Tonight, we will be graced by the Ayatollah. ^_^ We all know it's happening. Hadn't thought about Year 2nd January, though......Jericho, you clever bastard, you. Or, at least, whoever comes up with these promos for ya, if it's not you who does.
RAW (last week):
That crazy whackjob gimmick really grows on ya. :P Now, Ron, DON'T FUCK UP AGAIN! Ya got one more chance, here, or YOU GONNA GET GOT!
So, Kane's reason for returning & assaulting to convert Cena over to The Dark Side of the Force? Emperor PalpaKane?
Oooooh, Laryngitis is looking for a knee to the face.......
Wait......they're ACTUALLY GOING TO DO SOMETHING WITH D-MAC!? God, FINALLY! Why the fuck has it taken this long for WWE to quit being bitter over something that WASN'T EVEN HIS FUCKING FAULT!? HE EVEN DIVORCED THE BROAD! WHAT MORE DO YA WANT!?!?!?!?
Ok, where was I......oh yes, D-Mac is being given airtime. He may still be jobbing now, but there's a plot behind it similar to MVP's, so I can only assume he'll win riiiiiiiiight when Teddy makes a Career-Threatening Match, beginning his long-overdue climb back up to the top he should STILL BE AT.
The end of SD was pretty crazy; not that I haven't seen that scenario happen before, but it was still crazy. Shame he's injured, bec\ause I still like Orton, despite his getting Cena-like booking, but this does help keep DBD & Barrett & anyone else available to flourish while he's away.