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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-10 15:02:21

One match I am DYING to see at this year's WrestleMania, but I don't know if it will be done is Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara. I want this match so badly. Does anybody have any news of this possibly happening?

Also I wanted to see Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania. That would have blown the roof off that place. I wanted that last year, but sadly we got Triple H vs. The Undertaker with this end of the era gimmick which was just piss poor. Don't get me wrong, the match was awesome, but the set-up was just so piss poor. Then they threw in Shawn Michaels, and... why? Why, why why WHY?

So this year with Jericho still here and The Undertaker popping up again, I was hoping that would be announced. However it's gonna be CM Punk vs. The Undertaker. Really? REALLY? Don't get me wrong, CM Punk is a great wrestler, I am not doubting him at all, but if they have CM Punk end The Undertaker's streak, then the WWE will make a great heel in CM Punk, but it will tarnish both Punk and The Undertaker down the line.

The Undertaker could build CM Punk up in the WWE (it worked with The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair), so there is a positive there.

Oh and Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar... again. You know WWE, you have all this young talent ready to play with. Why not use some of them? Nope, we gotta have not one repeat match, but two repeat matches. Look John Cena vs. The Rock was awesome, but damn it is just so obvious that John Cena is gonna win the belt... we ALL KNOW IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! If you do it otherwise then you will screw yourselves big time. So WWE, you have put yourselves into a small little box.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-11 08:03:12

WrestleMania... I am actually hoping they let the UnderTaker die. It'll be surreal as fuck but it would be something that'll come last minute. Like, before they both go out they say who is going over. I want Punk to win, but I think that is not going to happen.

I was more shocked at Punk beating Orton clean.

Twice in a Lifetime, who cares.

If Dolph Ziggler doesn't cash in just abort the gimmick now.

Women's wrestling is dead on the main roster.

Bork Laser vs H3. Yeah, yawn, No-Holds Barred. we know this shit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-11 14:13:58

Undertaker vs. Sting would have been an awesome Mania Match...that is the match that I want to see above all else.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-11 21:18:14

Man, I was hyped as fuck to see some more New Age Outlaws this week. That can't have been 2 minutes before the interruption.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-11 23:31:24

I figured Punk would show up right after Taker got in the ring to pay his respects. Considering the chants during his match, however, I still believe he has Kurt Angle Syndrome; I doubt that even what he did tonight will keep fans from cheering. Seriously, him & Angle need to form some sort of club or something.

Never thought I'd see WWE trying to basically turn Vickie tweener - which is hard to do when the audience loudly boos her any time she tries to speak. :/

Get Brad Maddox off my damn TV. His shit's gotten older faster than Heel Cole........

All the while, JBL's been becoming - and I never thought I'd be able to say this - more bearable lately, even getting me to laugh once last month.

The Shield = EVRYTHING Nexus should've been, WITH LESS PEOPLE.

Ryback vs. Mark Henry!?!? FUCK YEAH!!! That match will be a fucking classic. (Referring to a potential WM match, not the SD one - although that one, barring a shitty finish & providing it gets to be a full match, should still be pretty damn awesome.)

Well, luckily, it sounds like Fandango will be forced to compete on SD, which is good since this name pronounciation thing was only funny the first time.

(Btw, for those wondering who the hell he is, he's NXT4 winner Johnny Curtis. Yeah, I din't recognize him, either; his Wiki page being redirected is the only reason I know this. Guess the fact that he was barely on at all made it easy for him to reinvent himself w/o anyone recognizing his face........)

I'm glad to see that Dogg & Gunn still have full tanks of gas after all this time - Gunn, especially. Wonder if this means that they'll be given the belts? If anyone could make people pay attention to the belts after Team Hell No's run their course, it'd be them, not to mention they'd be great for putting the reunited Rhodes Scholars (glad they realized that was a dumb idea so soon) over. (Yes, Brock blasted em both tonight; I'm more referring to last week.)

Btw, Cody & Damien did an excellent job with their intro rendition. :P It does sound like they're gonna use the Kaitlyn/Cody thing to break em up eventually & have a feud, though.

