16 11:48 PM, DomoMekko wrote: how do you think they will bring it back?
They would make an announcement that the title will return. Have a tournament to see who gets it. The same gimmick they do when they strip a title or the champion gets injured.
At 7/25/16 08:54 AM, DomoMekko wrote:At 7/25/16 01:23 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:I actually Think that Stephanie will bring the title back and award it to Rollins the same way that Bischoff awarded it to Triple H in 2002At 7/24/16 11:48 PM, DomoMekko wrote: how do you think they will bring it back?They would make an announcement that the title will return. Have a tournament to see who gets it. The same gimmick they do when they strip a title or the champion gets injured.
They will just bring back the spinner US Title and make that the main one :3
So.. Battleground was a damn fine show (Probably WWE's best ofthe year so far). Some though on the matches.
The Usos vs. Breezango was a solid match on the kick-off show. Loved the fans being behind Breeze/Curtis and shitting on the Usos. The Usos are a good team in the ring, but they're boring otherwise. The fans actually popped for the heels winning.
Banks/Bayley vs Dana Brooke/Charlotte was the perfect choice for the opener. Bayley got one of, if not the biggest pop on the night out of anyone on the roster, and was cheered by men, women, and kids (Something that the Cena's and Reigns' of the world can't do.). There were some scary moments with Sasha almost killing Charlotte (And herself) on the 2nd rope Rana attempt, and Dana being Dana which is... not good. Still, the right team, and we got a great moment.
Please, WWE. Don't screw it up with Bayley.
New Day vs The Wyatts was the 3rd straight solid match, with some great character work by Woods. There was another scary moment where Big E went for the Spear through the ropes and almost landed on the top of his head. I think its time for Big E to retire that move.
Ryder vs Rusev was the weakest match up to this point. Not bad, it just felt like a RAW match. Rusev retains with The Accolade, and is now the top champion on RAW (At least for the time being). Loved Rusev's reaction at Mojo Rawley when he came out with Rusev wondering just who the fuck this guy was.
Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn. Match of the night by a mile, and one of the top two WWE matches produced this year (Zayn/Nakamura being the other). This was a good match up until the Zayn botch... and then it became a great match. Sami did a great job of selling the shoulder, and KO went right after that. The Brainbuster on the apron by Sami was SICK, and the ending with Zayn's look of disdain shortly before hitting the second Helluva Kick was the best of the year. If you see nothing else from this show, watch this match!
Becky Lynch vs Natalya. Poor women. They put on a very good match, but after Zayn/Owens, the fans just weren't going to care. The ladies did bring the fans back into the match a bit near the end at least, so there's that. Don't see the logic behind Becky taking the L. She's over with the fans, is a great in-ring worker, and she's incredibly attractive. Really don't see the need to have her lose EVERY singles match she has on PPV.
Darren Young vs The Miz: Easily the weakest match on the show. I honestly can't remember anything about this match except that bizarre ending. Miz goes out to confront Backlund, Young locks in a Cobra Clutch (Come on, man! That's not the Cross-Face Chicken Wing!) and the ref calls for the bell. Not sure if that was a DQ, and I never heard the ref count so it couldn't have been a Count-Out. I did like Young looking at his hands in shock of what he had done, a nod to Backlund's reaction when HE would snap back in the 90's.
The Club vs Cena/Cass/Enzo.. Enzo is popular, like very popular. His pre-match promo was something, but it was incredibly entertaining. The match was good, and Cena winning was the right decision. Cena can go on to continue his feud with Styles on SD, and I'm sure The Club can find someone on RAW to replace AJ (Hi, Finn!).
The highlight reel was better than I expected. Jericho's current incarnation is hilarious, and Orton was the most entertaining he's been since... let's just say since a long while. Of course, Randy is going to get murdered by Lesnar due to THAT comment, but I don't really mind.
Ambrose vs Rollins vs Reigns: I'll admit, seeing the GM's at ringside I thought we would get a screwy finish. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. This was a great match, but it was never going to live up to the hype. Loved the callbacks from the Powerbomb through the table to Rollins hitting both men in the back with a steel chair (Similar to how all this started when Rollins turned). The right guy won, and both Ambrose and SD got to finish the show on top. The two big questions are who does Dean face at Summerslam? And what happens on RAW as far as a top title is concerned?
I have to mention that Roman looked a bit on the chunky side during the main event. Just don't tell him I said that.
