I figured Punk would show up right after Taker got in the ring to pay his respects. Considering the chants during his match, however, I still believe he has Kurt Angle Syndrome; I doubt that even what he did tonight will keep fans from cheering. Seriously, him & Angle need to form some sort of club or something.
Never thought I'd see WWE trying to basically turn Vickie tweener - which is hard to do when the audience loudly boos her any time she tries to speak. :/
Get Brad Maddox off my damn TV. His shit's gotten older faster than Heel Cole........
All the while, JBL's been becoming - and I never thought I'd be able to say this - more bearable lately, even getting me to laugh once last month.
The Shield = EVRYTHING Nexus should've been, WITH LESS PEOPLE.
Ryback vs. Mark Henry!?!? FUCK YEAH!!! That match will be a fucking classic. (Referring to a potential WM match, not the SD one - although that one, barring a shitty finish & providing it gets to be a full match, should still be pretty damn awesome.)
Well, luckily, it sounds like Fandango will be forced to compete on SD, which is good since this name pronounciation thing was only funny the first time.
(Btw, for those wondering who the hell he is, he's NXT4 winner Johnny Curtis. Yeah, I din't recognize him, either; his Wiki page being redirected is the only reason I know this. Guess the fact that he was barely on at all made it easy for him to reinvent himself w/o anyone recognizing his face........)
I'm glad to see that Dogg & Gunn still have full tanks of gas after all this time - Gunn, especially. Wonder if this means that they'll be given the belts? If anyone could make people pay attention to the belts after Team Hell No's run their course, it'd be them, not to mention they'd be great for putting the reunited Rhodes Scholars (glad they realized that was a dumb idea so soon) over. (Yes, Brock blasted em both tonight; I'm more referring to last week.)
Btw, Cody & Damien did an excellent job with their intro rendition. :P It does sound like they're gonna use the Kaitlyn/Cody thing to break em up eventually & have a feud, though.
Ohai Bellas........wonder if Bryan had something to with that.......
Ugh......I dunno why they're flushing Barrett's push down the toilet, when they spent so much time actually building him up; they better not waste all that, as he's one of those guys they NEED to keep around. Guess we'll see what the deal is by who wins next week.
It seems that Swagger's not getting punished for his recent mishap. Now, I'm aware that WWE hates arrests, but I know that their penalty regarding pot use is barely even a slap on the wrist; would that have something to do with it? Could they finally be easing up on pot use, knowing that it'll end up being completely legal sooner or later? Honestly, they should be focusing on the steroid issue more anyway; maybe they've realized that. Dunno; we'll just have to see.
Having Kane carrying the earn around was touching. Good match, and Taker's near-head-exploding angry face at the end was awesome.
For the record, I couldn't tell who Angle was assaulting earlier; yeah, it was a tad too big to be Styles. All I know about D'Lo is that he was a former wrestler & that he's obviously part of TNA's staff; who better to be the A's & 8's VP than someone on the inside?
I still don't think all the A's & 8's members have been unmasked yet, though.......
*Goes on Wiki on a whim; sees Bully Ray is president*
I'm neeeeeeeeeeeeeeever gonna hear the end of this one..........
Hey, one thing you guys should now by now about me: At least I admit when I'm wrong.
Of course, now I'm interested to see how all that went down. I guess it explains why he didn't just go right over to Taz & kick his ass when he easily could have - 'Teflon' or not. Quite a long con, here, with him letting his subordinates beat the shit out of him & vice-versa, and made worse by how quickly he got over w/ the fans, only to give them all severe 'Heel-Face-Heel Whiplash'. Well played.
So now that he has the title, what's next? I still think there's someone above him in the mix somewhere.....
Regardless of Steen slightly changing his tune, the rest of SCUM continues to be........scum.
Dunno where Lethal went.....
I've learned something interesting about Matt Hardy these last several weeks: My initial impression of all ROH fans hating his guts was wrong, as the next episode after, he & Rhett Titus got evenly-split cheers. It seems to be entirely dependent on which part of America he's in as to whether he faces a torch-wielding mob or not. Also, apparently, their hatred has nothing to do w/ his comments towards Punk, OR his idiotic suicide sham; they hate him for using ROH for his own ends, sounds like. Wow...........remind me to never piss off die-hard ROH fans for any reason whatsoever........they must take shit REALLY seriously. o_O Yeesh.