Ohai Bellas........wonder if Bryan had something to with that.......

Ugh......I dunno why they're flushing Barrett's push down the toilet, when they spent so much time actually building him up; they better not waste all that, as he's one of those guys they NEED to keep around. Guess we'll see what the deal is by who wins next week.

It seems that Swagger's not getting punished for his recent mishap. Now, I'm aware that WWE hates arrests, but I know that their penalty regarding pot use is barely even a slap on the wrist; would that have something to do with it? Could they finally be easing up on pot use, knowing that it'll end up being completely legal sooner or later? Honestly, they should be focusing on the steroid issue more anyway; maybe they've realized that. Dunno; we'll just have to see.

Having Kane carrying the earn around was touching. Good match, and Taker's near-head-exploding angry face at the end was awesome.


For the record, I couldn't tell who Angle was assaulting earlier; yeah, it was a tad too big to be Styles. All I know about D'Lo is that he was a former wrestler & that he's obviously part of TNA's staff; who better to be the A's & 8's VP than someone on the inside?

I still don't think all the A's & 8's members have been unmasked yet, though.......

*Goes on Wiki on a whim; sees Bully Ray is president*


I'm neeeeeeeeeeeeeeever gonna hear the end of this one..........

Hey, one thing you guys should now by now about me: At least I admit when I'm wrong.

Of course, now I'm interested to see how all that went down. I guess it explains why he didn't just go right over to Taz & kick his ass when he easily could have - 'Teflon' or not. Quite a long con, here, with him letting his subordinates beat the shit out of him & vice-versa, and made worse by how quickly he got over w/ the fans, only to give them all severe 'Heel-Face-Heel Whiplash'. Well played.

So now that he has the title, what's next? I still think there's someone above him in the mix somewhere.....


Regardless of Steen slightly changing his tune, the rest of SCUM continues to be........scum.

Dunno where Lethal went.....

I've learned something interesting about Matt Hardy these last several weeks: My initial impression of all ROH fans hating his guts was wrong, as the next episode after, he & Rhett Titus got evenly-split cheers. It seems to be entirely dependent on which part of America he's in as to whether he faces a torch-wielding mob or not. Also, apparently, their hatred has nothing to do w/ his comments towards Punk, OR his idiotic suicide sham; they hate him for using ROH for his own ends, sounds like. Wow...........remind me to never piss off die-hard ROH fans for any reason whatsoever........they must take shit REALLY seriously. o_O Yeesh.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-12 17:24:08

1. Ryback
2. Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez
3. The Shield
4. Sheamus
5. Vickie Guerrero

1. Brad Maddox
2. 3 Man Band
3. The Rock
4. Triple H
5. The Miz

First off, RAW was pretty damn awesome. The tribute to Paul Bearer was awesome throughout the whole night. There seems to be some possible chemistry with CM Punk and The Undertaker, this could work. However one thing was very unforgivable and that is Brad Maddox.

Brad Maddox I was interested in with RAW. I was wondering what all they might do with him. However I have no idea what the hell happened. I heard him call out The Shield, I have heard him talk, he works well on the microphone. Yet during the Wade, Dolph, and Jericho segment, he was just AWFUL. Go back and watch that, look at Jericho, he was not pleased with how Brad announced that match. Brad sounded like some petty parent trying to stop three children from arguing and then became... intimidated by them? What happened with him?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-12 19:18:15

Yeah, actually, that's true; he wasn't that bad on the mic initially, but now........wait, WWE logic again.......

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-15 17:02:26


Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Should be an awesome collision of strength! Expect a good ole-fashioned brawl!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-15 20:16:15

At 4/14/03 05:38 PM, Circa302 wrote: I will join!!

Me to! I Loooooooove WWE! Even tho I'm a girl!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-15 21:12:11

Watching Smackdown right now.

Fuck Fandango.

This is getting old.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-16 01:31:00

At 3/15/13 09:12 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Watching Smackdown right now.