At 7/25/16 08:54 AM, DomoMekko wrote: I actually Think that Stephanie will bring the title back and award it to Rollins the same way that Bischoff awarded it to Triple H in 2002
We will have to see if and how it happens.
At 7/25/16 10:24 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: They will just bring back the spinner US Title and make that the main one :3
That was a nifty belt. A unique belt is always the best.
Tonight's RAW was one of the best that I have seen in a long time. Sasha Banks beat Charlotte for the belt. Ric Flair's daughter got a beating that she deserved. The Boss proved that she is the top Diva. The New Day met a big fan , and everybody enjoyed Booty O's. Like I predicted, they was a tournament for a new belt on RAW. Finn Balor won the first four man battle. Roman Reigns won the second four man battle. It all came down Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns. Most fans went to bed.
Roman Reigns did his weak spear and his lame ass punch. Things were look sad, but then Finn Balor felt this strange power.
Balor thought to himself, what would my hero do? Finn had to dig deep, he had to do what only one other person had ever done? Finn Balor beat Reigns so bad, that he he cried. Baylor beat Roman Reigns so bad, Roman ran to his locker room and looked for more drugs.
At the end of RAW, Roman Reigns wished he could be like his hero, Charlie Sheen. However, Charlie Sheen actually won and Roman Reigns is a loser. Yes, Roman Reigns is a crybaby loser.
Finn Balor went to his locker room , and was happy that he would he one step closer to being like his hero, Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan told him to say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong, Brother!
At 7/25/16 11:51 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Finn Balor went to his locker room , and was happy that he would he one step closer to being like his hero, Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan told him to say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong, Brother!
Balor grew up on World of Sport, not WWE, and has always talked about how he prefered heels to faces, but sure buddy, whatever you say.
At 7/26/16 02:37 AM, TheMaster wrote:At 7/25/16 11:51 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Finn Balor went to his locker room , and was happy that he would he one step closer to being like his hero, Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan told him to say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong, Brother!Balor grew up on World of Sport, not WWE, and has always talked about how he prefered heels to faces, but sure buddy, whatever you say.
The ending was just kidding, nothing to get upset about. lol
I am very glad that Balor beat the Reigns the junkie.
Smackdown was fair. They didn't show too much of Byran and his annoying Yes chants. There was a battle royal match to enter a six match for a chance at Ambrose at Summerslam. Kane should of won, but it was Apollo Crews. The six way match was okay, but could of been better. Lame John Cena just had to do a finisher on all five of his opponents. Would of be awesome if AJ won, but Dolph Ziggler was the winner. Looks like they want to keep Dean the champ.
At 7/26/16 08:30 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Shelton fucking Benjamin!
'Bout time.
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Thanks, BlueHippo
At 7/31/16 09:45 AM, TheYoungblood wrote:At 7/26/16 08:30 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Shelton fucking Benjamin!'Bout time.
I remember when he debuted as Kurt Angle's henchman. lol
At 7/31/16 09:45 AM, TheYoungblood wrote:At 7/26/16 08:30 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Shelton fucking Benjamin!'Bout time.
man if they can get Charlie Haas back, just for one match with The World's Greatest Tag Team vs American Alpha, I will mark out so fucking hard.
At 7/31/16 03:45 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:At 7/31/16 09:45 AM, TheYoungblood wrote:man if they can get Charlie Haas back, just for one match with The World's Greatest Tag Team vs American Alpha, I will mark out so fucking hard.At 7/26/16 08:30 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Shelton fucking Benjamin!'Bout time.
That would be a great match. Somebody call up Vince.
Updates Regarding Current And Former WWE Talent Returning To The Company
Posted By: Kenny Williams on Aug 01, 2016
Source: PWInsider.com
PWInsider.com is reporting that Jinder Mahal is currently in Atlanta, Georgia and is expected to appear on tonight's edition of WWE Raw. As previously reported, WWE recently re-signed Mahal following the Brand Extension Draft.
In regards to Curt Hawkins, who was also re-signed to WWE following the Draft, he is expected to start with the SmackDown Live brand; however, there is currently no word on when he will make his return.
In addition, Rosa Mendes, who took time off a while back due to her pregnancy, is at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida this week training, so it appears that she is preparing for a return to the ring sometime soon.
Will be nice to see two new faces since the start of the draft.
