At 8/22/11 02:07 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote:
Christian's character owns Edge.
Bullshit. Edge proved his character drew, Christian has never proved the same thing. I get that he's your guy and you like him, but let's not let opinion get in the way of fact please.
And I think Christian's talk skills are 50 times better than Edge's ever were. Christian is just downright one of my top all time favorites.
Hey, great! You love the guy. I'm all for people liking who they like, and defending their dude. That's what the business is at it's best. But don't confuse opinion with fact. Edge is a bonafide headliner, a guy that is going to be remembered as a standout of the last decade. Christian may yet get there, but he's nowhere near Edge's level at this point, we're still waiting for him to really truly emerge, if he ever will. We've seen in both WWE and TNA before it, Christian on top isn't a big seller.
So you're going to be that ignorant and tell me that I'm impatient?
Well, maybe a little. Christian is coming off the losing end of a major program. I think it's somewhat understandable that they take a week off to try and reset him while setting up the new title program and working with whatever existing programs they have in place going towards the next PPV.
I'm saying that Smackdown sucked, mostly because Christian wasn't a part of it at all.
I think you have a right to your opinions, yes.
I'm also saying that I want Christian to stay World Heavyweight Champion because I love him.
Again, right to your opinions. Personally, I think he's gone way too far into the whiny weasel territory and it hurt my enjoyment of him and his last short run with the belt. If they took this week off so they could tweek his character and give him an opponent that will then put this new version over, I'm more then happy for their to be a "dead spot" in his usage for the greater good.
And Orton bores the fuck out of me.
I thought the SS match was fantastic and the most I've enjoyed Orton in forever. WWE would be better served to use him as a tweener, but this seems to be a role their uncomfortable having any character in for very long these days. I also think that like Cena, he should be moved away from the title scene unless it's to help establish a new player. He's dominated it way too much.