Fuck Fandango.

This is getting old.

Well, for the record, Sandow started off similarly - although it didn't last quite as long and he was more entertaining. I'm gonna give it another week before I agree with ya.

Maddox was actually good at commentary tonight. WWE must've realized they were pissing off the viewers.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-16 07:55:26

At 3/16/13 01:31 AM, Swackman wrote: Well, for the record, Sandow started off similarly - although it didn't last quite as long and he was more entertaining. I'm gonna give it another week before I agree with ya.

On an unrelated note, it is interesting that Damien Sandow was trained by Killer Kowalski. The same guy who trained Triple H. Reason being is because Triple H started off as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, a very sophisticated uptight character. Then around the time of DX, he changed to Triple H, the cerebral assassin. I wonder if Damien Sandow will make a later turn into something else later on down his line.

Maddox was actually good at commentary tonight. WWE must've realized they were pissing off the viewers.

Yes he was.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-18 20:12:05

Watching RAW right now. I'm so confused.

SmackDown starts off with a match. That's how it started. Now here on RAW, we have this fucked up segment with John Cena and The Primetime Players? What the fuck is going on? This is why The Rock should be wrestling. Since he's not here wrestling, we can't have a proper feud between Cena and Rock. Therefore, John Cena has NOTHING to do!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-19 16:06:28


1. Ryback
2. The Shield
3. Team Hell No - Kane and Daniel Bryan
4. Mark Henry
5. Jack Swagger

1. The Rock
2. Fandango
3. The Prime Time Players
4. John Cena
5. CM Punk

I am loving this angle with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. It has certainly been doing pretty damn good. However John Cena has absolutely nothing to do. The Rock and Fandango are doing absolutely nothing. CM Punk I guess is put in a highlighted match, mainly because they wanted to use The Rock as a transition champion for John Cena to beat, and I don't think CM Punk was probably open for losing the belt to John Cena at Wrestlemania. If CM Punk loses I guess he wants it to be dignified, and lose to The Undertaker.

It's not that I don't like John Cena, it's just that I think he's made better decisions, and being Vince's golden boy just isn't cutting it. Hopefully after he takes down The Rock, the WWE will think about turning him heel by giving him more of an ego. Or some kind of personality! If you want a golden boy then fine, but at least give the damn boy some personality! Even Hulk Hogan as squeaky clean as he was during the 80's had a personality and likability to him.

Ryback vs. Mark Henry at Wrestlemania. Now that should be a match worthy of a championship bout. I have a feeling that this match will steal the show.

I'm slowly starting to like The Shield, but they really need someone else to talk for them. They need that extra hook. Like what Hogan did for the nWo. I would love to see John Cena become heel and side with The Shield, but that's not gonna happen. However, if you have Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter with them, you could have something there. Doubt that it will play out like that, but hey it's a thought.

Paul Heyman is saying more shit about Triple H's wife, Brock Lesnar, blah blah blah. I never thought that Paul Heyman could bore me, but this is just SO BORING! I really do not give a fuck about Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar. It was like that match WWE put together to have Triple H, Ric Flair, and Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Booker T. I mean what?

Speaking of which, happy to see Booker T in the Hall of Fame. He deserves it for what he put into the company. Although it is still a touchy subject, I would like to see them put Chris Benoit in the Hall of Fame. He deserves it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-19 23:05:06

At 3/19/13 09:16 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: The word heavyweight championship is actualy not a Main Event title, It's more of an Upper Mid card title

Gee... WWE, and the WWE title isn't the main event title?

Well the World Heavyweight Championship has been the main event title at WrestleMania. It all depends on whose on the card. John Cena vs. The Rock.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-20 00:39:06

At 3/18/13 08:12 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Watching RAW right now. I'm so confused.

Confused indeed

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-20 18:07:08

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-21 13:12:05

Before I get to RAW & all that:

At 3/20/13 06:07 PM, boloneyman wrote: Not even a raging fire can escape the Master Lock.

http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1575253-former-wwe-supers tar-chris-masters-saves-mother-from-burning-house

Pretty damn awesome!