Bringing Jinder back but not Drew Galloway is insane.
I saw Drew at ICW's Shug's Hoose Party III (their big summer show) yestserday, and he's a fucking great heel. A total cunt.
Would actually prefer if he stays where he is though. WWE would never let him be as good as he is in ICW. Same reason I'd hate to see Joe Coffey signed. He's ICW through and through, and is probably my favourite indie guy at this point.
Was a great show from top to bottom. Got a picture with Grado, Noam Dar and Mark Dallas too.
At 8/1/16 03:32 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Will be nice to see two new faces since the start of the draft.
It'd also be nice if shit stains like Mr. Williams didn't steal content from PWInsider.com. Hope that prick isn't charging anybody for it, if he is, don't give him your money. He had nothing to do with that story. I'm an Elite subscriber at PWInsider and I can tell you that for a fact.
At 8/1/16 06:38 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 8/1/16 03:32 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Will be nice to see two new faces since the start of the draft.It'd also be nice if shit stains like Mr. Williams didn't steal content from PWInsider.com. Hope that prick isn't charging anybody for it, if he is, don't give him your money. He had nothing to do with that story. I'm an Elite subscriber at PWInsider and I can tell you that for a fact.
I did not pay for it, and I never would. Wrestling news should be free. Mr. Williams should not steal content from others.
Tonight's RAW was a let down from last week. They had a lame man and woman tag team match. One of the worst ideas for a match ever. Only the girl fights the girl, and the the guy fights the guy. Anyways, Charlotte and Chris Jericho won. They might make a good duo. There was another boring match when the Prime Time Players fought each other. Titus won by pulling the trunks of Young. Paul Heyman gave an okay speech for Brock Lesnar, but he seemed off his game. Randy Orten came out of nowhere and gave Lesnar the RKO. Honestly, that was the best part of the night. It has only been a week, and wrestlers are already switching shows to attack each other. Lesnar will probably get Orten on Smackdown.
Tonight's Smackdown was a let down, just like RAW. The big match of the night was Dolph Ziggler vs. Bray Wyatt for the chance to fight Ambrose for. It would of been amazing if they let Wyatt win. I was really rooting for him, but stupid Ziggler won. Boo! Shane and Byant hired at least ten security guards to stop Brock Lesnar for getting Randy Orten. Did they stop him, nope. What a waste of money. Lesnat got Orten.
Bobby Roode's new NXT theme is amazing.
John Cena was on Steven Colbert last night. Was hoping they would do an angle like Jon Stewart and Seth Rollins.
Tonight's RAW was the worst that I have seen in a long time. Chris Jericho won the first match, but it was all downhill from there. The Dudley boys lost in a very silly match. Why must they job to two crusierweights? Seth Rollins called out Finn Baylor to come out as his Demon gimmick next week. Lana and Russev came out to celebrate their recent Wedding, and Reigns ruined it. The show had five minutes left, and they announced a title bout. Russev vs, Cesaro, Russev retained his belt. The entire night felt disorganized and boring. Mick Foley did a very bad job, and showed poor management ability.
At 8/9/16 10:53 AM, FastbootsZA wrote: Can someone tell my why is Roman Reigns a mid carder? He went from Main eventing wrestlemania to facing Rusev for the US title.
Wellness Suspension and the audience just refuses to accept him as a top guy. Couple that with the need to make this brand extension and "New Era" get off on the right foot and work....so all that together necessitates a de-push of Reigns from the main events for now. He's wrestling a guy who's been rebuilt to a large degree, for the second most important title on the most important show so....doesn't strike me as a demotion as much as it strikes me as trying to keep him strong and try to move him back up not too far down the line.
At 8/1/16 11:18 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Wrestling news should be free.
Um, no. Real reporters spend time, money, and effort to get the stories that you want to read. They absolutely deserve to be compensated for that or what the hell is the point. Will never understand this attitude.
At 8/9/16 12:05 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 8/1/16 11:18 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Wrestling news should be free.Um, no. Real reporters spend time, money, and effort to get the stories that you want to read. They absolutely deserve to be compensated for that or what the hell is the point. Will never understand this attitude.
^ THIS. That applies to ALL news really. Reporters do all the work getting stories and need to be paid to do so as a job. That money has to come from somewhere, in spite what all the content aggregation sites out there think.
If nobody puts money into journalism, it will just go away and you won't get ANY news.