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-26 11:28:25

Okay, there has to be something to Fandango for him not only to be able to pull this stupid shit for weeks now, but to get a WrestleMania match against Jericho. Hopefully it won't be like that disgraceful 18 second bullshit last year with the world title, that was a joke.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-27 10:29:06

At 3/26/13 11:28 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Okay, there has to be something to Fandango for him not only to be able to pull this stupid shit for weeks now, but to get a WrestleMania match against Jericho. Hopefully it won't be like that disgraceful 18 second bullshit last year with the world title, that was a joke.

They're going to make Fandango win.

Then release him.

I'm beginning to think wrestlers shouldn't ever come back to WWE, their legacies will just be ruined because I think if we fired the entire creative team and gathered up a bunch of homeless people and shot them in the head they would create better stories and cards than what we have now.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-27 21:52:32

Yeah, I know, late again.

Before I get onto the usual, I have a serious question to ask: Are Avie & I the only guys here who actually follow TNA & ROH? We seem to be the only 2 who ever comment on it at all, and I find that to be rather sad. Seriously, guys, if ya ain't watchin' em, START WATCHIN' EM.

I think Cesaro has just become the only guy I'll accept yodeling, just because of how obnoxiously he does it. :P

'Tons Of Funk'? Really? Well, guess it works. Hey, let's face it: Brodus is more over than one would expect him to be w/ that gimmick, and this is the first time the fans have actually given a damn about Tens......er, 'Sweet T' since he returned.

I feel a bit sorry for Cameron, but honestly, Naomi should be the poster girl for the Divas Division. Anyone care to argue that?


That's the most.....non-babyface thing I've heard Cena say in a very long time that wasn't in rap form. However, I've learned to never expect a Cena heel turn unless it actually happens in front of you, and not just from mere teasing. It's simple: If Cena wins, it's business as usual. If Rock wins, however, I will expect hell to freeze over and for women & children to speak of the forthcoming apocalypse the following night. (Their tears will be delicious. :P )

Ricardo can really sell them injuries, can't he? He might have a solid career as an actor later on. (This actually isn't sarcasm, btw.)

I'm surprised that both Langston & JohnDango get in-ring debuts on WM, of all places. Could it be that this is an attempt to prove that they realize that the future of the industry depends on the new guys? ......What? Sue me for being optimistic.

I'm actually expecting 'Ziggy & Biggy' to win, making Dolph a double title holder & giving Langston some actual credibility.

Dunno whether JohnDango will win or not, but considering he's finally shown off a smidge of his in-ring ability & gets to face off against a guy who can put pretty much anyone over, this COULD be a very good start for him.

Ryback/Henry is gonna be friggin' awesome!


Gahdammit.......now that I know who Taryn Terell is/was........BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA HER, GAIL!!!! I wonder if she watches WWE just to see how her ex-husband has been reduced to being a part of an all-male, more embarassing Rock & Rave Infection, Part Deux. >:(

The show itself was glorious, w/ Bully Ray breaking down the entirety of the A's & 8's angle, step by step, where everything made perfect sense in hindsight. See what happens when Russo isn't writing plotlines? SHIT BECOMES COHERENT. This was the poster example of what Russo-Free TNA is like.


I expected Hardy to join SCUM; Rhett I did not. Nice to, in speaking of the R&RI, see Jimmy Rave again. Just looked Clifff Compton up on Wiki to find out who he was.......ohai Domino, nice to see you again, too.

The thing I find amusing about this whole thing is, when Nigel declared war on them, he seemed to completely ignore the fact that Steen has been slowly turning face ever since his one issue w/ the company was ironically taken care of (further proven by him actually telling Jacobs to go away during his match w/ Lethal), and that Corino has become the frontman of the group & is the one they should probably be focusing their attention on.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-27 22:13:25

At 3/27/13 09:52 PM, Swackman wrote: Before I get onto the usual, I have a serious question to ask: Are Avie & I the only guys here who actually follow TNA & ROH? We seem to be the only 2 who ever comment on it at all, and I find that to be rather sad. Seriously, guys, if ya ain't watchin' em, START WATCHIN' EM.

I admittedly have to catch up with ROH more as I've heard they're trying to get the product more focused and TV friendly vs. being a hardcore fan's wet dream. TNA I have tried to get back into a bit and while there are some terribly stupid elements (Park, Robbie E, anytime Hogan opens his mouth for more then a minute or so) the Aces and Eights are a strong heel group, and Bully Ray is really channeling his Bubba Ray Dudley from ECW heel work (which makes me a happy boy). My only problem with that is I feel like the group is the best thing on the show (at least last week) and yet they were very Shield like in being beat down and run artists vs. getting in there and wrestling. I think that's a useful tactic but too much of it always to me seems to send the unintentional message that maybe these guys are pussies instead of just scumbags without honor. You want heels to come off as scum, but I don't think it's productive to make them come off as pussies, especially if they're the top heel act. Think this has definitely picked up new life now that we know Bully Ray is in charge and has the belt. Enjoyed that more then what I've been getting from WWE lately.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-30 03:27:30

Reid Flair was found dead in his hotel room. This is definitely one of the worst losses since he was so young, and Ric's life hasn't been any easier lately. My heart goes out to Ric, his family and friends. This is a damn shame.

http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1586068-reid-flair-tragic -death-of-ric-flairs-son-robs-wrestling-of-rising-star

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-30 14:21:46

At 3/30/13 03:27 AM, boloneyman wrote: Reid Flair was found dead in his hotel room. This is definitely one of the worst losses since he was so young, and Ric's life hasn't been any easier lately. My heart goes out to Ric, his family and friends. This is a damn shame.

http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1586068-reid-flair-tragic -death-of-ric-flairs-son-robs-wrestling-of-rising-star

I got the news the minute it happened. Really sorry for Ric and of course Reid, 24 is way too young to go. It's sickening how the WWE isn't acknowledging it either.

Back to the WWE though, since Wrestlemania is a week from tomorrow I'm not going to wait any longer to post my predictions. These have been my predictions for a while but I'm posting them now because I believe the match card is all set and done. I'm pretty pissed that Cesaro doesn't have a match on the card, he's my favorite new guy as of now and he deserves a solid spot. Winners are in bold.

Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston (WWE Tag Team Championship)

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger (World Heavyweight Championship) sidenote: I expect Ziggler to cash in here after the match.

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz (Intercontinental Championship)

Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (No hold barred, Career-threatening match for HHH)

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (why is this match even happening)

The Rock vs. John Cena (WWE Championship)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-30 16:26:19

At 3/30/13 02:21 PM, mothballs wrote: I got the news the minute it happened. Really sorry for Ric and of course Reid, 24 is way too young to go. It's sickening how the WWE isn't acknowledging it either.

They flew the flag at half mast in Stanford, he didn't work there ever so they have no video footage of him to use (other then his brief WCW appearances), and the Fleihr family has asked for privacy. I'm sorry but what is "sickening" about WWE's response (or lackthereof)? Is it sickening that they didn't acknowledge the death of a family member of a part-time performer, after said performer's family asked for privacy? Respecting that is sickening? Sometimes I think people are either just looking for things to be pissed at WWE for, or they really overestimate what does and doesn't effect the day to day operations of WWE and other companies.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-03-30 19:13:26

At 3/30/13 04:26 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: response that's too long to quote

I didn't know about the privacy part. That's different, then. Carry on.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-04-02 01:28:34

Wrestlemania 29 Predictions. Hopefully i'll nail them. I blow them every year.

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz (Why the fuck is this the preshow)

Alberto del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Brodus Clay and Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show vs. The Shield

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

The Rock vs. John Cena

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-04-02 05:00:58

1. Ryback and Mark Henry
2. The Shield
3. The Funkadactyls
4. Dolph Ziggler
5. Paul Heyman

1. The Rock and John Cena
2. Fandango
3. The Bella Twins
4. Santino Marella
5. Antonio Cesaro

Tonight's RAW I have mixed opinions about. John Cena still has nothing to do and little to nothing to say, as the audience spoke about by calling him out as being boring. However The Rock is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and the mindless sheep seem to follow the nostalgia act. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a nostalgia act, it can work, Chris Jericho is pulling it off quite well and so is Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman. The Rock is just a broken record. John Cena has nothing to do, because The Rock isn't doing ANYTHING? I really hope The Rock loses at WrestleMania and transitions the belt to John Cena. If The Rock wins and keeps this shit up and doesn't come back to World Wrestling Entertainment to wrestle then I'm seriously going to consider just switching brands.

However despite this WWE Belt bullshit, The World Heavyweight Championship storyline is getting quite interesting. I am loving Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger, although with Zeb vs. Del Rio last night, I was really hoping we would see Zeb stand up for himself a little bit, you know... since he used to be a wrestler. If they could have Ricardo stand up to Big Show, I don't see why not. I just feel like they had a small missed opportunity.

Ryback vs. Mark Henry. Fucking classic goodness written all over it.

Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston vs. Daniel Bryan and Kane for the Tag Team Belts (I refuse to call them Team Hell No). Still could it be? A hint of originality? Something interesting going on in the tag team division?

The Funkadactyls were awesome last night! However The Bella Twins were slow and painfully boring to watch. I was just waiting for one of the Funkadactyls to be tagged in for some action. It seems like Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are gonna have to carry The Bella Twins at this year's WrestleMania.

The Shield I am finding awesome. As someone said, they were everything the Nexus should have been. Not only that, I get this hint of the nWo from them as well. Seeing different face wrestlers band together to try to take them out. It is certainly quite awesome. Paul Heyman would make a great manager for them.

Also, why is The Miz and Wade Barret part of the WrestleMania pre-show instead of the main event? Don't get me wrong if you're gonna do a pre-show to show off what your Pay-Per-View is about (instead of giving something cheap for free) then that would be the match to do it with, but why wasn't it put as part of the show?

Oh yeah, there must be something to this Fandango guy for him to do all this. The thing is though, if they were gonna have Fandango vs. Chris Jericho anyways, instead of this "SAY MY NAME RIGHT BITCH" bullshit we got week after week, why didn't they really hype it up with Jericho. A lot of fun could have been had with that.

Also I do think The Undertaker is going to beat CM Punk. However if CM Punk does win and the streak is beaten, then that means The Undertaker would have chosen CM Punk to finish him. Which would be quite the honor.

WrestleMania XXIX Predictions

The Rock vs. John Cena
WWE Championship

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
No Holds Barred
Triple H Loses He Must Retire

Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show vs. The Shield

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Daniel Bryan and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston
WWE Tag Team Championships

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
World Heavyweight Championship

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
Intercontinental Championship

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

Ton of Funk and The Funkadactyls vs. Rhodes Scholars and The Bella Twins

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-04-03 09:32:37

Gonna change my Wrestlemania 29 predictions up a lil bit.

WM 29 Revised:

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz (Why the fuck is this the preshow)

Alberto del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Brodus Clay and Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show vs. The Shield

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

The Rock vs. John Cena

And it's downright fucking disgusting how Antonio Cesaro isn't in WM.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2013-04-03 12:49:31

At 4/3/13 09:32 AM, Piemix wrote: And it's downright fucking disgusting how Antonio Cesaro isn't in WM.

But they'll throw together that crap mixed tag team match a week before Mania, a match that I would dread watching on a normal show, let alone a PPV, let alone WM. It's like the WWE always has to throw in a half star match and take the spot away from deserving guys that could make a 3 to 4 star match at the very least.

I'm not sure why you changed your predictions on this one to Orton, Sheamus and Show. I can't see them winning at all. I expect this to finally set off an Orton heel turn (or at least the beginning of it), with him getting in a conflict with Sheamus after the match or something. At least that's what should happen.